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"It isn't what you think," Valerie wrote. "I really don't need diapers, but the nurse is making me wear them. It's been crazy..."

She didn't get a response, which she told herself was because Stacy was probably in class, and potentially paying attention. She hadn't really expected one anyway, not right away... She'd hoped for one, for her friend to tell her she understood, and knew it must be something like that, but in reality, she'd known Stacy would likely need some time.

It was hardly ideal, since, after everything that had happened that day, Valerie was feeling pretty vulnerable, and childish, and helpless. Actually pooping her diaper, in front of somebody she respected so much, and at their command, and reducing herself to... She shuddered to think about it. It was crazy to think Summer did that all the time... Valerie intended to do everything she could to ensure this was the only time.

Since this was going to be her last time at high school before what should have been her graduation, most likely, she wished she could take the time to talk to Ms. Alvarez, clear everything up, hopefully stop this before it went any further. Unfortunately, class was in session, so, even if the teacher wanted to speak to her, Val couldn't get to her until that was over. She considered texting Stacy again to see if she would talk to Ms. Alvarez for her, but she thought it would be better to wait to ask any favors until she got a response to the first text.

So, with a bit of sadness, she headed down the now-empty halls to the principal's office, mentally saying goodbye to this place where she'd spent the last few years. She'd thought she'd have a little more time before she had to do that; she'd also assumed, when she did, it would be for good. Her stomach churned at the idea of experiencing high school again from the start, of suffering through freshman year another time... Would it be better, knowing there was a chance some of the upperclassmen would know her, and recognize her as the former president? Or would that make it worse? She had a bad feeling it would be the latter.

As anxious as the sight made her, she was grateful to see Nanny and Summer, diaper bulging so thick the snaps in the crotch of her shortalls looked ready to burst, waiting for her at the principal's office. She'd always been terrified of someone seeing her sister with her at school, but classes were going, so nobody was around, and even if they hadn't been, maybe Summer would distract everyone from the fact they'd seen Val run down the halls in a diaper and super-short skirt. If nothing else, their appearance meant Valerie didn't have to sit and think about what she was leaving behind as long.

"Come on," Nanny said curtly, holding out her hand. That wasn't a good sign... She hadn't made Valerie hold her hand in years. Val gulped, doing her best not to look the secretary in the eyes as she obeyed, following along beside Nanny, Summer on her other side, silently walking to the car. Nanny didn't insist on buckling her in, at least, or making her ride in the back seat, but the silence extending into the drive home was quite worrying.

Valerie wasn't about to be the one to break it, although she came close when she smelled a nasty odor emanating from the back seat, and realized Summer had messed herself. Normally, she'd tease her sister about it, or tell her to open the window at least... Now, after what she'd done, herself, she couldn't help squirming in her seat, in her own diaper, mind flashing back to what it had felt like to poop her pants, and bounce around in it, every bump the car hit making her wince as she re-lived it, knowing that was what Summer was experiencing now.

The next time anyone spoke, they were back home, Nanny keeping Valerie's door locked as she got Summer out of the car, then 'offering' her hand after unlocking it. She did let go of Val's hand, instead of Summer's, to unlock the front door, only to grab it again before the girl could run off. She let Valerie loose in the living room with a petrifying, "Stay here while I change Summer. We need to talk."

Valerie was well aware what that was code for... She was about to get another spanking. Tears stung her eyes as she nodded, watching Nanny lead Summer off, her sister smirking back at her. Valerie knew she should obey, that not doing so would make it worse... Yet, if she did, there was no way Nanny wouldn't find out about her diaper. She listened, waiting for the sound of Summer's door closing, then hurried down the hall, as quick, but quiet, as she could manage, shimmying out of her skirt and diaper, tossing the latter under her bed until she could shove it into Summer's diaper genie, glad she'd gotten a change so it wasn't used at all, and it could wait... Although, she'd still have to be sure she didn't forget, because it was clearly not one of Summer's diapers, and it would be hard to explain why it was there, if anyone saw it.

