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Carmilla waited patiently for the tongue-lashing to be over with. She kept her face serious, brows drawn together as she nodded, as if in agreement with everything her demonic supervisor was telling her. “You’re a demon of lust, not gluttony!” The supervisor went on and on about how Carmilla wasn’t “looking the part” of a succubus these days, and how maybe she needed some time in a deeper pit of Hell.

Carmilla knew better than to take any of it seriously. While her direct supervisor absolutely hated her, there wasn’t a single other person complaining about her work. She’d consistently damned the highest number of souls every year for four centuries running; the other succubi didn’t have numbers even half as good. And sure, maybe she’d developed a taste for human food and had started putting on a little weight in the last couple decades – but that was part of why her numbers were so good! The souls she targeted were no longer interested in the ribcage-bearing, slim succubi of years gone by. Everyone wanted fat asses and there was less concern about a little belly here or a bit of cellulite there. Carmilla was just ahead of the curve.

When her supervisor finished, not even actually  bothering to offer up a toothless demand for Carmilla to slim down, Carmilla smiled, said thank you, and headed back to do the job she’d died and gone to Hell for: hunting for every soul who was a single temptation away from ending up right alongside her in the pit.

She had a human form and everything, though anyone whose mind wasn’t clouded by lust would’ve sensed there was something off about her. She was very tall for a human woman, standing at 6’5” in her bare feet. Her skin was a bronzed brown that had a bit of a sheen to it, just enough to be eye-catching without looking too fantastical. The makeup she chose to glamour herself with was often dramatic – pouty harlequin clown designs one day, glitter and shades of bimbo pink the next. And, as her supervisor had so enthusiastically reminded her, she was beginning to get a little plump. She was heavy in the hips, with the tiniest pooch of a belly clinging to her and breasts nearly the size of her head. Even in her human form, she was awesome to behold.

The chubby succubus was comfortable with modern technology. It was easy enough to use a smartphone to snap a few pictures, upload them to a dating app, and then have souls flocking to her by the dozen. She could have gone without it, but saw nothing wrong with using all the tools available to her. It had also turned out to be an excellent way to save time so she could spend more time exploring and trying all the new delicacies that had cropped up across the planet. She would be the first to admit that she had become more than a bit of a glutton. Before Hell, she’d been some starving peasant who lived and died in the mud having never tasted a fried potato or black pepper or ice cream. Now, she could gorge on tacos and fried plantains and ceviche on one side of the world, and then stuff her face with doro wot and injera on the other. There was no spice she wasn’t able to taste, no food out of reach.

She was lucky that taking one’s date out to dinner had become so common. While she was happy to pay for her own meals, she did love starting a seduction by having a mark watch her devour something, inevitably making them wish they, too, could be devoured in the same way. She had learned to be careful not to let it get out of hand. A few times in the recent past, she’d lost sight of exactly why she was there and had gotten much too excited by her meal. She’d let her teeth grow sharp, and her skin had started to turn a red. She’d been able to rein things in before her tail and horns both made an appearance, but it was a close thing. For Carmilla, food and sex weren’t so very far apart.

On this day, though, she wanted to focus on work. She liked being able to point to her numbers any time her supervisor wanted to criticize her. Oh, were her cheeks getting too chubby? Tell that to the forty souls who gave it all just for a kiss. Was her ass too fat? Tell that to the two hundred souls who sent themselves straight to hell just so she would sit in their laps.

She was fortunate that her first date seemed content to watch her eat. She was awkward and young, and her mouth kept dropping open as she stared across the table, not even pretending to eat her own food and unable to make conversation. Carmilla could taste the waves of lust coming off her, sweet and fresh. This was a girl that was supposed to go straight to heaven when she died, and it warmed the cockles of Carmilla’s heart that she was snatching her soul straight from the jaws of that awful place. A girl like her could go much farther in hell.

It was easy enough to get an invite back to the girl’s place. She was still living at home, and they wound up on her childhood bed. Carmilla asked her how she liked to be touched, and she was so perfectly nervous, saying it was her first time and she didn’t know what to ask for. “Oh, sweet girl,” she purred, “have you never touched yourself before?” The girl had covered her face with her hands, then admitted with a squeak that she had. “Then show me how you like it.”

Once Carmilla had coaxed the first few orgasms out of her, the girl was like putty. Carmilla could feel herself shifting, becoming less human with every moment. The girl was already so blissed out she barely noticed the tail flicking around, even as it stroked across her flat belly and between her thighs. Carmilla promised her even more. She dragged her forked tongue across the girl’s cheek. “I can give you everything you’ve ever asked for, but I need a promise from you.”

“Anything,” the girl whimpered. She was on the verge of overstimulation, every nerve ending tingling and telling her to stop, even as she begged for more.

“Anything?” Carmilla asked as the girl’s hands roamed the little swell of the succubus’ belly, squeezing every bit of fat she could find. “I only have a little thing I need from you.” Her voice became a growl. God, she loved her job. “Would you give me your soul?”

The girl laughed, manic. She was grinding against Carmilla’s thigh, seeking friction and relief all at once. “Soul?” Carmilla could sense her thinking too hard about it and moved the girl’s hands to her soft hips. At the same time, she leaned down and circled her forked tongue around one of her nipples, clawed fingertip circling the poor girl’s swollen sex in a way that would only tease. It only took a few more seconds before the girl was bucking and calling out, “Yes! Yes, you can have it!”

“Good girl,” Carmilla growled happily. It only took a few quick motions to get her to come again, and the succubus refused to stop until the girl looked well and truly spent. She was delirious with pleasure and dehydration by the time they finished. It gave Carmilla enough time to calm down, her more demonic features slipping away once more.

She was grateful when the girl fell asleep. The demoness didn’t like having to do the whole “when can I see you again?” song and dance. She left a glass of water by the girl’s bed as she made her exit and checked the time. She was still feeling a little stuffed after dinner, but she had enough time before her next date to get a few slices of deep dish pizza at a place she’d never tried before. She ran a hand over her belly, wondering if maybe she should skip it. She hated to admit it, but there was a possibility that she could get too plush for the mass appeal she currently enjoyed. But then she thought about thick, crispy crust and thick layers of meat and cheese and tangy sauce. That was a thought for another day. For now, she deserved a treat.


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