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Valerie gulped, hands tugging anxiously at her shirt; if anyone knew what the waistband of a Pull-Up looked like, or could spot the bulge of one under a pair of shorts, it was Nanny. As much as Valerie hadn't wanted any of her classmates, or friends, to see her in the awful things, that would be nothing compared to this woman noticing them...

"Wh-What are you doing here?" Val asked.

"Why don't you answer my question first?" Nanny countered, easily - and expectedly - defeating Valerie's attempt to get her to somehow forget about that.

"It's complicated," Valerie whined, glancing over at the secretary nervously, not wanting to make up a lie in front of her, in case she had heard the truth. Stories like that tended to spread throughout the faculty very quickly, even faster than they made their way through the student population. She knew she had to say something, though. "I got a new locker, and there was a little incident, so this is what the nurse had for me to borrow."

She squirmed, feeling Nanny's eyes on her, examining her, making Val pull at her shirt even harder. "I-I got ready for gym, but my regular clothes were in my locker, and I forgot the combination. And I was all sweaty, so I had to wear something else for the rest of the day..."

"Mmm," Nanny nodded, although, whether she bought it or not, it was hard to tell. "For as smart as you are, you can be quite silly sometimes, little one." She patted Val on the head, standing up. "Come on, let's get going."

"Wh-What? Where?" Valerie frowned. "I-I need to talk to Ms. Alvarez, and Stacy already said she'd give me a ride home, and..."

"You have your appointment, dear," Nanny said. "Did you forget that, too?"

"Appointment?" Valerie shook her head. She knew Nanny had been taking Summer to the doctor that morning, but she didn't remember having anything herself. "I-I don't..."

"That's what I'm here for," Nanny smiled, putting a hand on Valerie's shoulder and escorting her out the door. "Silly girl. I was a bit cross you didn't remind me, though I guess I can hardly expect you to do that when you forgot, too. It's a good thing I had it written down in my calendar, and that your father was home early today to look after Summer."

Valerie still had no memory of any sort of appointment today, but she knew Nanny liked to make appointments for herself and the two girls on the same day, to get them out of the way, so it made sense that she would have one. And, with everything going on, it wasn't out of the question that she could have forgotten. "Are we going to the optometrist?" she guessed. It would be a strange coincidence, her contacts not working correctly the very day she was going to go have her eyes checked, anyway, though it would also be convenient.

"No, but you're close," Nanny told her, opening the car door and letting Valerie climb in before shutting it. As she was walking around the car, Val quickly buckled herself in, fidgeting and adjusting herself, ensuring, as best she could, that no part of her trainers were showing. She had no idea how long they were going to be in the car, and she didn't want to give Nanny any chance to discover what she had on.

As Nanny got in herself, and turned on the car, Val thought to pull out her phone to send a text to Stacy. "Sorry, had to leave early," she wrote. "Don't need a ride after all, but thanks!"

After a few moments, while Val was preparing to ask what her appointment was for, then, if it wasn't to have her vision looked at, her phone chimed. "Yeah, heard the announcement," Stacy had responded. "Everything okay? You didn't get demoted again, did you? :P"

Valerie blushed at the very idea of that; there wasn't much further back she could go, not without moving back to middle school. This whole thing was crazy enough as it was... There was no way Mr. Montgomery would involve another school in it, too! ":P It's fine," she typed back. "I forgot I had a doctor's appointment today, so I have to go take care of that."

"K, cool," Stacy replied a couple seconds later, following it up with, "Hope it goes well! See you tomorrow!"

Valerie hoped that was true... After the way her friend had acted at lunch, she'd been a little afraid she didn't want to be seen with her. Maybe Stacy had just been freaked out by everything, seeing that her best friend was no longer in the same grade as her... Or perhaps the outfit had been too much. It definitely was for Val... She was glad she'd be back in her own clothes the next day, and, especially, out of Pull-Ups.

By the time she'd finished her conversation, and thinking about what had happened at lunch, Nanny was already pulling into a parking lot, which told her it wasn't her regular doctor, either, since her office was much further away. In fact, she wasn't sure where she could possibly be until she peered up from her phone, eyes widening when she saw a place she hadn't been for years.

"Wh-Why are we here?!" she squeaked, wiggling down in her seat without thinking, and having to look down to make sure she hadn't exposed anything.

"Oh, calm down," Nanny shook her head. "It won't be that bad. Now, can you go check yourself in, or do I need to go in with you?"

