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The first part of a new series of stories for Elizabeth. The second (and last, for this story, although there will probably be more one-off stories with these characters in the future) part should be up by the end of the month.

It was a day of new beginnings for Lizzie, so, in a way, she supposed it was appropriate that she was standing there, in her old bedroom, staring down at a waiting, pink diaper. She didn't have long, so she needed to hurry, but now that she'd gotten it out from where she'd had it tucked between her mattress and her box spring, she couldn't help having some second thoughts.

The only time she'd worn one in public before was at the movies, which she drove straight to, then hurried out the back exit of as soon as it was over, and went straight home afterwards. She'd been wearing them at home a little more often, though that was hardly an adequate preparation for what she was about to do now. Katelyn had insisted she spend more time in them, and Lizzie had been a good girl and done as she was told... Mostly.

One thing she had fibbed about was wearing them outside. "You're moving anyway," Katie had said. "If anyone notices, it won't really matter that much, will it?"

That was easy for her to say, Lizzie had thought; she wasn't the one who people were going to call 'diaper girl' behind her back if they spotted her padding while she was out for a walk around the block, or at the grocery store, or any of the other little chores the woman had assigned her to do. She was probably right that Lizzie shouldn't care, that she should get used to it, considering what her new life was going to be... But Lizzie wasn't there yet.

Today was a day of new beginnings, though. She could have driven away, then pulled off at a gas station or fast food place somewhere, and did this in the bathroom, or perhaps even been able to pull it off in the car, by the side of a lonely stretch of road, but Mommy had told her her to do it before she left, and it seemed like a bad idea to start this off with a lie.

She shifted in place, eyes darting towards her bedroom door. She'd told her friends she had to grab a couple small, last minute things she thought she'd left in her desk, so it shouldn't take long... She needed to get this over with. She'd worn a pair of sweatpants today, specifically to make it easier to hide, had filled her car up with gas the night before so she wouldn't have to stop and do that on the way... Since she'd be wearing her bathroom, unless something drastic happened, she shouldn't need to get out of the car again until she was at her destination. Only her friends would potentially see her, and only because they refused to leave until they could wave goodbye to her, despite her insisting they'd done all they could to help.

She'd miss them, of course, but they weren't going to be that far away. She could Facetime them whenever, and come visit them - although she'd hesitate to let them visit her at her new place, afraid of how Mommy would make her dress - now and then... They'd been what had made it tolerable to live here as long as she had, with her awful roommates, and an even worse landlord. They likely wouldn't judge her too much if they did spot her diaper; that didn't mean she wanted them to, however.

Finally, she convinced herself to kick off her shoes, slide her sweatpants down and off her feet, draping them across the bare bed. She pouted a little as she looked at her cute, cartoon-adorned, cotton panties, reminding herself she would have been mortified for her friends to see those, either, so diapers weren't that much of a change, really, then slipped out of them, too. They were so childish - which made sense, since she'd gotten them from the children's section - and cute... Mommy hadn't even asked her to buy them, she'd bought them before she'd ever met the woman. In a way, that proved she was just a big kid, she told herself, and she deserved to go back to diapers.

Part of her wondered if Mommy would make an exception, if she saw how adorable these were, would let her keep one pair of 'big girl' panties... The woman's instructions had been very clear, however, and she didn't want to start off on the wrong foot. Nor did she want to waste any more time by taking a picture, texting it to her, then waiting for a response, especially when she already had a good idea what it would be. They'd had this discussion multiple times, and it always ended the same way... Mommy would be happy to buy her more underwear, if she proved she deserved them, but, until then, she didn't want Lizzie to be tempted.

Maybe she could hide it somewhere... She could go get an old bread bag or something from the kitchen, put them in that, stuff them down in her purse... Katelyn was going to help her unpack, but would she check everything? Honestly, she might... And, like with her thoughts on putting on her diaper once she was on the road, she didn't want to start things off by trying to trick the woman, or slip something past her.

So, sadly, she dropped the panties into the garbage bag where she and her friends had been tossing all the things she didn't want to take with her, that weren't worth donating or giving away, which she'd intentionally 'forgot' to take out until now. Nervously, she grabbed an old, torn poster, moving it on top of the underwear, in case the top of the bag ripped or something, and tied the whole thing shut, her stomach clenching at the thought that she might not be seeing real undies again, at least not that were meant for her, for a very long time.

