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What's Yours is Mine--Chapter 4 poll:

What is Harry's first time with his best friend Hermione like?

Hermione wants Harry to treat her like a slut and use her to fulfill years of dirty fantasies

Hermione doesn’t want someone to make love to her, she has her husband for that and is happy with Ron. She wants someone to treat her like a whore for the night. Harry makes the moment special by fulfilling all of his fantasies. Facefucking and giving her a facial in a tiny hogwarts uniform, fucking her arse in her Yule Ball Dress, and fucking her cunt in her wedding dress. Harry treats Hermione as nothing more as his slut for the night.

Hermione asks Harry to take her away from Ron and make her his--for real

I think it would be fun if Hermione wore a sluttied-up Hogwarts uniform (shirt tied into a crop top, skirt cut short enough to reveal her ass & pussy, y'know classic slutty schoolgirl)

As for a plot... maybe she's come to realize she wishes that she'd gotten together with him instead of Ron, and thus is the most enthusiastic of the girls when it comes to repayment. Towards the end she convinces Harry that since Ron dipped the most into his money, a single romp with her isn't enough: Harry should take her away completely. Harry realizes she's dead serious AND just wants to be with him, and can't help but accept.

Harry shags Hermione in Ron's old bedroom at the Burrow during a Weasley get-together

Harry waits until the whole family has gone over to the Burrow for one of Molly's usual large dinners to finally make his move on Hermione. Once the food is out on the table, Harry makes up an excuse to go upstairs with Hermione, drags her into Ron's childhood bedroom and proceeds to give his best friend the fucking of a lifetime. He's not going to put up any silencing charms, either, so it'll be up to her not to moan and scream loudly enough for the whole family to hear them.



Upon re-reading the text of the prompt itself, I realized my original label for the first option wasn't exactly accurate--Hermione wants Harry to use her to fulfill HIS fantasies of her. I edited the title of it to be more accurate in the text, but you aren't able to edit actual poll options after the poll has started, so the original descriptor remains there. I don't think it's hard to figure out either way, but I just wanted to point it out in case there was any confusion about why the two are different.


I just want to vote for all three since they’re all so good. Or combine them…Like, Hermione realizes that she should have been with Harry, so she waits for him in Ron’s old bedroom and gets in an old Gryffindor uniform that is now super tiny, and she ends the night in her wedding dress and unofficially marries Harry. Sorry, just really like all of these ideas, like I said. 😅


As I was reading the prompts, I almost immediately thought that they could be combined. I'm glad to see that I was not alone in my thoughts. 😂 I'm not here to write the fic, but here's another way of combining them: Hermione is supposedly happily married to Ron, but her marriage is boring. So, she meets Harry periodically to be treated like a whore. Over time, she realizes that Harry, with all of his passion and kinks, is the one for her and begs him to claim her for real. For their final act before he whisks her off, Harry fucks her in Ron's old bedroom at the Burrow during one of the Weasley's get-togethers. Is she able to resist screaming? Who knows...


Hm…I guess that would explain why Hermione didn’t stop Fleur from gobbling Harry’s dick in chapter 1, since Hermione’d been having an affair with Harry this whole time. 🤭 Then again, it is up to MayorHaggar to see if this proposed affair makes sense given that the girls were kind of shocked by Harry’s proposal.

Daniel S

I think you got something here. If she's just going with it at first but by the end she realizes she should have been with him from the get-go...


Like the others have said combine all three, Make it a mega chapter


Just to manage expectations: my focus is going to be on doing my best with the winning option (and we have a clear winner here, obviously.) Certain elements from the other options MIGHT be able to be incorporated, if I feel like something can fit in naturally as I'm writing, but I will be concentrating on the idea that won the poll. Also, I don't think this being an already ongoing affair would really make sense with the way things have been set up in this story, so that won't be happening. I'll be taking Sunday off from writing, as usual, and I will likely have to spend most or all of Monday finishing up my ongoing commission. But this will be what I'm concentrating on as soon as that's done, so expect to see the chapter sometime in the first half of the week.