She paused at the mirror, turning and blushing as she saw how pink her backside was. That was going to be hard to explain, too... Maybe Nanny would get upset at Mr. Montgomery for daring to do that to her... Or maybe she'd ask what, exactly, Val had done to deserve it. Valerie wouldn't put it past her to call the principal and ask for the full story, to see if she'd left anything out... And she doubted he would leave what she'd done to earn a different diaper out of it.

All her searching through her panties for the cleanest pair that morning paid off once more, in case she was about to have them pulled down, and she grabbed the next best pair from her drawer to throw on under her skirt. She was almost to the door, preparing herself for the mad dash back to the living room, when it swung open.

"What did I ask you to do, young lady?" Nanny demanded, arms folded.

"I-I was just putting my backpack in here..." Val told her.

"That isn't what I asked," Nanny replied. "Besides, why do you need it? It's not like you have any homework, since you don't even go to that school anymore."

"I-It isn't my fault!" Valerie sniffled.

"I was happy to believe you the first time," Nanny said. "Now, though... I'm starting to think there may be more to it."

Her hand closed around Valerie's wrist, and the girl gave in, following her resignedly to the living room. If Nanny hadn't planned on spanking her in the first place, leaving when she'd been told specifically not to was enough to earn her one... Fighting back now would only make it longer, or worse in some other way.

Indeed, as soon as they were at their destination, Nanny sat down, yanking Valerie over her lap, the girl unable to bite back her squeal of surprise and fear. "I thought you were my good girl," Nanny spoke sadly, rubbing Val's backside. "You were shaping up to be such a good, responsible young woman... Maybe I've been taking it too easy on you."

"N-No, you haven't," Valerie shook her head. "You've done a great job, b-but..."

She yelped as Nanny gave her a hard whack, feeling almost as hard as the paddle Mr. Montgomery used. Valerie knew it wasn't, actually... The fact she was already sore didn't help matters, nor did the humiliation of it happening here, at her home, by someone who she'd seen primarily do this to Summer, who usually deserved it, didn't, either. "I don't want to hear your excuses, young lady," Nanny said sternly. "If I'd done that, you wouldn't be cheating, or making up stories trying to get other people in trouble."

"I-I told you!" Valerie wriggled, whimpering as Nanny whapped her bottom again. "I-It was a mix-up... A-And I didn't make anything up, she... Ow!" The next spank was the hardest yet, enough to bring genuine tears to her eyes.

"I know you told me that," Nanny replied. "That's why I'm so upset with you. When Mr. Montgomery told me you'd been demoted again, I confronted him, and said he must be mistaken, and he deserved to be fired for treating you this way with no proof... So he showed me your paper, and where you stole it from. Do you have any idea how humiliating that was?"

Val couldn't respond with anything more than a cry of pain as Nanny gave her throbbing rear another swat, but the tears in her eyes were no longer just from the pain. If only she'd stayed in the office and waited... Perhaps she could have stopped Nanny from talking to Mr. Montgomery, and she - and by extension, her parents - wouldn't have found out the truth. She'd had them on her side, believing the initial demotion was unjust... Now, she couldn't blame Nanny for siding with him this time, even though Hannah and Anita had been lying.

She'd wanted to handle it herself, but she'd still hoped, if she failed, her parents would find a way to reverse this, and get her back into the senior class - and, ideally, restore her presidency - before graduation. Now, they had no reason to try... And she was no longer attending the school where the accusation had come from, with no easy access to the person who had made it to see if she could convince her to show mercy.

Nanny, thankfully, did give her a little, letting up as soon as Valerie started to bawl, pulling her into a big hug. "I'm sorry I had to do that, Valerie," she told her. "But I'm also sorry for letting you down, and allowing you to get to a point where you deserved it. I'll be paying much closer attention to you again from now on."

Valerie wanted, for more reasons than one, to tell her she didn't have to do that, but, in the moment, she couldn't form any words through her tears. Nanny led her back to her room, and picked out a pair of PJs for her. "I'll let you change yourself," she said. "But I'm coming back in here in five minutes to tuck you in, and if you aren't ready by then, I'll take over."

