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Those of you who read the Kinktober stories from last year might remember Amma from last year's Bottomless Stomach story. I figured it would be perfect to revisit the character for this prompt.


It had been about a month since the hot tub incident. Since then, Amma had started a strength-training regimen – all on stream, of course. Getting stuck in her own hot tub had made her realized she needed a little more muscle to support herself in case something similar happened again. (And with how she was stuffing her face these days, she was absolutely sure it would happen again.) Thankfully, something about watching one of the fattest cam models on the internet squeezed into (and pouring out of) custom-made exercise gear really seemed to do it for people.

She was only a few minutes into one of her daily workout streams and already panting and sweaty. She was using eight-pound dumbbells for her arm workout, and the heavy drape of her underarm flab swayed and jiggled with every rep. Amma was proud of herself, having graduated from five-pound weights just a few weeks before. She tried not to think too hard about food as she raised and lowered the weights again and again. She’d made sure to eat well right before, but no so much that all the jostling and heavy breathing would make her sick. The balance was always hard to strike. Still, that didn’t stop her body from telling her she was near-starving. Like always.

She finished her arm exercises and set the dumbbells aside, breathing hard, her face and chest ruddy. She was wearing a massive sports bra, her cleavage spilling out the top and excess flesh squeezing out the sides, chest rising and falling rapidly with each breath. She sipped water from her water bottle and talked to the camera. “Whew! Tough workout today,” she said with a breathless laugh. She took a moment to offer up some fan service, running her hands over her expansive belly, currently held in by a pair of fantastically stretchy workout leggings. “I’m already working up an appetite,” she teased. She pulled the front of the leggings down, slowly releasing the doughy mass of her belly. It was criss-crossed with stretch marks – there was no amount of lotion that could keep up with her appetite and constant growth, no matter how much she tried. The chat exploded, the sounds of fat donations dropping as she lifted her belly and then let it slap down on her thighs.

She played with her belly for the camera until she’d mostly caught her breath, then pulled her pants back up over her waist. She’d learned from experience that keeping her wobbliest bits tucked closer to her body made workouts a whole lot easier.

She moved on to her leg workouts, starting with sumo squats. She, of course, faced her ass to the camera so everyone could watch. Squats were always one of the hardest parts of her workout, and it only took one short set for her legs to start feeling noodly. Her fans gushed over how hot it was to watch her struggle, and at the same time to watch her succeed. Seeing someone her size completing a genuine (if simple) workout routine was rare, especially when they weren’t trying to get any smaller. Seeing her getting stronger, even as the pounds piled on by the day and she had more of her own weight and body to contend with than ever, was a strange treat.

Finally, she moved to the floor to complete her workout. She had a couple more leg workouts she wanted to do, and also ended each workout with some stretches on the floor. Floor exercises were hard for a lot of reasons, not least of which was getting up afterwards, when she was already exhausted and gravity had its greatest hold on her. She was able to complete her exercises, and then shifted to some basic stretches – leaning towards her toes (touching them was unfathomable at this point) and that sort of thing.

When she finished, she felt tired, and almost more ready for a long nap than a meal that would quiet the loud rumbling of her stomach. “Thanks so much for joining the stream, everyone,” she said. She began the process of trying to get up. The combination of a truly encumbering amount of blubber and her exhaustion was making it difficult. She kept trying to get one of her legs underneath her, enough so that she could start to pivot forward onto her hands and knees and begin to rise to her feet again, but she… couldn’t. The muscles in her legs were so tired that she could barely move. She kept trying, trying to get momentum, trying to lean forward enough to give her thick leg the room it needed. But no. Just like with the hot tub a mere month before, she was stuck.

Viewers assumed she was playing around, throwing them all another bone because she knew how many of them had a big ol’ kink for watching a fat girl struggling and out of breath. As time went on, though, some of them wondered if something was up. Just look at her face. She’s not pretending, y’all, one person chimed in.

She was panting, frustrated and slightly panicked. She’d been able to do this just the day before. She was getting stronger. And yet she couldn’t pick her fat ass off her workout mat. “Fuck,” she whispered as she tried to think her way out of it. She might have to call someone to come help her. If her face hadn’t already been bright red, the shame of that would’ve shown much more plainly on her face. “Um. Well… I guess everyone still watching gets to hear about a new milestone,” she said, trying to smile even though she was almost certain she’d cry. “I, uh. I’m having trouble standing.”

She could see the chat speeding up as people chimed in. Some of them were offering advice, telling her how to move so she could get up, asking her if she needed them to call for help. “I’m – I’m okay. I’ll figure this out. It’s just gonna take some time. I think I just really wore myself out.” The combination of rabid horniness and genuine sympathy in the chat made her laugh. “Let’s all just sit here and chat for a few minutes while I try and get my strength back.”

Amma sat there for a good long while, making attempts every few minutes and failing miserably. On the fourth or fifth try, she finally gave in, letting out a heavy sigh. “Alright, everyone. I’m gonna have to call my mom to see if she can help.”

Viewers watched as she called her mom, trying to sound calm. “Are you busy? I need a little help with something. No, no, not, um, not super urgent, but I do need a little help here at the house.” She paused for a moment, biting her pretty lower lip. “I’m stuck. On the floor. I just need a little help getting up.” She listened as her mother replied. “Oh, thank you so much. I’m so sorry, it’s super embarrassing, but I figured it would be better to call you than the fire department right away.”

The chat waited, absolutely rabid over the idea of a mom reveal. How much skinnier do you think she is? one person asked. Fuck, would kill to see two ladies Amma’s size in the same room, another added. Amma’s mother, of course, did not have her daughter’s bizarre condition, and had therefore managed to stay pretty slim over the years. When she arrived, it was hard for anyone to believe she might actually be able to help Amma at all. It was also the first time anyone had actually seen their favorite streamer standing next to someone else, and it only made Amma look all the more massive.

It took more than ten minutes, but together, the two women managed to get Amma off the floor and standing. Amma’s legs wobbled as she stood, her stomach growling. Her mother was entirely in mom-mode, offering to make her lunch while she rinsed off in the shower (where, thank god, she had a very sturdy shower bench). Watching someone dote on their favorite hedonist streamer babe after watching her trapped on the floor by her own fat ass was like seeing a dream come true. A huge batch of big donations poured in right as Amma said her goodbyes.

“I’ll be back tomorrow, as always, but whew… gonna have to skip the floor exercises in the future unless I get a helper, huh?” She didn’t keep the stream running long enough to see how many people volunteered.


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