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This was ridiculous... Aaron had gotten so mad at her for spending a little money, yet, clearly, he'd spent a small fortune on this... Yet, when she'd pointed that out to him, he told her, "I have no doubt it'll pay for itself in no time. You have everything you need here... Babies like you don't care if people see them in just their diapers, but I did get you a few simple outfits, if you want to dress up a little... There are toys to keep you occupied... You don't need anything else, so there's no reason for you to go out and spend more money."

"I am not staying here!" Sunnie growled. "And I'm definitely not wearing these!" She pawed at the diapers taped around her waist.

In an instant, Aaron took them off for her, but only so he could deliver another spanking, this one even longer and harder than the one the day before. At the end, he took out a pair of plastic panties, locked them on over her diaper, and sent her to bed in her new, locking crib straight away, in the middle of the afternoon, with the sun still very much up, and certainly no dinner, since that was still hours away.

It turned out, Sunnie had just as little control over that first part of her complaint, either. When the nursery door finally opened again the next morning, Sunnie was prepared to give Aaron a piece of her mind... But it wasn't him standing there. It was a woman, perhaps a little older than Sunnie, yet even taller than Aaron, with a stern look that should have told the girl not to mess with her.

Sunnie, however, was very unhappy at having spent a very long night in a crib, and diapers, which were now soaked, almost to the point of leaking, and on the verge of being used in another way. "Who are you?!" she demanded.

"I'm your nanny," the woman informed her, unlocking the crib and getting her out, carting her over to the changing table. "I'm going to be taking care of you from here on out."

"I do not need a nanny!" Sunnie fumed. "I need you to let me out of these stupid things," she tugged at the waistband of the plastic panties, "so I can use the bathroom!"

"It looks like you used it already," the woman chuckled, patting the sagging crotch of Sunnie's diaper.

Sunnie blushed, but even that humiliation wasn't enough to soothe her rage. "That isn't what I mean!" she huffed. And yet, to her annoyance, while the woman did unfasten the plastic pants, once she had the old diaper off, she reached for a new one, and when Sunnie tried to tell her she didn't need it, then attempted to escape, the nanny held her in place, securing her to the table by the ankles and wrists, with a set of restraints Sunnie hadn't even noticed.

"I'm not a baby!" Sunnie whined helplessly as the fresh diaper was taped into place. "I don't need diapers!"

"We'll see about that," the nanny smiled, pushing a pacifier into her mouth, then, while Sunnie was restrained, pulling a pair of thick mittens over her hands, unfastening her feet to pull a pair of socks over her feet. "Now, you be a good girl and play while I get your breakfast ready. Can you do that?"

"No!" Sunnie yanked the pacifier out. "I'm not a baby, I'm not going to play here, I..." She squeaked as the nanny grabbed her by the ear, dragging her across the room to the oversized rocking horse in the corner. She was pushed up onto it, where she discovered it, like the changing table, had restraints, which the nanny didn't hesitate to use before shoving the pacifier back into the girl's mouth.

"You are going to stay here and play," she informed Sunnie. "This horse better be rocking, and this pacifier better still be stay right where it is now when I get back, or you'll be sorry. I have full permission to punish you any way I see fit... And I promise, if I have to, you aren't going to like it."



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