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It was a surprise, although not as huge as it could have been. He definitely hadn't expected it, that was for sure, and it had happened long enough ago that his memories of it were pretty fuzzy and vague, but he knew he'd been here before. 

It had been back when her parents still had her brother's nursery set up in the spare room, for when the younger cousins came over to visit.... She was always the babysitter, and, sometimes, she'd tease him and her brother that she was their babysitter, too, despite the age difference between them not being quite as dramatic as the one between her and her cousins.

But there were times when it went beyond teasing... Times when her brother was in the shower, or was being taken off to baseball practice, and Hugo was still waiting for his parents to pick him up and take him home. Usually, he'd be hanging out in his friend's bedroom, or the living room, and hear her clearing her throat from the doorway.

"Come on," she'd demand. "We're playing house."

It wasn't a question, or a request; it was something that was happening, whether he liked it or not. Really, even though playing house was kinda girly, he didn't mind too much, since it meant spending some time with Abby, alone. It was mostly Abby marvelling at which pieces of baby furniture he could fit into still, and bossing him around.

This, on the other hand... This was a whole other level. The baby furniture they'd kept was older, having been through two kids, and, as the cousins outgrew it, it would vanish, donated or sold to some other family. It also had never been a full-fledged nursery, since it was only occasionally used, and they wanted it to be a regular guest bedroom once the kids were all grown up.

There was no mistaking that was what this room was. All the baby furniture an infant could have possibly needed was there, but sized up, as evidenced by Abby fitting so easily and comfortably in the crib. There were far more baby toys than had ever been in the old room, too, since that had been mostly populated by what the cousins left behind, by accident, and a few old things Abby and her brother hadn't been ready to get rid of yet, though they also didn't want to have in their own rooms, for fear of a friend spotting them.

And, on the changing table, stacked up high, were row after row of diapers. There was even a package of them, unopened, sitting in the crib, next to Abby. He hadn't had any reason to look at those for a very long time, but it was still undeniable... What else could they be? In Abby's parents' house, there had only been a few of those at any one time, left behind in case a diaper bag wasn't properly restocked before a visit from the cousins. 

Abby had never used any of them on him... Hugo had to admit, there had been times when he wondered if that was only because of how low the stock always was, so that even a single one missing might be easily noticed. It wasn't that he wanted her to do it, to take away his big boy undies and put him into a diaper... But he'd be lying if he claimed he'd never felt a twinge of curiosity as to what that would be like.



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