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Jordan stared after her for a moment, then turned back towards the Headmistress, wide-eyed, fidgeting in place. The fact that the other woman had done this all right in front of her boss made it likely that it wasn't against any rules, though the only confirmation she got of that was the Headmistress seeming to ignore it, going on to say, "Jordan, Sarah here is going to take you and your caretaker on a little tour of the facilities. I want you to hold her hand so you don't get lost, okay? It's a big building, and we wouldn't want you to wander off somewhere you don't belong on your very first day!"

"O-Okay," Jordan nodded, cheeks flushing as she walked over to the other girl, partly because she was toddling slightly from the new bulk between her legs, but mostly because of the way the snugly taped diaper brushed against her shaved, and still warm and slightly wet, privates. Bashfully, she held out her free hand - compared to everything else she'd been through, this wasn't so bad, even if this girl had witnessed what had just happened.

She thought she was being obedient, only to nearly jump out of her skin when the Headmistress barked, "What was that, young lady?!"

Jordan wracked her brains, trying to figure out what she'd done wrong, before quickly correcting herself, "Yes, ma'am!"

"That's better," the Headmistress nodded. "Usually, I give the students a little leeway, but you're a smart girl - you should be able to remember something so simple, don't you think?"

Jordan gulped, yet had to answer, "Yes, ma'am."

"That's what I thought. I'll let it slide this time, but that's it. Oh, and Sarah, please come here." 

Sarah's face paled at the summons, walking slowly up to the woman, Jordan following behind, not daring to let go of her hand, even before they'd left the room, in case this was another test. The Headmistress grabbed Sarah's skirt, lifting it up and fully exposing the cupcake-dotted trainers beneath. She ran a hand along the crotch, then pulled open the front to look inside, giving the girl a full-blown panty inspection. Sarah, for her part, barely even seemed surprised by it.

"Good girl! You didn't fib to me after all!" the Headmistress patted the teen on the head. "Though that reminds me... Someone else wasn't so good, was she?"

"M-Me?" Jordan squeaked, remembering only then that she was still due a spanking, on top of everything else! 

"Don't worry, we won't deal with that right now," the Headmistress chuckled. "Let go of your friend's hand for a second." Jordan did as she was told, only to be spun around. She felt slightly more of a breeze on the back of her legs, and when she turned her head to glance at what was going on, she saw that the woman had pinned the back of her skirt up, leaving the rear of her diaper fully exposed. "This is to show you have a punishment coming," she explained, patting the back of the girl's diaper, a small puff of baby powder exploding from the legholes. "If you remove the pin before the punishment, I promise I will find out, and you'll regret it. If you're ever found hiding diaper pins, you will get in trouble, whether they're from yourself or a friend, and get double the punishment."

Jordan should have known better, but she couldn't quite stop herself from asking, "What if they're safety pins I brought from home? Ma'am?" She added the last word on there hurriedly, although she knew her question could already be taken as disrespectful, or at least a little sassy.

"Well, they aren't just normal pins. But I wouldn't advise carrying those around with you, either, just to be safe," she explained. "These are diaper pins, and each color represents a different punishment." She reached into her desk, pulling out a handful and showing them off, one by one. "This red one means you've earned an enema," she said, before reaching behind the girl and sliding the pin through her dress, next to the one already there. "This dark blue one means an early bedtime, the white one means a mouth-soaping, and the green one means corner time." She clipped them all into place on a neat row, holding up the girl's skirt, while Jordan squirmed more and more anxiously. "This pink one is just like the one you already had. It means you're due a spanking, and two means you need an extra strong one. There are other ones, too, if you'd like me to keep going?"

Jordan shook her head frantically, feeling her diaper quake a little as her body released another loud, nervous toot. "N-No, ma'am! I'm sorry!"

"I'm sure you are," the Headmistress mused, attaching the second pink pin. "That's quite a collection of punishments you've earned, isn't it?"

Jordan gulped, fidgeting as she almost unconsciously began to hug her doll to herself with both arms, her stomach sinking. Was this really going to happen? Was this what her first day here was going to be like?! 