Valerie sighed, staring at the ominous building waiting there, in front of her. She didn't want to go in at all, but she forced herself to chill out a little and try to think straight. She had to be here for a check-up, nothing more... There was no other reason to be back. It would surely be quick and painless, and no big deal...

"Val?" Nanny asked again. "I can come in if you need me to, dear, I don't mind... I need to run to the grocery store, but we can do that after."

"N-No, I'm okay," Valerie insisted, unbuckling the seatbelt and opening her door, then awkwardly sliding off her seat, trying to get out of the car without showing off her training panties to Nanny, who was staring at her. "See you later!" she waved nervously, slamming the door and trudging for the entrance. Nanny stayed there, waiting and watching, until Valerie stepped into the door, as evidenced by the few times, during the short trip, Val glanced behind herself.

She'd been in the office many times before, but it was still every bit as intimidating now as it ever had been, even now that she was mostly done with this place. There were, as always, what looked like a huge line of people waiting on the benches, although she knew they were probably mostly parents and siblings of the actual patients, being worked on the next room over.

She grabbed the sign-in sheet, heart fluttering as she signed her name to it, the memories of all the times in the past she'd done that rushing back. Usually, Nanny would hand the clipboard to her, but the woman wasn't there today... It shouldn't have bothered her, since that showed she was older now, more mature, that she didn't need anyone else with her, though it made the waiting room feel even bigger and more crowded than usual.

That didn't turn out to matter much, however. She didn't even have the chance to set the clipboard down, as one of the receptionists took it from her as she started to put it on the counter. "There you are, Valerie," she smiled. "We've been waiting for you. Come on back."

"O-Okay," Val nodded, following the woman past the divider, into the next room, filled with rows of dental chairs, holding kids with their mouths held open as their braces were adjusted. She shivered, remembering what that had felt like, how sore she'd always been after getting the wires tightened... It was so nice to be finished with all that.

She wasn't led to one of the empty chairs, however; the receptionist took her to one of the more private offices. She'd only been in there a couple times, mostly when the orthodontist was taking X-Rays, or making molds, to decide exactly what she needed for her treatment... While she'd always hated sitting out on the floor, where everyone could see her, this place was almost worse. She felt as if she'd been so young when she was in there last, so scared about starting the whole process, especially after seeing all those other kids in the main room...

"Go ahead and sit down," the receptionist gestured to the chair. "He'll be right with you."

Valerie nodded, shuffling over to the single dental chair in the middle of the room, which, somehow, managed to look far scarier than the ones she'd just passed, despite knowing they were the same. Gingerly, she sat, blushing as she felt the protective paper covering the seat brush against her bare legs, reminding her of her time on the exam table earlier that day, making her shiver, the feeling of the Pull-Ups padding against her freshly-shaved crotch almost amplified at the memory.

"I have to get out of this thing," she shook her head. It had been nerve-racking enough on that short drive over here - not to mention, of course, the majority of the school day. The drive home was much longer, trapped in a car with someone that, unlike a lot of her classmates, she knew, without a doubt, would recognize them at the slightest glimpse. And then, even once she was home, she'd have to find a way to get rid of them...

As much as she hated the idea of going commando, it was her best option right now. This check-up wouldn't take long, surely, since she'd gotten right in, and then she only had to ride back home, and she could change. There was a trash can on the other side of the room... The orthodontist would probably find it strange to have a Pull-Up suddenly appear in there, but, unless he looked at it after every patient for some reason, he might not know it was from her.

She waited a couple extra seconds, making sure she wasn't about to be walking in on, then spun so that her legs were hanging off the side of the chair, and unbuttoned her shorts. She'd just started sliding them down when, of course, the door swung wide open. She gasped, trying to tug them back into place, only to be distracted by who she saw coming in.

The orthodontist's office was run by a father and son team; it had been the father who had done her braces, and, while he was nice enough, it had been hard not to take notice of the son... He was, obviously, much younger, not all that much older than Valerie, and hotter, and she couldn't deny that he'd made some guest appearances in a few of her dreams in the past.

"Are you really that scared?" he chuckled, stepping in and shutting the door behind himself while Valerie struggled with her shorts. "I promise, it won't be so bad."

"N-No!" Val turned bright red, having more difficulty the more she thought about him seeing her this way. "I-It isn't what you think, I..."

She swallowed as he stepped closer, gently brushing her hand aside, giving him a perfect look at the front of the trainers, his fingers touching them slightly, making her blush ever deeper. "No, they are," he told her. "Those are exactly what my daughter wears... And I think she might have this shirt, too."