"B-But..." Val sniffled, staring at the sun, still blazing brightly outside her window.

"Five minutes," Nanny repeated, stepping out of the room, shutting the door behind her.

Valerie sighed, rubbing her bottom for a moment. Two spankings in one day... Even with Nanny clearly taking it easy on her - no hairbrush, only her hand, and not on her bare bottom - she wasn't eager to repeat that anytime soon. The PJ shorts Nanny had picked out for her were just short enough to leave a little pink showing beneath them, and Val didn't dare switch them out for anything else. She put them on, then hurried to the bathroom to pee and brush her teeth.

It was there, staring at her puffy, tear-stained eyes, that she realized she had been wrong... She might not be in the same building as Ms. Alvarez, but that didn't mean she didn't have access to her. There was always Facebook, after all. She hurried back to her room and grabbed her phone, looking up the woman on the app. They weren't friends - she suspected, glancing at their mutual friends and seeing it was only teachers who didn't have this policy, and a few of Val's friends who had graduated in years past - Ms. Alvarez didn't accept requests from current students.

Of course, technically, Valerie was no longer her student, although she doubted her circumstances would qualify, especially if she wound up re-doing all of high school. She tried to add her as a friend anyway, then wrote out a quick message begging her to reply so they could talk, hoping both, together, would be enough to get her attention. Since they weren't friends, it would be simple for the message to slip by, unnoticed, even with the request, so she was was searching through their mutuals for someone that had graduated who she could ask a favor from, to see if they'd tell the teacher to check for what Val had written, when Nanny returned.

"Bedtime," she declared, snatching the phone away, tucking it into her pocket.

"Hey! I-I was..." Val pouted.

"You were going to bed," Nanny finished for her. "And if I hear any whining, I'm not giving it back in the morning." She pulled back the covers, giving the mattress a pat. "Come on, in you go."

Valerie stared at her, fresh tears starting to trickle down her cheeks as she struggled not to do anything that could be interpreted as complaining, barely stopping herself from stomping her foot. It was all so unfair... Not even Summer had to go to bed this early! "I'm hungry," she said at last. She'd skipped lunch, a decision that had clearly been a mistake for multiple reasons, and now she was being sent to bed without supper. No matter how important Nanny told her it was, or how many times she said it, Val had never been a huge breakfast person, but that was definitely going to change the next morning.

"That's part of the point," Nanny patted the mattress again. "I don't want to have to spank you again, Valerie." Val didn't want that, either, so, reluctantly, she climbed into bed and let Nanny drape the covers over her. "I'm not making this your new bedtime, because you should still be in school most days now... But things are going to change, and you will have a bedtime."

Valerie sighed; it had been years since Nanny had enforced a bedtime on her... Probably since she'd been in middle school the first time, although it was good to know Nanny didn't expect her to spend essentially the whole day in bed.

Except for today, of course. "I know you're not going to be able to sleep the whole time," Nanny admitted. "You can get up to use the bathroom, but if I think you're faking, and just getting out of bed so you can walk around and distract yourself, I'll put you in one of Summer's diapers, and you can stay in bed until tomorrow morning. I want you to use this time to think about what you've done."

"Yes, Nanny," Val shuddered at the thought of anyone here, in her own home, knowing she was diapered, despite how often it had been happening elsewhere lately. 

"Good girl," the woman smiled, bending over the kiss her on the forehead. She started to walk away, turning after a few steps, making Valerie freeze, terrified she'd made a mistake tossing her diaper under the bed, that Nanny had spotted it out of the corner of her eye, and was looking at it now, about to ask where it had come from. Instead, thankfully, after a long moment, she said, "Sweet dreams."

"Good night," Valerie snuggled under her covers as Nanny switched off the light and closed the door. Not all the way, though... Clearly, she intended to peek in when she was walking back and forth to Summer's room, to check if Val was still in bed.

