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"Oh... You're home early," Sunnie blushed, trying to hide the shopping bags behind her as she nearly ran into Aaron in the living room. Part of her wanted to set the bags down right in front of him, since half the reason she'd even bought half the stuff was in defiance, after what he'd done to her the day before, spanking her and then sending her to the corner. It was so stupid, so humiliating... The rest of her was afraid he might do it again.

"Yes, I am," Aaron nodded, luckily not even seeming to notice her shopping. "I got you an early Christmas gift, and I was making sure it got set up correctly."

Sunnie smiled... Surely, that would be the jacuzzi she'd been begging for for months, or maybe even a swimming pool, despite the season, or... Well, who knew? He must have felt bad about his actions the day before, which made her feel even more justified in her revenge shopping.

"Go on, close your eyes," he urged. "I'll take you to it."

Sunnie set her bags down, shutting her eyes compliantly, holding out a hand for him to take. She'd thought she knew the house pretty well, but apparently, she was wrong, since almost instantly, she lost track of where they were... It certainly didn't seem like anywhere he would have put a jacuzzi or a swimming pool. Yet, when he stopped, he began to gently undress her.

"Keep your eyes shut," he told her, when she started to open them. "It'll be a better surprise that way."

"All right," she shrugged, starting to get even more excited. She sniffed the air, wanting to see if she could detect the faint chlorine smell of a pool, in case he'd really gone all out and actually put it inside, so she could enjoy it all year round. She didn't smell that, but there was something else, something she couldn't quite place, though she definitely recognized. 

Once he had her nude, he started leading her again. She could feel soft carpet under her toes, which was not what she'd expect around either of the things she was hoping for, although it still felt nice. She let out a gasp of surprise when he grabbed her by the waist and lifted her up, setting her down on something that felt slightly cool under her bottom, and made a strange noise as he laid her down.

"Aaron..." she frowned, starting to get suspicious. 

"Just wait," he said. "We're almost there."

"Why can't I just... Ooo..." her annoyance was quickly derailed as he began massaging something into her crotch. She wasn't sure what it was, but she couldn't deny that it felt nice and comforting, at least enough to shut her up for a minute or two... Until he lifted her backside, then set it back down, this time on something that raised it up off whatever she was laying on. 

"What is...?" she squirmed, feeling him pulling something up between her legs, forcing her thighs apart. She heard a slight tearing sound, then slight pressure, and then a thing being pressed against her lips. "No, I told you, I don't like..." she whined, only for the object to be pushed into her mouth. It was small, soft, and ended with something pressing against her lips.

"Go ahead, open your eyes," Aaron finally told her.

Sunnie already knew it wasn't going to be what she wanted, but she never expected what she saw. She gasped, rising to her knees as she looked around the room in shock, the thick, bulky diaper between her legs crinkling as she moved. "Wh-What is this?!" she demanded, reaching up to pull the pacifier out of her mouth after a few muffled attempts to get the first word out.

"This is your new bedroom," Aaron said. "Merry Christmas!"



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