Valerie wanted to sink through the floor; she knew now she didn't really have a chance with him, no matter what her younger self had hoped, but this certainly sealed the deal. She couldn't bear to look at him, which turned out to be a mistake, since it gave her very little warning when he took out his phone and snapped a picture.

"She'll be so excited to see she's twins with one of my patients, especially one of my older ones," he smiled.

"Hey!" she blushed at the idea of him having a photo of her in, essentially, her underwear, although she tried to convince herself he'd only gotten her shirt, and that was all he'd be showing off. Without seeing the phone, she had no way of knowing for sure. "I-I don't..."

"Are you warm?" he asked. "Is that what you were doing? You can take your shorts off if you want... My daughter runs around like that sometimes, still, so it doesn't bother me."

"N-No, I'm fine," Val insisted, hating this comparison to his daughter more and more every time. Thankfully, he turned away, giving her a chance to readjust her shorts and get them zipped and buttoned up, although, now that he knew what was under them, it hardly seemed to make much of a difference. She scooted back into the correct position on the seat, settling back and trying to forget about what had just happened.

"Open wide!" he called, and, obediently, she did as she'd been told, assuming he was simply getting his gloves on to perform her check-up, so she could get out of here and put it all out of her mind.

When he turned back, however, he was carrying a pair of things she was very familiar with. She'd only had to have them used twice, before her braces, and after, but that had been more than enough for it to be her least favorite part of the whole experience. "Nooo," she whined, squirming unhappily in her seat as she watched them come closer and closer...

"It'll be all right, he promised. "They only have to stay in for a minute..."

"But I already..." she began to protest, gasping as he reached in, sliding the first mold into her mouth, pressing it against her upper teeth. She mumbled desperately, gagging at the feeling of the putty-like goo filling her mouth. He followed it up with the second, pushing it down onto her lower teeth. She couldn't recall if, before, they'd been done at the same time; it hardly mattered, since even one was bad enough to her.

She tried to speak, only for the molds to clack against each other, earning her a stern look from Dr. Inman. Her eyes darted over towards the clock she knew was on the wall, but her eyesight failed her once again, keeping her from being able to make out where the hands were, to know how much longer she had. She was sure she could feel the stuff hardening, although that didn't do much to make it more palatable.

There had to be a mistake... Why would he need another set of molds now?! She shook her head, wanting to explain that to him, finally reaching up, in desperation. She didn't even manage to grab one of them before her hand was snatched away, pulled down by the side of the dental chair by Dr. Inman, then, to her shock, restrained there, a soft, but strong, cuff wrapped around her wrist. She'd never seen that there, almost would have sworn that, as awful and scary as the orthodontist's office was, they wouldn't have anything like that...

Then again, there had to be some way to deal with the rowdier patients, the one who really didn't want braces, despite how much they needed them. She wasn't one of those, of course, but, in the moment, she felt like it, as he grabbed her other wrist and repeated the process, strapping her down to the chair, unable to escape the soft, disgusting putty in her mouth.

"Doctor?" The door opened again, one of the receptionists peeking in. "We need you."

Valerie's eyes widened, and she shook her head as she watched him nod, turning back to her briefly. She wanted to beg him to take out the molds first, but, instead, he swore, "I'll be right back."

She groaned, struggling against the cuffs holding her to the chair, keeping her from ripping the things out of her mouth herself. It was impossible for her to know how long she'd been there, or how long he was gone, but she was certain she'd lasted at least a minute before he'd even left. 

It didn't taste any better, but the putty was definitely harder now. If anything, it almost felt too hard. She burbled helplessly, clacking the two molds together, wincing, positive she could feel the stuff pushing against her teeth. She knew it was harmless, since it was used in the mouths of kids, yet it was hard to remind herself of that fact as she sat there, whimpering.

After what felt like an hour, at the very least, Dr. Inman stepped back through the door, chuckling to himself. "Sorry about that," he told her, wiping his mouth with a napkin and tossing it into the trash can as he passed by. "One of my patients had their birthday today, and his mother brought cupcakes for the office."

Valerie's eyes flashed with anger. Not only had he left her like this, it hadn't even been for anything important! It was probably a good thing she couldn't speak, or she would have said some things that could have landed her in big trouble, if they were reported to her parents, or, even worse, Nanny. 

"Let's get those out," the orthodontist said, pulling on a fresh pair of gloves and strolling back to her, reaching in and extracting them, one after another. "Just as I thought," he nodded, peering into them. "You see?" he showed her one of them, her stomach churning as she saw the impression of the crooked smile she'd had years ago, before enduring her braces. If she hadn't seen him take them out, if she hadn't gone through the torture of feeling the goo slowly set in her mouth, she would have thought he'd, somehow, pulled out the ones he'd made at the start of the whole process. After the amount her father had paid for her braces, he was not going to be happy about this... 

