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April had been a little worried what that would mean, but, thankfully, it turned out to be as simple as her step-mom picking her up a package of Goodnites from the store. "Here you go," she smiled, handing them over. "I know they're still a little childish; I thought they'd be better than Pull-Ups, at least. And the adult ones all looked too big, and bulky..."

"Thank you," April smiled at her, fighting to hide her excitement. They weren't as cute as the Pull-Ups, either, but they were hers... She didn't have to sneak them out of Gabbi's room, or worry about using too many. She could wear as many as she wanted now. And they were still pretty immature, as her step-mother had said, although April saw that as a positive. There was no way someone her age would be caught dead wearing these things!

That must mean April wasn't really a grown-up, then, because she could hardly wait for the woman to get out of her room - though she wasn't about to take her up on her offer when she asked, "Do you need any help getting them on?" - so she could change into one. It fit very similarly to the Pull-Up, but it was definitely thicker, which made sense, seeing as it was made for older girls, not toddlers, so it had bigger accidents to try and contain.

It had been fun, with the Pull-Ups, to pretend she was a toddler, like Gabbi, maybe even the little sister between the two, but, with these, she immediately envisioned herself as an older girl, one who genuinely did have a betwetting problem, whose mean step-mommy had gotten sick of washing her sheets every day, and taken away her big girl panties. As much as she liked thinking of herself as a baby, this was a fun game, too, imagining herself having to wear these things all the time, constantly terrified she'd be caught by her friends, or classmates, coming home, sniffling, red-eyed, because she'd gotten teased...

Of course, she knew she couldn't really do that. They were hers, but, as she thought about it, she realized, unless she was going to go out and buy more herself, she still couldn't go through them too quickly, or her step-mom would probably get suspicious. There was still something special about unpacking them, however, stacking them up in her underwear drawer next to her real undies, imagining they were all she was going to be allowed to wear from then on. She could certainly buy that being the case, too, knowing how many pairs of her panties were stained from 'accidents', from before she'd started borrowing Pull-Ups. It was a good thing she handled her own laundry...

She'd been so happy, when footed sleepers started to become popular for girls her age, instead of just little kids, since it made it far less weird to ask for one last Christmas; as far as she knew, her dad and step-mom hadn't thought anything of it. She normally reserved it for particularly cold nights... Tonight was a special occasion, though, and climbing into it, zipping it up around her and her new padding, really sealed the deal, made her feel locked into her mental role of a punished schoolgirl as she curled up on her bed, pushing aside her covers, grabbing her favorite childhood blanket instead, cuddling up with it.

This was perfect, she thought to herself as she drifted off. And this was how she was going to get to go to bed from now on, at least until she put an end to this charade, and told her step-mother her bedwetting had ended... If she ever did.



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