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There were, of course, no clean diapers there, in the bully's house, for Hannah to change into, meaning she was stuck in her dirty one as she finished up everyone's homework and waited for them to take her back to the school, where things were undoubtedly going to find a way to get even worse.

She couldn't bear the thought of actually sitting down, so she knelt in front of the coffee table, diaper drooping beneath her short skirt, trying not to get distracted by the mushy load in the rear that she still felt when she wriggled. Every now and then, one of the teens would peek in from the kitchen to tease, "You'd better hurry up! If you don't finish before you stink up the whole house so bad we have to leave, you're getting a spanking, diaper girl!"

Hannah had no idea if they were joking or not, and the humiliation of everything that had already happened made it hard to think straight enough to try and reason it out. Right now, even if it wasn't actually directly their fault she'd pooped her pants, it still felt a lot like it, since it was easier to believe that than to accept she hadn't been able to hold it.

Of course, once she had worked her way through their homework, they were nowhere to be found, requiring her to gather up her courage, and their books, to go join them in the kitchen. She whimpered as she started to walk, feeling the mess squish and squelch between her legs, every movement chipping away at the meager confidence she'd managed to build, until, by the time she was standing behind all the girls, she couldn't find the strength to speak up and get their attention.

After a moment, however, one of them sniffed, loudly and dramatically, and spun around. "I thought I smelled you," she smirked. "All done, diaper girl?"

There was no point in denying the name now, or antagonizing them any further. Hannah nodded, holding the pile of homework up to her, like a peace offering.

The girl took it, setting it down on the counter, where the others started combing through it, grabbing theirs. The one who had spoken to Hannah, who seemed to be as much of a leader as these monsters had, grabbed the nurse by the shoulders, leading her over to the kitchen table and pulling out one of the hard, wooden chairs. Hannah really hoped the seat was for the other girl, but, of course, she was pushed over towards it herself.

"No," she whined, shaking her head, struggling to keep her knees straight. The bully was much too strong for her, unfortunately, and she lasted an embarrassingly short time before they folded, depositing her flat on her lumpy backside. Her eyes widened as the mess mashed beneath her, spreading out even further between her legs, ensuring that she was truly messy, and that she couldn't escape the knowledge of that until she got a fresh diaper.

"Now," the bully instructed, "Here's how this is going to work. You are not going to tell anyone what happened, or why you missed your class. If you get asked, it was your idea to skip, and you went on your own. Got it?" Hannah nodded meekly. "We all have pictures, or videos, or both, of you filling up your little diaper," she reached out, gave it a pat, as if to remind Hannah which one she was talking about, chuckling as the girl squirmed and whimpered, trying in vain to escape the sensation of filth surrounding her. "If any of us get less than an A- on our assignments, we're going to post those around, so everyone at school will know the truth about you."

Hannah gulped; she'd done well in school, and usually got A's, but never expected them. Plus, several of the girls had made her do their math homework, and that had always been her weakest subject.... Not to mention that, after the accident, it had been far harder to concentrate, and she'd rushed through the last couple ones so she could get out of here more quickly. 

The bully watched her fidget for another few seconds before announcing, "Let's get going, girls! It's almost time for the next period!"

They didn't make her sit in the middle of the backseat, anyway, crunched between them, forcing her next to one of the windows instead. Even then, they complained about how much she smelled, teasing that they were going to kick her out and force her to walk the rest of the way back - or, at least, she hoped they were teasing. As soon as they'd pulled into a parking spot, she clambered out of the door, heading towards the school, praying they'd leave her alone.

"Where are you going?" one asked, grabbing her by the wrist, reeling her back in. "We still have to thank you."

"Y-You don't have to..." Hannah stammered, only for the girl to turn her around and deliver a hard swat to the seat of her mucky padding, causing her to jump and squeal.

"Thanks, diaper girl," the bully snickered.

The others followed suit, ending with the leader, who kept her hand firmly planted on Hannah's diaper as she ordered, "Stay out here until we're inside. We don't want anyone to think you were actually hanging out with us." She gave the diaper one, final squeeze before letting go, joining her gang as they flounced back inside.