She sat down on the diaper, listening to it crinkling softly beneath her wiggling bottom. Katie had sent them to her, and they had been the first diapers - since Lizzie had been a baby anyway - she'd ever worn. Before then, she'd worn mostly Goodnites, which she'd bought when she actually started to need them at night, only to realize how much she liked them, how cute they were, even more than her kiddie panties. That was what had led her online, where she'd met the other woman, who had spent a lot of time teasing her over how she was certain the Goodnites were going to wind up leaking on her, and that a big baby like her needed something more substantial.

Lizzie had, of course, insisted she wasn't a baby, but she couldn't deny she was curious, so, eventually, after talking to Katelyn for a while, she got up the courage to give the woman her address. Days later, the package had shown up at her doorstep, thankfully when she'd been home alone, or else she'd have been terrified her roommates would open it, with no regard for who it was addressed to. The first time Lizzie had tried one on, she'd gotten hooked... And sad, knowing she wouldn't be able to afford any more of them once that package ran out. She could barely pay her rent, and she was trying to save up so she could go back to college; nice, expensive AB/DL diapers were out of the question.

Katelyn was very observant, and, despite Lizzie best efforts to hide her melancholy, she'd spotted it right away when the girl Facetimed her to show her how the diapers fit. It had all come out then, far more than Lizzie had ever intended to tell her, or anyone else, and Katie had gladly sat and listened to everything, patiently calming her down when necessary, letting her know it was all right, and she was there for her.

"You know," she'd said when it was over, "there's a good school near me, and I have more than enough room for a little girl like you... I'd be happy to let you stay here, and cover your tuition."

Lizzie had smiled, wiping her eyes. "That would be nice, huh?"

"No," Katelyn had shook her head. "I'm not joking. I mean it, Elizabeth..."

Lizzie had still assumed it was a nice gesture, something you said, but didn't truly mean, until, after a few more months of getting to know Katie better, the woman kept bringing it up, mentioning it anytime Lizzie complained about something her roommates had done, or how much she wished she could be in college. Finally, one night, Lizzie had responded with, "Are you sure?" instead of laughing it off, or musing over how great it would be.

"Yes," Katie had nodded. "Whenever you're ready, you are more than welcome. Of course, I do have a few rules..."


The biggest rule was obviously this, the one Lizzie was in the middle of enforcing on herself, as she carefully taped the diaper into place. Mommy always made fun of her for how crooked the tapes always were, telling her that was a sign she needed to be taken care of, since she couldn't handle it herself. Lizzie had gotten better, but she was constantly afraid, especially at night, when she had no control over what happened, she would wind up leaking because she didn't have it on right. That was, she reasoned, a decent justification for why she hadn't done everything her Mommy had asked her to in the lead up to this move, to prepare her for what her new life would be... She was also just a chicken sometimes, though.

"Well," she said to herself, staring down at the poofy, plastic garment around her waist, "I think that's good..."

She got to her feet, still new enough to real diapers to be shocked at how much it changed her stance, moving from her regular underwear to this, shaking her bottom a bit to make sure it didn't fall off immediately. As far as she could tell, it was secure... And she had no doubt her friends were getting restless by now.

She picked up her sweatpants, pulling them up, frowning at the sight of what seemed an obvious outline of the diaper's bulge beneath them in the mirror built into her closet door. Was she crazy? Could you really see it that much? She'd worn her diaper around the house in these pants more than once, and never noticed it before... Maybe she was being overly sensitive to it, since she was about to walk out in front of her friends now... Or, maybe, she had somehow missed it in the past, and her roommates all knew about her secret.

"Everything all right?"

Lizzie jumped at the sound of a soft tap on her door, signalling she had, indeed, taken too long getting changed, and that, bulge or not, it was too late to back out now. "Y-Yeah!" she called back, pulling her shoes on again and grabbing the garbage bag right as Julie pushed the door open. "We forgot this!" she chuckled nervously.

"Oh, let me get it," Julie offered, Lizzie snatching it away, perhaps a little too eagerly.

"Y-You've already done so much," she tried to explain. "The least I can do is take this out."

"I really don't mind," Julie told her, but Lizzie insisted. She was ready for whatever Katelyn threw at her, she thought; she'd been treated like a kid by her friends for most of her life. She was always the smallest, even when she wasn't the youngest... And she suspected, back in high school, her friends had found her Goodnites at a sleepover once, but they'd never said anything about it to her directly.

