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"You are so dead," Chloe glared, tugging her pants up as she stepped into the living room.

"What do you mean?" Brooke asked innocently, setting her suitcase down. "And what do you think you're wearing? Your Mommy is going to be mad at you..."

Chloe rolled her eyes. "Like I don't know her hiding spots... I just had to wait until she and your dad went back to work to get my stuff."

"She'll still be mad," Brooke shrugged.

"I'll change back before she gets home," Chloe told her. "I'm going to be back out of those stupid diapers before you know it, and by the time you get home for Christmas break, I'll have figured out exactly how I'm going to get my revenge... You aren't getting away with this. I know it's all your fault, and you are going to regret every bit of it!"

"Sure, sure," Brooke waved her off. "Have fun waddling around in your diapers until then."

"I told you!" Chloe stomped her foot. "I'm not wearing them!"

"Except when your Mommy is home," Brooke pointed out, snickering as she watched Chloe's cheeks redden. "Well, you have fun with all your scheming and plotting, little girl... I can't wait to see how it turns out."

Chloe grumbled, storming off to the living room, not even bothering to say goodbye. "See you later," Brooke called, picking her suitcase up again and heading into the hall. Instead of going to the front door, however, she stopped by the kitchen first. "I assume you heard all that?"

"Oh, definitely," the Nanny sighed and shook her head. "Your parents were right, she sounds like a real handful... But don't worry, I have plenty of experience. She'll think twice about taking her diaper off, much less sneaking into her mother's room and taking things that don't belong to her anymore once I'm done with her."

"Good," Brooke nodded. "It sounds like you're exactly what she needs. And has needed, for a long time."

The Nanny paused for a moment, her head tilting slightly as she stared at Brooke. "Was she right?" she asked finally. 

"About what?" Brooke frowned, confused.

"Was it your fault?" 

Brooke froze, swallowing before she could stop herself, knowing that only made her look guilty. "No," she denied it, trying to sound as sincere as possible. "I have no idea what she's talking about."

"Hmm," the woman nodded. Brooke couldn't tell if she'd bought it or not, just as, a moment later, when she said, "Well, you'd better get on your way. You have class this afternoon, don't you? I'll see you when you get back for your Christmas break," Brooke didn't know if it was a threat.

For the time being, though, she was happy to pause in the doorway of the living room, watching Chloe's shock at the sight of a stranger in her house, carrying a diaper, who was none too pleased at the sight of her wearing pants at all, much less with regular, big girl panties beneath them. Clearly, the woman knew Chloe deserved this, and was happy to participate in making it happen... Brooke could only hope that the Nanny didn't also believe Brooke might deserve some of that treatment herself. Christmas break was much longer than the one she got for Thanksgiving, after all...




Wow! Amazing work as usual! I'm intrigued by what might happen at Christmas.


Can't wait till Christmas break!