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 A multi-caption commission from Riley, to finish their commission from a couple months ago. All pictures are from, and the property of, Diapergal.

It was hard to believe, to accept, that, at her age, as a college student, she'd had a genuine accident, like some sort of toddler... On one hand, she was glad she'd been wearing the diaper, or she would have made a huge mess in front of the rest of the class, though, on the other, she would never have done it, had she not grown so used to wetting herself.

She knew she had to stop being so cavalier about it, or things were only going to get worse. She still had nine months to go, after all; and, after dealing with this for three, she didn't want to give up and get nothing for it. The bet was for a full year, and she was going to last the whole time, or else all that fear and paranoia would have been pointless.

Unfortunately, that first, three hour, class of the day wasn't getting any shorter. After that first accident, she became even more scared that someone had noticed her diaper, that they'd spotted her peeing herself, somehow, which made asking to go to the bathroom during it even scarier. She knew they were all adults, and hoped they'd be above teasing her... But she was terrified that, if she slipped away in the middle of the lecture, one of her classmates would ask where she was going, when she could just wet her pants again.

Now that she was worried about it, she began noticing it happening more... Or so she thought. Any dampness she might have previously attributed to sweat, she suspected was something more, that she'd dribbled into her padding without knowing. If she went into a class already wet, she tried to keep track of how saturated her diaper was going in, and almost always walked out, convinced she'd gone again at some point, like her bladder had taken the fact that it had already emptied itself into her pants as a license to keep doing it.

There was a chance her 'first' accident hadn't even truly been her first, that those little things had been occurring for weeks, without her realizing it. That thought spooked her even more, that perhaps it had taken less than three months to start losing control, whether it was true or not.

What was undeniably true was that having the safety net of a diaper at all times was affected her control, no matter how positive she'd been, when she made the bet, that it wouldn't. She'd had three hour classes before, and while, at times, it was a struggle, it wasn't until this one that she hadn't made it all the way through. There had been the full-on accident, of course, and those small ones that she hoped were sweat, thanks to an ancient air conditioning unit in the building the class was held in...

A couple weeks later, the urge to go hit her in the middle of class, just as strong as it usually was at the end, when she would generally let herself give in. She blushed, eyes darting around the room, wondering if her classmates were watching, whether she should wet her diaper, try to wait, or go to the bathroom and hope everyone on campus at that time of day was in class themselves. 

She racked her memory, hoping she'd done something differently that morning, drank more coffee, or forgotten to use the bathroom before heading to class, to explain why, today, it was happening so early, but there was nothing. She squirmed uncomfortably for a few minutes, until realizing how loud her diaper was - or sounded, at any rate, to her own ears - and, with freshly warmed cheeks, forced herself to sit still instead, thighs clamped as close together as they would get with the bulky diaper between them.

She kept watching the clock, trying to convince herself she could last it out, but, finally, she couldn't take it anymore. As quietly and carefully as she could, she slid out of her desk, standing up and making a bee-line for the door. "We're almost finished," the professor called after her. "I'm about to go over what will be on the final."

Riley winced; she could feel the attention of the whole class shifting to her, and knew she had to sit back down. 'Almost' meant half an hour, which normally, unless it was an emergency, she felt shouldn't have been that long to someone her age. Before all this, it wouldn't have been to her... And, while she would probably be able to get notes on what she missed from a classmate, she'd rather hear it herself.

She'd stood in the first place because her bladder was almost bursting, however, and that didn't change. Despite being positive the whole class was looking at her, she had no choice other than to wet herself, to relieve the pressure so she could actually concentrate on what the professor said. Other than that exam, when she'd used her diaper the first time - and then, she'd been sitting quietly, with the rest of the class focused on the test - she'd never intentionally gone during a class before... But go she did, her body taking over, soaking the padding thoroughly as she fidgeted, hoping nobody could hear the stream, glad they couldn't see the diaper swelling, growing warmer and wetter with every passing second, that they didn't know how utterly immature she was being, right in front of them.



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