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Before Olivia could say anything, the girl was gone, leaving her there in the crib. Even if she hadn't been tipsy, Olivia was afraid the bars would have been too high to safely climb over, and the diaper was definitely going to get in her way. Instead, she looked for a release mechanism to lower the side, but she had no idea how cribs worked, and was in no position to figure it out.

Justine would save her... She'd be back from the bathroom soon enough, and she'd surely know how to get her out of the crib, plus, she likely knew whoever the other girl was, and could explain what had happened. They could all have a good laugh about it, and move on... Just as soon as Justine returned...

Except, she didn't. Maybe it hadn't actually been that long yet, and only felt that way because she was buzzed, and trapped, and scared, and her bladder was quickly starting to feel full, but there was no sign of Justine. They'd passed the bathroom on the way here, and it was a straight shot... How could she have gotten lost?! Or had she decided that Olivia hadn't held up her end of the bargain, and had embarrassed her, and this was her way of punishing her?

If that was the case, Olivia was growing closer and closer to making things even worse. She'd never considered using the diaper as it was intended - this was a costume, after all, not a real thing, and even if it included plastic pants, they seemed very thin, and probably not that useful. Now, however, stuck inside a crib, with no indication that she'd be getting out of it anytime soon, that was starting to seem like an almost pleasant alternative to enduring the misery of holding it, especially when she couldn't press her legs all the way together, or even feel her hand between her legs through the padding if she tried to do that to help contain herself.

As hard as it was to accept, this was - as far as she could tell at the moment - her best option. Unless somebody showed up very soon to help her, she was going to wind up doing it anyway... Even then, there was a good chance it would still happen if they took too long lowering the side of the crib, or if she had to explain things to them. At least this way, she could feel as if she had some measure of control. She closed her eyes, cheeks blazing, and let go.

It was easier than she would have imagined, and quicker... Was that because she'd waited so long, or an effect of the booze? Whatever the cause, in mere moments, it had begun, and she let out a tiny squeal, muffled even more by the pacifier, as she felt the warm liquid flowing into the cloth around her. Unfortunately, she had been right when she'd thought of the diaper as a costume... That was, after all, what it was. There was still a decent amount of cloth there, so it soaked up the urine at first, however, before long, it had reached its limits, and it began pouring out into the plastic pants, which didn't prove much of a barrier, either. She whimpered, the wetness starting to escape, running down her legs, onto the onesie, but, now that it had started, she couldn't find the strength to end it, couldn't make her muscles respond.

By the time somebody showed up at the nursery door - the other girl, not Justine - Olivia was a sniffling, soggy mess. The leak wasn't terrible, though it was enough to be humiliating, especially when the girl hurried over to her, reassuring her that it was okay, it wasn't her fault, that whoever had left her there should have known better. As big as the costume's diaper was, it made it look as if she were either a very heavy wetter, or it had happened multiple times, neither of which made her seem any more mature.

She was too upset to protest much as she was finally released from the crib, only to be taken to the changing table instead, her onesie and diaper peeled off and replaced by a disposable from the table. Olivia prayed that it wouldn't fit, and that would show this girl she wasn't really a baby, since she was in no condition to do it herself... Unfortunately, the diaper taped into place, no problem, fitting her snugly and securely, as if it had been made for her.

"It's getting a little chilly," the girl told Olivia, as the college student squirmed on the changing table, in shock, her hopes turning now to the fact that the other person surely would notice her breasts, and that would indicate she wasn't as young as it seemed... Apparently, she was right to feel so subconscious about how flat her chest was, because that never happened, certainly not before the girl pulled a footed sleeper from the closet, zipping Olivia into it. "Nobody will admit to leaving you here, so why don't we go to them?"

It wasn't really a question, or a suggestion. The girl took Olivia by the hand, grabbing a play mat, some toys, and a portable baby gate, then leading the young adult back into the party... This time, however, Olivia didn't feel like she was wearing a costume, and she had a feeling nobody else was seeing it that way, either. "You play here," the girl instructed, laying out the mat and setting Olivia up on it. "Don't worry," she reassured her, seeing the horrified look on her face, "I'll turn the music down. Maybe I'll even put on some nice nursery rhymes until your mommy owns up."

Before Olivia could say anything, the girl had set up the baby gates around her to keep her safe, then vanished into the crowd. Olivia felt like she was on display, in a zoo... Especially once people started to notice her. At first, she tried to play it off, act as if she were simply getting into the role of her costume, but it didn't take long to realize there was no need to pretend; unless everyone else was a far better actor than her, they all genuinely believed this was no costume.

And then, she felt a horrifying rumble in her guts. Desperately, she stumbled to her feet, waddling over to the baby gates, only to be chastised by a partygoer when she attempted to climb over. "Hey!" the girl shook her head. "You'd better stay in there, sweetie... It's dangerous out here."

"B-But..." Olivia pouted, her voice slurred just enough that it probably sounded like someone still learning to speak properly.

"Just go play," the girl smiled at her. "It'll be okay."

Justine was going to show up for her soon, Olivia told herself. The girl who had found her in the nursery would get to her, and she'd feel bad about what she'd done and come rescue her... At this point, Olivia didn't think she really wanted to have things explained, but they could at least go back to the dorm. It was going to happen any minute now... All she had to do was hold on, find a more comfortable position... She wriggled, pointing her backside up into the air, thinking nothing of it until the next cramp hit, and the warm mush began to fill her pants, giving everyone further evidence - as if they needed it - that she was a toddler, nothing more... And, to be honest, when she tried, and failed, to stop the flow, to prevent her diaper from ballooning behind her any further, she couldn't help wondering if that might be true.



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