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It was almost a pity Brooke hadn't gotten to do that... Chloe was fast asleep when she went in, although, from the smell, she knew even before pulling aside the covers that the plan had worked. When she unlocked the cuffs and took them off, the girl curled up, unconsciously starting to suck her thumb while her step-sister dropped the restraints back off in the closet, with Chloe's vibrator and other naughty devices, leaving the door open a crack. At the last moment, she decided to take out a couple more diapers, hiding them under the clothes strewn across the bottom of the closet, to make it look like Chloe had gone through more than the one she was wearing.

Of course, when she was found that way, Chloe insisted it wasn't her fault, that she'd been tied to the bed and couldn't make it to the bathroom. "Why do you even have diapers in the first place, then?" her mother had asked. "This has never happened before! I thought you only had a wetting problem..."

"I do!" Chloe whined, only to correct it to, "I-I mean, I don't even have that," quickly. "I don't know where these came from, I-I..."

She fell silent, cheeks darkening as her mom spotted the open closet door and gave it a tug, revealing the half-empty package of diapers sitting there. "No!" Chloe squealed, squirming on her bed, wrinkling her nose as the mushy mess in her diaper squelched beneath her. "I-I don't know where those came from!"

Brooke was fighting hard to act shocked as she watched from the doorway, pretending to have just woken up and come over to see what the fuss was about. As Chloe was dragged out of the room by her ear, her mother stopped, requesting, "Could you gather up her Goodnites for me, and take them out of her room? Obviously, she isn't big enough for those yet," before pulling the whimpering, struggling girl into the bathroom to clean her up.

Brooke was more than happy to help out, clearing away the Goodnites and filling the girl's underwear drawer with diapers, being sure to grab the ones she'd hidden under the girl's clothes, since, outside of the package, she doubted anyone would bother to count them. She took long enough so she was still around when Chloe was marched back into the room, helpfully handing her step-mother a diaper to tape the other young woman into, and a shirt to go over it.

"And what, exactly, is all this?" Chloe's mother demanded, once her daughter was padded up again, starting to dig through the stash in her closet, gingerly holding up a vibrator. 

"I-I don't know..." Chloe squirmed, her diaper rustling loudly beneath her.

"Well, maybe this is why you dreamed about being tied up last night," her mom said as she found the cuffs. "Is this what you and your boyfriend do?" Chloe blushed. "I knew he was a bad influence... Were the diapers his idea, too?"

Brooke could see Chloe thinking, weighing her options before nodding. "Y-Yeah..."

It was the wrong answer. "Oh, really? Then why did you poop them last night, young lady? Do you really expect me to believe you don't need them? Maybe I was wrong... Maybe you're the bad influence on him, and you're just a bad, naughty little girl who needs much more discipline in her life. Brooke."

Brooke glanced up, surprised to hear her name. For a moment, she worried she'd made a mistake, had left some clue that revealed she set this all up. "You babysit, right? How would you discipline a child like this?" Brooke looked at her step-sister, sitting there in her diaper, staring up at her, silently begging her to be merciful. Since this had all been her fault, she probably should have been, too, should have taken it easy on the poor girl...

"I'd never use it on one of my kids," Brooke said, "but for someone her age, I think the only thing that will get through to her is a nice, long, hard spanking."

"That's a great idea," her step-mother agreed. "Would you care to do the honors?"



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