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A multi-caption commission for Ryan. Pictures property of ABDreams!

When Hugo got the notification on his phone, he didn't think anything about it at first. He recognized the name, of course, but it didn't quite connect at first glance, not in the way it should have. It had been a few years since he'd seen her, after all, so he'd not realized it was her, and he'd been sitting in the cafeteria, chatting with his friends, so he hadn't bothered to open it right away.

As he continued to chat, however, it began to sink in, exactly what he'd seen. He knew a couple Abbys at this point, so, at the sight of the name, he'd assumed it was one of them. But, no, come to think of it, the last name had started with a different letter than any of the Abbys who shared classes with him had... Of course, there was one other Abby...

He pulled the phone back out of his pocket, checking his notifications again, his heart beating a little faster as he saw he'd been correct. This wasn't an Abby from college; it was the one from back home, his best friend's older sister. She was a few years older, and he hadn't seen her since she'd gone off to college herself, but seeing - and recognizing - her name instantly brought her back to his mind's eye, and, when he opened the message, the face peeking out from her profile picture looked every bit as hot as he remembered, probably even more.

He'd always had a huge crush on her, although he'd been enough younger that he'd never gotten up the courage to do anything about it, no matter how much he would have liked to. He tried not to get his hopes too high, assuming she was still a few states away, where she'd been for school, so there likely wasn't a big chance of anything happening now, either... Probably, she'd just seen some meme that reminded her of him, or something, and decided to send it to him rather than posting it on his wall.

He still excused himself back to his room, under the guise of homework, before opening it, though. And, when he did, there was no funny picture, but a block of text, telling him she'd happened to notice he was a mutual friend on Facebook with someone she'd just met, and that, by looking into it, she'd realized the school he'd ended up at was relatively close to the house she'd moved to not that long ago.

"Thought you might want to come over sometime," she'd ended her message. "Relive some old times."

He was glad he'd held off on opening it, because, once he had, he couldn't resist shooting back a reply as quickly as he could, and this at least made him look a bit less desperate. He wrote back that, sure, maybe he'd be able to find some time to go over to her place and hang out, although, when she replied with options, he made certain to pick the nearest one.

As he drove over to her place that day, his heart was pounding. He knew that, probably, nothing was going to happen, but, at the same time, this felt like a dream come true, a shot at finally getting to do something about that long-standing crush. He didn't want to go too fast, or push too much if that wasn't what this was about, though hopefully, if it wasn't, he could lay a little groundwork so that maybe it would be, someday.

She'd told him to come right in, so, after double checking to ensure he was at the correct place, he did, knocking lightly, then pulling the door open. "Abby?" he called, looking around. "Are you here?"

"Yeah!" a voice called from down the hallway. "I'm down this way! The last door on the right!"

Again, he fought to keep his hopes and expectations in check, yet it was difficult not to picture Abby waiting on her bed for him in some sexy lingerie, ready to tell him how nicely he'd grown up, how she'd been hoping for this for years, too. He was, partially, right, too. What she was sitting on could be described as a bed, technically, and she was definitely looking quite hot in her mostly see-through nightie.

"There you are, Hugo," she giggled, smiling at him as he walked in. "Are you ready to have some fun?"



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