Although, obviously, Val was none too pleased herself. She could never understand why kids teased other kids about braces, when they were something so many people had to get, but it had definitely happened to her. Along with the glasses she'd worn back then, she'd looked very much like the stereotypical nerd, and her classmates had made sure never to let her forget that. The only thing that had made it better was knowing, once she finished, she'd be done with all this forever... Except, now, somehow, he'd screwed it all up again!

"This is your fault!" she fumed, glaring at him. "You left me here with that stuff in my mouth, and... mmph!" Her tirade was cut short as he pushed a retractor into her mouth, pushing her lips open and apart, exposing her teeth so that he could sit next to her and begin spraying them down with water, cleaning them off. Any time she tried to mumble a new response, he'd pick up the scaler again, a fresh burst of water filling her mouth and shutting her up.

She was still incredibly upset over this, but she knew it had to be almost over. He'd have to use the impressions to make a model of her teeth, and work out how to proceed with her braces; by then, hopefully she'd have found a new orthodontist, one who wouldn't treat her so carelessly, and who didn't know about her Pull-Ups. Maybe her parents would have even sued Dr. Inman already, and made him lose his whole practice. This entire thing was ridiculous, to say the least... 

It didn't help that hearing all that water flowing, and having some of it trickle down her throat inadvertently, before he could have her spit it out, was reminding her of how long it had been since she'd used the bathroom. Without being able to see the clock, she didn't know the exact time, of course, but she'd been holding it through her last class, expecting to have the chance to go when there were fewer people around to see her Pull-Up under the stall walls, and before she went to visit Ms. Alvarez.

Then, when he was finished with the cleaning, he began to dry her teeth off, as one of his assistants came in, carrying a tray of metal pieces and wires that she very much recognized, although, until they were set down on the table next to the doctor, she refused to believe could be for her.

He set the scaler back into its holder, giving her a chance to burble, "What are you doing?" before he pushed some cotton swabs into her cheeks, to soak up any extra saliva she might produce during the next part.

"What you came here to have done," he chuckled. "We're putting your braces on today."

"What?!" Valerie shook her head desperately, and, with a nod from Dr. Inman, the assistant stepped around behind her, adjusting the headrest to raise the sides, holding her firmly in place, staring up at the orthodontist. "N-No, I..."

She shivered as he dabbed the first bit of glue onto her teeth, remembering the disgusting taste of it, even worse than the putty from the mold. This couldn't be happening... He was acting like this was normal, like he'd intended to do this today, but her teeth hadn't even been messed up until she'd come in... Had he gotten mixed up, somehow? Maybe since he hadn't been her orthodontist originally, he'd looked at her paperwork wrong, and thought she actually was here to have her braces installed, only for his negligence to prove she needed them again?

She tried to explain, but it was nearly impossible to speak, and, when she could move her mouth, she just wound up brushing against the glue, making her gag. She could also feel the metal bumps slowly spreading across her teeth, reminding her anew of how terrible they were, how hard it had been to get used to them... She tugged at the cuffs, wishing she could push him away, force him to stop, although, at this point, that wouldn't make too much of a difference. 

Part of her hoped Nanny would wonder what was taking so long, come in, and rescue her. She couldn't look down to see how well her shorts were covering her Pull-Ups, but even if she was caught in them, she wouldn't mind if it got her out of here. The longer it went on, the more full her bladder got, and all her squirming in the chair didn't help at all. She was pretty sure she remembered to process taking a couple hours the first time around, and, from the amount of time it was taking for him to get each bracket positioned, that seemed about right...

It also meant that there was no way she could make it through without her bladder bursting. It had been feeling full before the cleaning, and that had made it worse... There was no way she could last this whole, seemingly endless, process. She couldn't use her hands to try and signal she needed to get up, and she couldn't speak well enough to make him understand. Finally, she felt like she had no choice, and, with a blush, let go, wiggling her bottom as she felt the padding grow warm and squishy beneath her as she peed her pants right below the man she'd had a crush on for so long.

The wire was, of course, the worst part. The brackets took longer, but she winced as she heard the squeal of metal as the wire was pushed into place, then again as Dr. Inman tightened it. Since her hands were tied down, she didn't even get to pick out her own rubber band color, getting stuck with a girly, sparkly pink pair. He held up a mirror, to let her see herself, and, sure enough, the reflection proved she hadn't been hallucinating the last couple hours, that she was, indeed, back in braces.