If only she had her keys, Hannah would have happily gotten into her car and went home; unfortunately, she'd had to leave those in her office, with April. She was stuck out here, watching the group of girls take their time crossing the parking lot, cheeks fiery as she looked around, hoping nobody else was heading back from a 'long lunch' to discover her here.

She gave them plenty of time, not wanting any chance of running into them in the hall, then trudged back towards the school herself. All she had to do was get to the nurse's office... It would still be humiliating, facing April this way, but she'd at least get a change, finally, and, if she was lucky, April would have mercy on her, and put an end to this game, for today, anyway.

The halls were empty by the time she cautiously pushed open the side door. At last, she thought, breathing a sigh of relief, something was going her way... If she was really lucky, class had already started when the bullies had gone in, too, and they'd been caught by a hall monitor, and sentenced to...

"What are you doing out here?" Hannah winced; she knew that voice well. It was almost as if thinking about the woman had summoned her there. "Do you have a hall pass, young lady?"

Hannah wanted to lie, say yes and hurry on, but she knew the monitor would want to see proof of that, and she had nothing. "N-No," she shook her head, attempting to make her voice higher, keep her head bowed. A lot of times, the kids the hall monitor caught claimed they weren't feeling well, so she would take them to the nurse to be checked out, leaving the final decision up to Hannah as to whether they deserved detention or not. Hannah didn't have a ton of authority at the school, which meant even that little bit felt nice... Unfortunately, it also meant the monitor had seen her face many times.

"Then what are you doing out here?" the hall monitor demanded. Hannah gulped, feeling yet another hand close around her wrist. "No excuses, huh? So, should I just take you straight to the principal?"

"No!" Hannah gasped; that was the last thing she wanted! She didn't want to face him dressed this way... Especially not now, given the state of her diaper! "I-I don't feel so good..."

The other woman sighed, shaking her head. "That's the oldest trick in the book... Honestly, that nurse is such a pushover, I knew it would get around that you kids could get away with this if you said that. Well, I'm tired of it, so we're going to skip that part today."

"No!" Hannah's heard thumped wildly in her chest at the thought of being dragged into his office, made to sit in one of those chairs outside while the hall monitor explained the naughty girl she'd caught, only to be taken in, presented. Which would be worse? If he recognized her, and demanded to know why she was dressed like this, or if he didn't, and genuinely thought she was a student?

"Oh, yes," the monitor said, yanking her forward. "And if you don't stop dragging your feet, I'm going to make sure you get detention for the next we... What is that?"

Hannah bit her bottom lip, hearing the woman sniff the air. "I-I... umm... I..."

If she admitted it, then maybe the hall monitor would take it easy on her... But, if she recognized who she actually was, Hannah would never live it down. So, she couldn't do anything more than stammer, while the other woman wrinkled her nose, the smell clearly only fully hitting her then. Hannah didn't dare look her in the eyes, though she was certain, if she had, she could have pinpointed the moment where she realized the odor was too strong for a little gas.

"Fine," she grumbled. "I'll take you to the nurse." She wasn't happy about it, however, ordering April - who she didn't give a second glance, as if she'd been the nurse for years - to, "Figure out if she did it on purpose or not. I think she was just trying to get out of being taken to the principal, and if that's the case, give her detention."

"Well?" April raised her eyebrow, once the monitor was gone, hands planted on her hips as she stared down at the adult, blushing before her in a dirty diaper. "Did you do it on purpose?"

"N-No!" Hannah insisted. "You wouldn't believe..."

"Then it was an accident?" April asked. "Even I never had problems with that... If you had a genuine messy accident, you definitely need to be in diapers, don't you?"

"No!" Hannah shook her head desperately. "I don't need them, it wasn't..."

"Then you pooped your pants in front of her intentionally?" April countered. "Which was it?"

"You don't understand!" Hannah stomped her foot angrily. "You won't...!"