Fortunately, after a long moment, the Headmistress chuckled. "I'm just teasing! You're only due for a spanking... For now." The woman began to undo the safety pins, slipping them back into her desk. "Now run along, you two! And send Kitty in for me, Sarah, dear!"

"Yes, ma'am!" the other girl nodded, pulling one of Jordan's hands away from her doll and tugging the girl out of the room, as if afraid of what might happen if they stayed in here any longer than they needed. "She's ready for you," she told Katherine, giving her a sympathetic shrug as the older girl hopped off of the bench and trudged towards the door. "Good luck!"

"Yeah, thanks," Katherine sighed, pushing open the door and stepping inside, letting it slam shut behind her. After everything she'd just seen, Jordan felt sorry for her, but mostly just glad she was finally out of there.

"Hi, ma'am," Sarah said to Mrs. Patterson, giving the woman a bashful smile. "I-I'm supposed to take you two on a tour."

"Of course!" Mrs. Patterson stood. "Lead on, sweetie!" After a few steps, she looked at Jordan and frowned. "You look a bit flushed, dear... Do you feel sick?"

Jordan blushed much deeper as the woman pressed a hand against her forehead, knowing the problem was much deeper south than that, in her roiling stomach, and, almost worse, her tingling genitals. She wasn't about the say anything about that to Mrs. Patterson, although she jumped at the chance to whine, "Yes! Can we go home?"

"I don't know about that," Mrs. Patterson replied, "But we could stop by the nurse's office to get you a check-up."

Sarah's eyes darted towards Jordan's, and she gave a tiny, yet frantic, head shake. "N-No, I think I'll be okay," she stammered. Even without Sarah's warning, the idea of what a nurse's office in a place like this would be was enough to scare her off.

Sarah led them through the halls, their footsteps echoing on the wooden floors, past plenty of closed doors. Jordan was, of course, curious about what was behind them, but when she finally got the courage to ask, Sarah just said, "I'm not allowed to take you in there, sorry," which did not bode well.

Instead, the girl took them into one of the towers, leading them up the stairs a couple floors before pushing open one of the doors. "Well, this is my room," she announced shyly. "All the rooms are pretty similar, though. There are two beds, but right now there aren't enough students that anyone has to double up just yet."

Indeed, there were two huge four-poster beds covered in stuffed animals, the frames wooden and painted pink, the posts long, elegantly carved spindles stretching up to a canopy, although there was no curtain, or any sort of covering, hanging from it. Similarly, just as it had looked from the outside, there were no curtains on the huge window that took up nearly an entire wall, ensuring there was very little privacy to be had here. Glancing over at the door, she saw that there was no lock on it, further proving that point.

Otherwise, there were a pair of desks, a pair of bookcases holding what looked mostly like picture books, and a closet built into one wall. There was no door or curtain on it, and, unlike seemingly everything else here, it was rather small, though considering how little there was in it, that made sense - it held only two outfits, a short nightie and a t-shirt and shorts, and a couple empty hangers.

Sarah blushed slightly as she saw Jordan staring. "Th-Those are our other uniforms," she explained. "For sleeping and for PE. We only get one set of each at a time, and they change them out every day. If we need new ones before then, we have to go to the Seamstress and explain why." The redness in her cheeks exploded at that, making Jordan certain that the Seamstress's behaviour towards her in the office was not unusual.

"That sounds very sensible," Mrs. Patterson said. "Maybe that will help this little klutz out!"

Jordan bit her bottom lip, stomach growling again. It was true she often 'happened' to spill ketchup, or mustard, or whatever she could get her hands on, onto her outfits, hoping that would convince Mrs. Patterson to let her change out of them, or at least not have to wear them again once she had them off until they could be thoroughly cleaned, but obviously that was going to be frowned upon here.

"There's not much here," Sarah shrugged apologetically, as if any of this were her fault. "They don't let us keep much. They say it'll distract us too much, and we should only be in our rooms to sleep or do homework."

"Perfect!" Mrs. Patterson nodded. "It's like they made this place for you!" she smiled at Jordan, who did not at all feel like doing the same. "Her mother is always telling me she's trying to stay up past her bedtime! Maybe this will help!"