Thankfully, he let his assistant leave before turning to her with a grin. "Well, then," he asked, "How did it go? Did you make it through without an accident?"

Without the spreader, and the cotton, she could speak again, although with her sore teeth, the unfamiliar sensation of the brackets brushing against her gums, and the rubber bands keeping her jaw from moving as freely as she was used to, it was still something of a challenge. "Y-Yes!" she answered, cheeks pink, making it all too easy for him to tell she was lying.

"Oh, really?" he raised an eyebrow, reaching down to unbutton her shorts. 

"No!" she squealed, squirming in place. "D-Don't, I..."

But it was too late. He already had them unzipped, revealing the sodden garment below. "Oh, wow," he shook his head. "This isn't some little accident, either... You really soaked them! You're lucky you didn't leak!"

She was too mortified to reply, though she did make a token attempt to wriggle away as he slid her shorts further down her legs. "Don't worry," he told her. "I have some spares from my daughter... I'll get you all cleaned up."

"No!" she repeated, even more desperate. So many people had already seen her naked today, far more than she was comfortable with... He was one of the last she wanted to add to that list.

Unfortunately, he didn't pay her any attention. He stepped into his office, leaving her there, Pull-Up out, exposed for anyone that might open the door, only to return a few moments later with some baby wipes, powder, and what was very much not a fresh pair of training pants.

"Well, I thought I had some," he shrugged. "I must have used the last one when she visited here the other day. Don't worry, though... You ought to fit into these, too."

"No!" she insisted yet again, stomach churning at the sight of what was, unmistakably, a Pamper sitting in his hand. It had been bad enough wearing Pull-Ups, and trying to keep those hidden... She was not about to let herself be put into a baby diaper! "I'll just wear this until I get home!"

"I wouldn't want you to leak all over the car," he told her, as if he was doing her a favor as he reached up, ripping the sides of her Pull-Up and slipping it out from under her, setting it aside as he wiped her clean with some cool baby wipes, making her shiver at their - and his - touch.

"I-I don't have to wear anything..." she gulped, since the Pull-Up was obviously no longer an option. "I-I'll be okay for..."

He set her back down, her bottom sinking into the far thicker padding of the diaper, earning a gasp of shock from her; she hadn't even noticed him spreading it out there, hadn't expected to feel it there already. "After seeing your Pull-Up, I don't think that's a good idea," he said as he folded the wipes up in that very object, stepping away to toss it into the very trash can she'd wanted to dispose of it in at the start of this appointment. If only she'd acted a bit quicker, maybe she could have avoided this... Although, if she had, she might have peed her shorts, which would have been even worse.

"I-I don't normally do this..." she told him, watching as he sprinkled baby powder onto her crotch, massaging it into place.

"Neither do I," he admitted. "Even my youngest patients are usually old enough not to wet their pants during their appointments."

She blushed, squirming as he pulled the front of the diaper up, pushing her thighs apart. It was so much thicker than her Pull-Up had been... She tried desperately to press her legs together, but, while the padding compressed somewhat, it wouldn't go all the way. He taped the diaper up snugly, then slid the shorts back up and fastened them, as well. They went on, though the bulge  beneath them was much bigger, and, for a moment, she was sure they wouldn't button. 

The shorts did ensure she felt the bulk of the poofy Pampers distinctly, that it was held firmly against her, especially once he'd freed her from the cuffs and let her move again, making absolutely certain she couldn't mistake her diaper for the big girl panties she'd started the day in, and that seemed so far away now.

Dr. Inman had always been tall, yet now, standing in front of him after he'd put her back into not only braces, but also diapers - and baby diapers at that - he seemed to be bigger than ever... That, or Valerie felt smaller than ever. After everything he'd done to her, she couldn't bring herself to look him in the face, although he didn't seem to notice, or care.

"All right," he told her cheerily, like nothing out of the ordinary had happened. "Run along! I'll see you at your next appointment!" He sent her off towards the door with a pat on the bottom, producing what sounded like a thunderously loud crinkle to Valerie's ears as she waddled away slowly, rubbing her sore jaw, brain still struggling to process it all.



I'm loving the direction this story is taking! This chapter was fantastic, and I can't wait for the next development in Valerie's story! (Maybe we'll get more check-ups in the future? Always been a fan of medical scenes.)


For some reason being put back in braces is super cute to me.. Rare that I get to see it in abdl fiction! Great work!


I would like to go on record saying that you are evil! I love this story and having to wait a month for updates is killer! Great story!