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An anonymous caption commission. Picture property of WellPadded, which I believe has turned into UKDiaperGirls. Either way, the WellPadded site is no longer up.

"I'm sooo sorry," Cathy said weakly, interrupted by a ragged cough. "I just can't make it in today... I don't know what happened; I felt fine yesterday, but I woke up today and I felt awful... Oh, it's really bad... Way too bad for me to come in... It sucks it had to happen on a Friday, but what can you do? No, there's just no way... I told you, it's terrible... It's so bad, I... I wet the bed! Yeah, I told you, it's serious... Okay, I'll see you on Monday, hopefully..."

She hit the disconnect button on her phone with a sly smile, setting it down on her end table and flopping back onto her couch, pleased with herself. That had been her best performance yet... It was getting harder and harder to convince her boss that she got sick so often, but since she'd already blown through her mental health days for the year, she didn't have much of a choice. 

This week had been so busy, and she knew today would be the worst of all... Not having to go in meant she'd get a nice, relaxing three day weekend to recover and prepare for the next week, unless she also decided to call in Monday. That part about the bedwetting had been a last minute addition, when it had sounded like her boss wasn't buying it, but it had been a good ad lib, she thought; who would openly admit to something like that if they didn't have to? That just proved how bad off she was, or at least wanted to appear to be. 

Now, she was free to do... Well, anything she wanted! She hadn't made any plans, mostly because she hadn't been certain if she'd be able to pull it off or not; now, though, it seemed like a shame not to take advantage of the free time she'd just acquired. There weren't really any movies out that she was interested in, but she could always go shopping, maybe stop by a little cafe for lunch, perhaps even get her nails done. The whole day was ahead of her, and it was hers to do whatever she liked with.

She was still deciding which stores she wanted to check out, planning out her route, figuring out what she should change out of her pajamas into, when she heard her doorbell ring. She jumped, not having expected that at all, and hopped to her feet... Was it the mailman? No, he was never this early... Maybe UPS or FedEx? She couldn't remember having ordered anything lately, but maybe her mom had sent her a random present... 

When she opened the door, she didn't find somebody waiting to hand her a box; instead, a woman holding a tote bag was standing there. She took one look at Cathy, then shook her head. "I'm so sorry for getting you up, but you had the door locked!"

"That's... fine..." Cathy frowned, confused. 

"No, it isn't. Come on, let's sit you down!" The woman bustled inside before Cathy could try to stop her, closing the door behind her and herding the other woman to the living room, back to her couch, covering her up with a blanket while Cathy protested, and asked for an explanation. "Oh, I'm so sorry!" the woman finally said. "My name is Ivy... I'm a friend of your boss." Cathy barely managed to keep her eyes from widening in shock and annoyance. "I'm a nurse, and I live nearby, so when she heard how sick you were, she asked me to stop in and make sure you were okay."

"O-Oh... Yeah... I'll be all right," Cathy nodded, immediately faking another cough before dropping all the strength she could from her voice to make it sound more pathetic. "Thanks for checking, but I..." 

Before she could finish, Ivy had wandered off, tote bag in tow. "Here's your kitchen!" she declared. "Hold on, I'll make you some nice tea..."

"N-No, you don't have..." Cathy started to call after her, before giving up. She couldn't give this woman any reason to report to her boss that Cathy had been lying, so she had to keep up the act of being sick and pitiful for a little longer before she got to have her real fun.

Cathy had never been much of a tea drinker, and the stuff Ivy handed to her didn't do much to change her mind. She forced herself to drink it as quickly as she could, hoping that would get the woman to leave; instead, she said, "Oh, you poor thing, you must be so thirsty... Let me make you some more!" Cathy was more careful about regulating her drinking speed, but that didn't help, either. "Well, if you can keep that down, I'm sure you can handle some soup, too." Cathy tried to tell Ivy she didn't have to worry, but the nurse waved off all her protests. "It's no trouble at all," she promised. 

This whole thing was stretching on far longer than Cathy liked... This wonderful, free day was going to be ruined if this kept up! She faked a few yawns as she ate her chicken noodle soup; thankfully, Ivy took the hint. "Maybe you ought to take a nap once you're finished," she suggested. Cathy nodded her agreement. 

She fully expected Ivy to take her leave then, or once Cathy had drained the bowl, but, instead, she grabbed her tote bag again, pulling out something puffy, white, and crinkly. It took a few seconds for Cathy to recognize it, and, when she did, she almost dropped her act entirely. "I-I don't need that!" she insisted.

"I know it's embarrassing," Ivy told her, "but your boss told me what happened last night... We wouldn't want that to happen again, would we?" Cathy blushed and shook her head, realizing she either had to admit she'd been lying, or keep up the act. "Don't worry, I have plenty of experience..." Sure enough, in no time, she had Cathy wrapped up in the padded prison. "There, that's better... Nice and safe!" she cooed. "Go on, lie down."

"B-But... What about my bed?" Cathy asked.

"I'm sure you haven't had time to clean up, with how bad you're feeling," Ivy said. "You can just sleep here, it's fine." She covered Cathy - uncertain whether to claim she had done that, to get a little privacy, or let Ivy think she hadn't, to further the idea that she really was sick - then sat down in the chair opposite the sofa, watching her like a hawk.

Cathy hadn't actually planned on sleeping, but she kept her eyes closed anyway, to make Ivy believe she was. Eventually, despite the indignity of her situation, and the strange feeling of bulky plastic between her thighs, she drifted off. When she woke, she had almost forgotten about the fact that she was wearing a diaper, until she saw the nurse still sitting, watching.

"Ah, you're up!" Ivy announced, clearly not fooled by Cathy squeezing her eyes shut again, trying to prepare herself for facing her. "It's funny... I thought I'd be nice and clean up your bed for you, but apparently you already did it, although I didn't find any sheets in your washer or dryer, and your mattress seemed perfectly dry... I'm not sure why you wouldn't have told me your bed was fine before, since I'm sure that would have been much more comfortable than the couch... Unless, of course, you were..."

Cathy thought quickly. She couldn't let Ivy tell her boss that she'd been faking, or she'd never be able to call in sick again! She squirmed, biting her bottom lip... Desperate times called for desperate measures... All those liquids Ivy had been feeding her had gone through her, and her bladder was aching... 

It took a moment to convince her body to let go, after all those years of potty training, but once it had started, it refused to stop, the floodgates opening to let out a torrent of warm urine into the padding around her waist, soaking it. "I-I'm sorry," she stammered. "I couldn't sleep very well last night, so I was up super early to clean, and I was so tired before my nap, I didn't think to mention it... B-But I did wet my bed, and... And it happened again..."

She reluctantly swept the blanket off of her, revealing the wet diaper beneath. Ivy marched over to check her, seeming surprised. "I'm sorry, hon... I just... I should have believed you!" She gave Cathy a hug, then dug into her bag, pulling out another diaper. "I'll get you changed."

"N-No, I don't need one now!" she squealed. "I-It's just when I'm asleep!"

"As far as you know," Ivy corrected. "If it can happen then, it could happen anytime, and it's always better to be prepared, just in case... Don't worry, I'll be here to take care of you if it does. Don't worry, I have the rest of today and the whole weekend off... I'll make sure you're better in time for work on Monday!"

Cathy managed a weak smile, staring at the fresh diaper, realizing she was, most likely, about to spend her whole three day weekend in those, 'just in case'... It almost would have been better to just go in to work today, but she was in too deep now. She'd definitely think twice about calling in sick again...



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