"I'm sure," Sarah chuckled nervously. "Umm, there's really not much else to show here, so I guess we can move on to the other dorm."

"Other dorm?" Jordan asked as Sarah began to lead her away. "Are those rooms that much different than these?"

"Well, yeah," Sarah answered, sounding uneasy. "They're for the, uh, Nursery students."

Sure enough, after trekking across the building to the opposite tower, Jordan could see through the first doorway something that looked like a twisted version of an infant's nursery. It was quite simple to observe, since there was no door, just an open frame, looking in on the room. Sarah poked her head in, breathing a sigh of relief before hurrying inside.

"I was afraid it would be naptime," she explained, keeping her voice quiet, almost reverant. "Waking one of the babies during their nap is a big no-no."

Jordan swallowed as she looked around, a nauseous feeling spreading through her tummy that may have come from what she was seeing, or the growing need to empty her bowels. She told herself she just had to make it until the end of this tour, and she wouldn't have to worry about one day finding herself in a room like this one, that she had made it this far, and, with so much that Sarah hadn't been allowed to show them, hopefully it wouldn't take much longer to finish up.

The room seemed much smaller than Sarah's, though with the same large, un-curtained window. Instead of a bed, there was a crib - or perhaps it was a cage. There were bars all around, including across the top, and, as if to really make sure the occupant was secure, restraints like the ones from the changing table laid out, waiting. Speaking of the changing table, there was another one just like it in the room, fully stocked, and a playpen. Unlike the other furniture in this place, it didn't look much larger than normal, just expanded enough to be able to sit a full grown person inside but not for them to move around a lot - and certainly not enough to force them to stay inside - and littered with toys and games clearly meant for infants. This room had a closet, too, but much more crowded. There were all sorts of outfits there, all of which looked like they were scaled-up versions of something a two year old might wear.

"Maybe I was wrong," Mrs. Patterson said, perking Jordan's ears up, hoping the woman was about to finally realize how insane this place was. Instead, she continued with, "This looks more like the perfect room for you! Maybe I should talk to the Headmistress about transferring you over!"

"No!" Jordan gasped, and before she could even fully process that horror, her stomach contracted, and she felt her body bend forward slightly, letting out a long, juicy fart, and then start an involuntary push. Frantically, she pressed the one hand not held tight by Sarah to the back of her diaper, pressing her legs as close together as she could manage, only to have Mrs. Patterson pull her hand away.

"Don't put your dolly there!" the woman scolded. 

Jordan groaned, bouncing in place as she waited for this latest cramp to pass, almost sure it wouldn't. She was frozen on the spot, her hands clutching tighter to her doll and Sarah, every inch of her devoted to just making it through this. For a moment, she was sure she felt her diaper shift slightly, as if something were pushing against it from the inside, but, thankfully, after another few long seconds, it was over. A little wiggling of her bottom revealed a slightly greasy spot on the seat of her diaper that made her wrinkle her nose, but other than that, she was fine... For now.

"M-Maybe we should move on," Sarah suggested.

Jordan followed her back out of the room meekly, sure that there was no way the girl hadn't known what she was doing right next to her just a minute ago, then, finally, thinking to loosen her grip. "Sorry," she said quietly as she did so, wishing she could let go altogether, yet not daring. "I..." She blushed, not wanting to go any further with that train of thought, so instead she just said, "Sorry," again.

"That bet the Headmistress mentioned," Sarah whispered back, "Did it have to do with that?" Jordan's blush darkened as she nodded. "Well, you can do it! There's not much more, I promise! You can get out of here, I'm sure of it!" She smiled over at Jordan, giving her hand a light, encouraging squeeze. "I'll go as fast as I can!"

Jordan smiled back, feeling for the first time that she truly had somebody on her side in this place, even as the girl led her downward, into the basement of the building. The steps were well lit, but once they were off those, the place looked like something out of a horror movie, a long, dark hallway with only the occasional light along the walls, just enough to see where you were going, and no more.

Jordan knew right away where they were, even before Sarah quietly announced, "This is the Nursery."


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