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"No, I didn't!" Sunnie whined, stomping her foot. "If I bought anything, it was Christmas presents... Probably for you, you jerk!"

"Really?" Aaron raised an eyebrow. "For me? At Victoria's Secret?"

"Y-Yeah..." Sunnie defiant attitude wavered for a moment before springing back as strong as ever. "I mean, for me to wear, but for you to enjoy!"

"You already have more than enough lingerie, along with... Well, everything else. That's why I asked you to watch your spending last month," Aaron said. "And just look at all these charges... This is ridiculous!" He shook the credit card statement in front of his wife's face, until Sunnie batted it away.

"Well, what am I supposed to do?" Sunnie pouted. "I can only clean so much... I'm not your maid!"

"No, you aren't," Aaron agreed. "We have a maid; she's told me how much work it is here, because you never clean or straighten up anything, just leave it all to her."

"It's her job!" Sunnie reminded him. 

"Maybe you should get one of those for yourself," Aaron suggested. "Just something little, part time, and you could spend that money however you wanted, and..."

"Nooo," Sunnie crossed her arms sulkily. Half the reason she'd married Aaron was so she wouldn't have to do that! He was so rich, she knew a few shopping sprees a month shouldn't make that big a difference, and yet he was always lecturing her about it... It was awful!

"Sunnie," Aaron sighed. "Honestly, it's like I'm talking to a petulant teenager... No, not even that, a spoiled little girl."

"I am not a little girl!" Sunnie huffed, stomping her foot again. "I am an adult, and..." She gasped as Aaron grabbed her, pulling her over his knee. "What do you think you're...?!" she growled unhappily, her eyes opening wide with shock as he yanked her pants and underwear down and delivered a hard swat.

It took a few seconds to register what was happening, as she craned her neck, trying to look up at him. "Y-You wouldn't..." she gasped, only then realizing she was about to get spanked, like a naughty child. But, it turned out, he would. He very much would.... And that was only the start.



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