Valerie sighed, turning her head away from the open door, which gave her a perfect view out her window instead, to the bright sunlight outside. Even when she'd had a bedtime, it had never been nearly this early... Perhaps she'd take a nap at this time, but always with the intention of getting up again before she went to sleep for the night. This time, there was no break, no playtime, or meals, or TV, or even her phone to keep her entertained... It was only her, tossing and turning restlessly, trying to find the most comfortable position for her paddled posterior, reliving the horrors of the day in her mind.

Maybe middle school wouldn't be that bad... Maybe, at the very least, getting away from Mr. Montgomery was what she needed. Something was definitely up with him... She'd never seen him act the way he had today, had never dreamed he could. It didn't matter how many complaints there had been about her, or how seriously he took 'lying' over bullying, which she hadn't even done... He'd reacted far harsher than any reasonable principal should have. 

Honestly, it, and the way Ms. Rowen treated her, and Dr. Inman, and her other teachers, and the seemingly shrinking skirt, were strange enough that, after what felt like hours of squirming in bed, with nothing else to occupy her, her mind couldn't help drifting to some weird places. She knew it was silly, and, any other time, she wouldn't have even taken it seriously enough to consider it longer than a moment... Now, however, when she wondered if maybe it was magic, she didn't dismiss it immediately.

She'd believed in magic once upon a time, of course... She'd been a kid then, though. She'd seen some things that seemed weird, and, back then, she would have sworn she saw words appear on the note out of nowhere, while she watched, and that she'd gotten actual powers from the ring that had come with it. The more time passed, the less certain she was that it hadn't just been her imagination, a game of make-believe that had grown out of hand... 

It might even have been a dream, to be honest. A vivid dream, unlike anything she'd had before or since, but a dream nonetheless, maybe a way for her mind to deal with the strangeness of her cool, older step-sister suddenly revealing that she liked diapers, and wanted to wear them full time from then on. It was fun, acting like she'd been behind it all, that she'd caused it somehow... But, obviously, that wasn't real. Val had simply been too young to understand it was a fetish, or what a fetish was.

Realizing all that hadn't stopped her from trying the ring again since then. More than once, she'd pulled it out of her jewelry box and tried it on, experimented with it... The last time, it had actually fit her, finally. It hadn't done anything, of course. How could it? It was a plain, simple, silver ring. It was definitely odd for someone to send it to her out of nowhere, and that was probably why, in her dreams, or games of make-believe, or whatever it had been, she'd attributed so much significance and power to it.

She wasn't even sure where it was anymore, or if she still had it. It had felt like actual silver to her then, but she didn't know any better... She'd kept it in her jewelry box with her other, more obviously fake, dress-up jewelry for a while, until she started to get more of the real stuff. Now, she didn't recall if she'd given or tossed it away with the majority of the tangled mess the plastic, kiddie things had turned into by then. A few of those things were in the bottom drawer of her jewelry box, saved from the trash or the grubby hands of the neighborhood children, for sentimental reasons... Was the ring one of them?

If she hadn't been terrified of what would happen if Nanny saw her out of bed, she would have gotten up to check, but the box was on her dresser, too far from the bed, and in the opposite direction of the door, so she could pretend she'd been on the way to the bathroom if she was spotted. 

It didn't really matter... It was just a ring, after all. Today, however, banished to her bed, she could suspend her disbelief long enough to wish she could get up and see if it was there, if there were any signs that, somehow, it had gone rogue, that the magic had soured after years of collecting dust... No matter how impossible she knew that was.

Eventually, she heard her parents arriving home, and had other things to think about. Was Nanny telling them what happened? Did she let them know she'd plagiarized that paper after all? Had she informed them she'd spanked her and sent her to bed, like a naughty little girl? Surely she'd told them she'd been demoted to middle school, at least, and that was more than enough... 