She was interrupted by a pacifier being pushed into her mouth, taking her by surprise. "Hush," April shook her head. "Honestly... I don't think I can trust anything you say, so just stay quiet, like a good little baby. I think she was right... What you need is a good time out. Luckily, I found some things here, and brought a few with me, to help with that. I borrowed that from my friend's little sister," she tapped the pacifier's shield. "She's too old for it now, anyway... It really suits you better. And you'd better not spit it out, or you'll be sorry!"

The next things she brought out were, like the diapers, something Hannah half-remembered finding in some dusty cupboard, assumed they were from a long time ago, and not thought about again until now, as they were being forced around her hand and locked into place, the thick fabric making it impossible for her to use her fingers. Only once they were on did April help her up onto the changing table, and, at last, change her out of the messy diaper.

The girl wasn't done, however. After throwing away the old diaper, she returned, sniffing the air and shaking her head. "Ugh, you really stunk up my clothes," she pouted. "I can't go home with them smelling like that! Come on, get up!"

She pulled Hannah down off the exam table, removing the skirt, and then - unnecessarily, as far as the nurse could tell - the shirt as well, even stripping away the bra, leaving Hannah in her new diaper, mittens, and pacifier. "I'm going to go wash these," April told her. "Do you want to come with me, or do you want to stay here?"

The school had recently installed a few washing machines and dryers, to help some of the less fortunate students whose families couldn't afford to do laundry as often as they needed, and were getting bullied over coming to school in dirty clothes. It was a good idea... They were also all the way across the school, however, and, even with class in session, Hannah didn't want to walk there nearly naked, her diaper completely visible.

"Here," she mumbled from behind the pacifier. 

"That's what I thought," April nodded. "I don't want you getting in trouble, though... Go sit over there." She pointed at a chair in the corner of the office, which Hannah shuffled over to obediently. April grabbed something else, then followed, and, to Hannah's shock, she felt something being buckled around her neck. She reached up, but couldn't feel anything through the mitten.

"I borrowed this from my puppy," April explained as she wound the leash around the back of the chair. If Hannah had full use of her hands, then it would have been no problem to untie the clumsy knot the girl had made, but, as it was, that was all it took to trap her there. "He won't mind you using it for today... And tomorrow, if you act up any more. Now, stay here and be a good girl."

She patted Hannah on the head and picked up her own clothes, walking out of the office. Hannah watched her go, trying in vain to call out to her, to beg her to lock the door behind her... It didn't work. Hannah whimpered, squirming in her seat, glad she had on a fresh diaper, at least, but terrified that a student was going to come in needing something, or the hall monitor would return for a progress report... Or, even worse, that the monitor might have told the principal, and he would come to see what she'd decided himself... She could call out to them that she was busy, to come back later, though not without her pacifier falling out, risking another punishment from April that might, somehow, be even than getting caught, since there was no way she could put the thing back into her mouth with these mittens.

All any of them would have to do was open the door, and there she was, on full display. She'd been glad, at first, that April hadn't made her face the corner, like a naughty toddler in time-out, yet this was way worse... Her diaper might be visible from the back of the chair that way, but her face wouldn't be, and, hopefully, anyone who peeked into her office would see her there and pop back out without asking too many questions; now, they only had to open the door, looking for the nurse, and find her there, diapered, pacified, mittened, leashed, totally dominated by some girl who, the day before, couldn't even be trusted to keep her pants dry. And, as nervous as she was feeling, she doubted she'd be able to keep her own diaper dry when she saw that door open, even if it was just April returning, since she wouldn't be able to tell that until it was too late, thus giving the girl one more reason to justify treating her this way.




When I click on the captions button it's not that hard to try and find part 1 and 2 it doesn't load on mobile. Know any reason it would do that?


Not sure, it works for me, but here's Part 1 - <a href="https://www.patreon.com/posts/its-not-that-17647115">https://www.patreon.com/posts/its-not-that-17647115</a> and Part 2 - <a href="https://www.patreon.com/posts/its-not-that-2-19705737">https://www.patreon.com/posts/its-not-that-2-19705737</a>