Now, though, her motive for not giving in to it was so she could hold the bag in front of herself - although, if there was a diaper bulge, there wasn't much she could do to hide the one on her bottom - and, if her friends heard any rustling of plastic, blame it on that. It only helped as she walked through her old house for the last time, however... It really would have looked strange if she hadn't dropped it off in the garbage can with the rest of the trash, waiting for the truck to come by, leaving her to toddle back to her packed car with no shield.

Her heart was thumping wildly as she said her goodbyes, drifting from person to person, praying they were all too caught up in the emotion of the moment to think about what she was wearing, or listen too closely for what sounded now like a thunderously loud crinkle coming from her crotch. She really wished she'd followed Mommy's instructions, done this before, so she knew what it was like... Now, she couldn't stop herself from worrying how she was going to walk across campus this way without having a heart attack, or make new friends when she was constantly terrified they knew she was diapered.

She could back out now... She'd have to go crawling back to her roommates, but she couldn't imagine they had anyone else lined up to live with them yet... They'd probably be glad to still have her around to take care of the cleaning, since none of them would do it, and to have an excuse to charge her an even higher percentage of the rent... It would be a struggle to afford it, though, if she really buckled down, surely she'd be able to pull it off...

"Hey," Julie gave her a little squeeze. "It's okay... This is for the best."

Lizzie nodded, wiping her eyes with a smile. Her friend was right; she hadn't told her everything about her arrangement, of course, but she knew the girl was right. This was exactly what she needed... And she did like her diapers, at least when she was home, by herself. She could get used to being in them all the time, if it meant having a chance to be with Katie, and go to school without having to worry about how she was going to pay for it.... Probably.

She slid into the driver's seat of her car, feeling the diaper compress slightly under her, reminding her, again, that this was her new life, that she was driving away from not only this house, and these friends, but, in a way, her adulthood. She squirmed in place, wishing she'd been better about following Mommy's instructions, since she'd only driven anywhere in her diaper a couple times, far less than the woman had wanted her to, and never as long a distance as she'd be going today. Katelyn's place wasn't that far away, really, though, compared to the five minute drive to the grocery store, it was an eternity. She nibbled on her bottom lip for a moment or two before rolling her window down and waving goodbye to her old life as she pulled away.

It wasn't until she passed that grocery store that she started to feel a sense of relief wash over her, along with a wave of nerves, and almost dread. She'd spoken to Katie many, many times, and she did think they were ready to take their relationship to the next level.... Moving in, however, was more like skipping a level or two. They hadn't even met in person; what if their chemistry didn't translate to the real world?

She wouldn't be any worse off than she was now, she told herself, and she had to try. She doubted anyone else would want to live with her roommates, or, if they did, they wouldn't last long... If she had to move back with them, her room would likely be open. Or, with some time away from them, she might be able to find somewhere else to live that she could afford... She'd need a new job, since Mommy wanted her to concentrate on school, even though Lizzie had offered to transfer, and pay a little for her room and board, but she could go anywhere and make as much as she had been there... Probably more.

She shook her head, and wriggled her bottom; she shouldn't go into this assuming it would fail. That was a good way to ensure it would... She ought to look on the bright side, and there was plenty of it to see. She was just too used to things going wrong.

As if on cue, almost as soon as she turned onto the highway and crested the first big hill, she saw a huge line of cars stretching on, at a complete standstill. "Oh, come on," she whined, bouncing in place, shaking her head. "Are you serious?"

The world, it seemed, was, indeed. There were back roads she could have taken, of course, and she'd even considered it, since the route was longer, and would give her time to think about what she was doing, but she'd opted to go the quickest way... She really wished she'd looked the route up again on her phone before she headed out, since this definitely would have shown up as a delay. She'd studied it so often, though, dreaming of today - and it was just a straight shot - she hadn't thought she'd need it until she got to Katelyn's town. She felt like a grown-up, being able to drive somewhere without being told the directions, considering she was notorious among her friends for getting lost easily, no matter how many times she'd been to wherever they were going... Usually, one of them would pick her up and take her so they wouldn't have to worry.

She sighed, glancing into her rearview mirror to see the line of people already behind her, trapping her there - not that she wanted to try backing up all the way to the exit anyway - sealing her fate. With the amount of cars in front of her, she guessed this had been going on for a while, so, hopefully, things would start moving again soon. All she had to do was wait...