Her stomach growled as she smelled dinner being cooked, knowing none of it was for her, unless her mom took pity on her and let her 'get up' for long enough to eat... Although, avoiding the awkwardness of sitting there in her PJs, squirming in the dining room chair on her sore bottom, almost definitely getting lectured by all of them about accepting the consequences of her actions, was likely worth going hungry until the morning. And, when nobody came to fetch her to eat, she was pretty sure Nanny must have told them everything, which meant she was probably lucky her father didn't come in to add a third spanking to her day.

It took a long time, but, finally, after another tense trip to the bathroom, horrified at the thought of being caught and seen by anyone in the house, or that Nanny would consider it to be excessive, and tape her into a diaper, she drifted off, the sun still not quite set outside her window. Without the clock on her phone, she had no idea how late - or early, to be more accurate - it was, though she definitely hadn't heard Nanny put Summer to bed yet.

After the day she'd had, it was no surprise her dreams were chaotic, and revolved, largely, around diapers, and her being put into them in all sorts of humiliating places and situations. Waking up in panties was a huge relief, as was knowing, at the very least, she was getting away from Ms. Rowen at her new school. She could wear whatever she wanted under her clothes now, and not have to worry that they'd be checked, like she was some little kid who couldn't be trusted to keep her underwear clean.

So she didn't pay much attention at all which pair she grabbed from her drawer after her shower to go under her skinny jeans. She was in an even better mood a few minutes later when she saw Summer was already out of bed, allowing her to get rid of her diaper before chowing down on more breakfast than she'd normally eat in a week, then being led out the door and into Nanny's car.

It was better than the bus, at least, and she was still scared of how mad Nanny was at her, so she didn't complain. She was afraid the woman would want to walk her into the school, but she didn't, letting her go in by herself, stopping by the front office to find out who her new homeroom teacher was.

"You'll be with Mrs. Coster," the secretary told her, with a big, friendly smile that made Summer feel like, no matter how strange it had been to walk past all those other students, who had looked like actual children to her after so long in high school - and how big a blow to her ego it was, realizing how well she still blended in with them - this might not be so bad. "She's great... I think you'll have lots of fun with her! Now, Ms. Ross's office is right down this next hall, on the left, and..."

"I'm sorry," Valerie frowned. "Who is Ms. Ross?"

"She's the nurse," the secretary said. "Your old school transferred over all your records, so we know you need to check in with her for your... problem..."

"N-No, I don't..." Valerie blushed bright red. "I-I don't need..."

"You can go visit her on your own, or Mrs. Coster can take you," the woman's cheery voice changed, turning a little colder, more stern. "It's up to you, dear."

Val's heart thumped loudly all the way down the hall, wondering which panties she'd grabbed, how bad they were... She wanted to stop by a bathroom to check, to know what to prepare for, but, even though she would have sworn there was one near the entrance to the school, she didn't spot any. She'd probably been thinking of elementary school... At this point, they both felt like distant memories. She considered walking a bit further, positive there had to be a bathroom nearby, only to give up, not wanting a repeat of the day before, where Ms. Rowen had called her out on the PA.

"You must be Valerie," the nurse smiled at her. "Well, we both know why you're here... Why don't you go ahead and show me?"

Val sighed, nervously reaching down to unzip her pants with shaking hands. It was nice not to have the woman doing it for her, but... "Oh, no," Ms. Ross shook her head before she was even done. "That is... How old are you again?"

Valerie blushed, not answering - not needing to, knowing both of them were fully aware what the answer was - barely resisting when the nurse walked over, sliding her tight jeans down her legs, and giving the undies beneath a thorough inspection. "None of these stains are fresh, at least," she mused, "but I'm not sure that's any better."

She stepped away, leaving Val standing there, embarrassed, for a moment, pants around her knees, wondering if she was okay to pull them back up. "I'm sorry, dear," the nurse told her, turning around, the same kind of diaper Ms. Rowen had kept in her office in hand, "Can you be a good girl and get undressed and up on the table for me? Or do I need to do it all for you?"



The worst part about this story is having to wait a month to get more! Love the update <***HUGs***>


Love the humiliation of going back! So good