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Here's the community caption for this month. Pictures property of ABDreams!

"Do you need anything from the store? I'm taking Gabbi in a few minutes and... What are you wearing?!"

That was all the time it took for April's carefully constructed life to come tumbling down around her. She should have known better, really... She used to be better about paying attention, keeping an ear open, just in case, but it was so rare for anyone to burst into her room unannounced, at least now that she'd taught her step-sister not to, she'd gotten comfortable. Too comfortable, clearly. 

The answer to her step-mother's question was pretty obvious, yet, as April laid there, on her bed, she felt her head spinning, desperate to come up with a lie. She should try to hide it, she thought, though it was certainly too late for that. If her step-mother had seen enough to know something was strange about what she had on, there was no way she hadn't been able to tell what it was, especially after seeing the same things on Gabbi for so long.

She was probably lucky the woman had spotted them first, so her eyes were stuck on them, not moving upwards, seeing the doll April had been cuddling, or the picture book she'd been reading to herself - and to her doll, of course. She could maybe shove those under the pillow, if she needed to, or else she'd have a lot more explaining to do. For now, however, she needed to decide what to say about why she, a college student, was wearing a pair of Pull-Ups.

Her only comfort was knowing there was a good chance her step-mom wouldn't be familiar with the whole AB/DL world online, so her mind might not immediately jump to that. If April was being honest, she'd just say, "Because they're comfy, and cute, and I like them," although there was no way she was about to let those words pass her lips. She had a good relationship with the woman, and she was afraid this would spoil it, that she wouldn't understand it, and not feel comfortable leaving Gabbi alone with her if she heard that.

This was hardly the first time she'd stolen a Pull-Up from Gabbi's room... She'd been doing it for a while, actually, since the families had moved in together. She'd been able to squeeze into a couple of them, but it hadn't been a great fit, and she wore them very rarely before she accidentally tore them, or decided they weren't worth it. Gabbi had recently moved to the next size up, however, and now the things fit both of the girls perfectly.

April had, she was willing to admit, gone a little crazy since then. How could she resist?! They now truly were as comfortable as she'd always imagined them, and being in something made for a toddler, that looked very much like it was, did wonders for her little space... She'd been wearing them all around, to the movies, and school, and in her room, alone... She'd told herself she needed to slow down, or someone would notice the stock deplenishing more rapidly than usual, though apparently she should have been more concerned with listening for people getting close to her door.


April gulped, looking up at the woman again, realizing she still hadn't spoken. She hadn't come up with a good story, either, and the longer she took, the more whatever she said would look like a lie. She needed to do something... So, she opened her mouth, spouted out the first thing that came to mind, fueled by a lot of old stories she'd found on the Internet.

"I-I've been having some bedwetting problems lately," she blushed, hoping that would read as shame, rather than nerves. "I-I just thought... I-I didn't think she'd mind sharing, and..."

Her step-mother sat on the edge of her bed, giving her a chance to stash her toys away under the pillow. "Aww, I'm sorry, dear," she cooed, giving April a hug. "I know you've been under a lot of stress with college lately... Don't worry, we'll get it all taken care of."



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