The music she'd put on to bop around to, and try and take her mind off her boredom, was interrupted a couple minutes later by the chirp of her text notification. 'Hope you're getting close to ready,' Katelyn had sent. 'And I'd suggest not taking the highway, there was a big accident.'

"Shoot!" Lizzie rolled her eyes; how could she have forgotten to tell Katie she was leaving?! She'd asked, over and over, for her to call, or text, or message, or anything, her to let her know she was on the way, and, in the moment, she'd totally forgot.

'Too late,' she wrote back sheepishly. 'I guess this is what I get for not telling you I left.'

'Oh, Lizzie,' Katie responded, and the girl could practically see her shaking her head, like she did whenever Lizzie did something silly when they were on Facetime, or told her about something awful she'd let her boss, or her roommates, get away with. 'I'm glad you're on the way, at least.'

'Me, too,' she replied. 'I'll be there as soon as I can.'

Her bladder was small enough, she'd certainly expected to use her diaper before she got to Katie's house... She had a feeling Katie expected that, too, and would have been suspicious if she'd shown up dry. Now, that would definitely be the case... She hadn't anticipated she would have to wet this far into the journey. She was probably no more than fifteen miles away from home, and, after an hour or so of waiting, she was fidgeting all over her seat, her car filling with the sounds of her absurdly loud diaper, desperate to go.

That was her fault, though... She knew what she could, and was supposed, to do, it was simply hard to accept it. She felt way worse for everyone around her, who, likely, didn't have a diaper on. When she let go, at last, feeling the warm liquid rush out of her, soaking into the waiting padding, it was embarrassing, knowing there were people mere feet away from her, although she was pretty sure there was no way any of them could tell what she'd done, just looking in her windows, but she suspected they'd be jealous of her, more than anything. She managed a tiny grin, imagining herself walking from car to car, handing out diapers like a fairy, everyone thanking her, telling her how grateful they were... Then again, they also might be better at holding it in, and not be struggling at all, and laugh at her for thinking they were, and ask why she had so many big, fluffy, pink diapers.

With that out of the way, her mind quickly started to concentrate on other matters, such as the fact that, despite having bought donuts for her friends who had helped her out this morning, she had been too nervous to eat any herself. As her wet diaper began to cool off, become squishier, and a little less comfortable than the soothing warmth it had initially brought, she could hear her tummy grumbling beyond the rustling of plastic, and wished she'd taken the rest of the box with her, rather than leaving them behind for her friends.

'How are you doing?' Mommy asked, after what felt, to Lizzie, like another hour or two, although, checking the time on her phone, she saw it was closer to twenty minutes.

'Still here,' Lizzie shot back. 'And wet. And hungry.'

'Aww, poor baby,' Mommy replied. 'I was going to have lunch ready for you when you got here, but I think you're going to be late. We can have it for supper. You should stop at the next town, when you can get there. They have a McDonald's.'

Lizzie had a soft spot for McDonald's, even though she knew, of course, it was nowhere near the healthiest option. Far from it, in most cases... She had a lot of nice memories from her childhood there, getting Happy Meals and running around in the play place, and she'd told Katelyn about them; it was nice of the woman to remember. After this morning, Lizzie preferred to revel in her nostalgia, rather than worry about hunting down something good for her. Besides, she'd done enough physical labor with moving - and had more to do when she got to Katie's place - it wouldn't hurt to splurge.

'If you insist,' she giggled to herself as she typed it. 'What do you think I should get?'

It was probably a dangerous road to go down, when she still had no idea how long it would be before she could get there, so it was likely for the best that Katelyn said, 'You let Mommy worry about that,' instead of indulging her, letting her fantasize about chicken nuggets and strawberry milkshakes that she was potentially hours away from having.

'Okay,' Lizzie wrote, slightly confused. What did she mean by that? Was she going to meet her there? That would be a nice surprise, yes, if a bit pointless... They'd still have to drive separately back to Katelyn's house, since Lizzie couldn't leave all her things behind, and there was no telling how much longer this traffic jam was going to last. 'Mommy knows best.'

'Of course I do,' Katie's response came so quick it almost felt like she'd had it ready to go, like she'd known what Lizzie was going to say, like a real mother would. 'Can't wait for you to get here, sweetie.'


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