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Summary: Harry wants his first time with Hermione to be perfect, so he delays seeking her out until he’s worked out how to make it so. But his best friend grows impatient enough to initiate her first repayment herself, and it isn’t long before Harry learns that he’s not the only one who’s been thinking about this for a very, very long time. (Harry/Hermione)

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“I’m ready whenever you are, Harry,” Hermione called loudly from up the stairs. Even from the fifth floor of the Burrow, her voice carried well.

Ron laughed and stood up from his mum’s kitchen table. “Better you than me, mate,” he said, clapping Harry on the shoulder. “I’ve never been able to stand it when she starts going on and on about her newest cause. It’s SPEW all over again, I swear. They probably pass her bills just so she’ll stop bossing them around for the rest of the day.”

“Your wife is bringing real change to our country, and to the lives of magical creatures,” Arthur said, frowning at his youngest son’s casual dismissal of how hard Hermione worked, and everything she’d accomplished at her young age.

“Your father’s right, Ron,” Molly said. “You should be excited when she wants to talk through one of her ideas with you.”

“That’s what Harry’s for!” Ron said, laughing again as Harry left the kitchen and started heading up the stairs. “She gets to spend the rest of the night talking to him about werewolf rubbish, he gets to do his best mate a favor and let her talk herself out with him instead of bothering me when I’m trying to listen to the quidditch match on the wireless, and I get to eat more cake and then go toss the quaffle around out in the orchard with George and Angelina. Everybody wins!”

“I couldn’t agree more,” Harry heard Angelina say as he reached the fifth floor. “As long as Harry’s around, we’ll all get what we need.”

“Oui,” Fleur said. “What a gift he has been to this family.” Harry grinned, remembering giving Fleur the ‘gift’ of two full loads of cum down her throat during his lunch break the previous day.

“Coming in, Hermione,” Harry said, opening the door to Ron’s childhood bedroom and stepping inside. “I honestly don’t know how much help I’ll be with this, but…”

“Oh, I’m sure you’re going to be loads of help, Harry,” a smiling Hermione said when Harry trailed off. “Just close the door behind you. You should probably lock and silence it as well, don’t you think? We wouldn’t want to disturb the others.”

Harry pushed the door closed behind him automatically and put up silencing and locking charms as well with a wave of his hand, not taking his eyes off of Hermione the entire time. “I’m guessing you didn’t actually call me up here because you wanted my help on your werewolf protection bill, then.”

Hermione laughed. “I am passionate about that bill, but no. That was just an excuse to get you alone.” She put held her arms at her side and bit her lip. “So, what do you think? I’ve never really tried the ‘slutty schoolgirl’ look before. Did I pull it off?”

“You pulled it off,” he said, still staring at her in this parody of a Hogwarts uniform. She wore a white blouse with a Gryffindor tie around her neck, but the blouse was tied up higher on her body to expose all of her pale belly. An attractive belly it was, too, but most of Harry’s attention was on her legs. Her skirt was incredibly short; far shorter than any actual Hogwarts student would be able to get away with. That meant that he could admire more of her bare legs than he’d been able to since their time alone in the tent, before Ron came back. And unlike back then, he could stand and stare this time, instead of having to content himself with fleeting glimpses of his very female, and very attractive, best friend.

He heard her giggle. “I’m glad to hear it,” she said. “I was beginning to wonder if you just didn’t find me attractive enough to sleep with.”

That was enough to get Harry to stop staring at her legs and look into her eyes. “Why would you think something as silly as that?” he asked. “You’re bloody gorgeous, Hermione.”

She smiled, and a light blush came to her cheeks, but she didn’t look away. “Then why haven’t you shagged me yet?” she asked. “It’s been two months since you gathered us all to tell us what our foolish husbands did and gave us the chance to work their debts off. I know you’ve already been with the others at least once. Listening to Fleur go on and on, it sounds like you’d probably need three hands to count all the times you’ve shagged her since that first night.”

“I’d probably need a few fingers from a fourth hand too, actually,” Harry admitted. Fleur was the most insatiable woman he’d ever been with by a very wide margin, and if they’d been able to get away with it, she probably would have come over to fuck him daily. He didn’t know how Bill kept up with her. Actually, it didn’t seem like he was keeping up with her. Harry couldn’t blame him there, honestly.

Hermione rolled her eyes. “So why did I have to come to you to make my first repayment, then? Are you just having so much fun with Fleur, and Angelina and Audrey when that veela slut leaves your cock alone for more than five minutes, that getting to me hasn’t been a priority?”

“That’s not it at all,” he insisted. “I was waiting because I was trying to find the right moment.” It was true. There were several reasons he’d saved Hermione for last, and why he still hadn’t shagged her even close to a month after his threesome with Audrey and Penelope. The fact that he’d played with Angelina several times since, and that Fleur wanted to sleep with him as often as they could manage it, certainly helped, since it meant he was having plenty of sex even as he delayed on making his move on Hermione. But it didn’t mean he didn’t want her. He wanted her badly. He’d just been trying to figure out the perfect way to do it and hadn’t been willing to rush into it before he found it. This was Hermione, his best friend since he was 11, and he would only have one first time with her.

“It’s not because you’re feeling guilty, is it?” she pressed. “Because of Ron?”

“No,” Harry said, shaking his head decisively. “It’s nothing to do with him.” Ron had been his best mate and the first friend his own age that he’d made in the wizarding world, but things were not the way they used to be between them. Harry had done quite a bit of thinking on this, once the debts of the Weasley brothers came to light and he’d chosen to seek compensation from their wives. Him looking to get back at Bill, Percy and George was more easily justifiable. He’d been on friendly terms with them, but after their theft of enough gold to drive most wizards to financial ruin, him getting payback by shagging Fleur, Audrey and Angelina, respectively, left him with no guilt.

Ron should have been different, given their history, but he’d felt no more conflicted about fucking his supposed best mate’s wife. Realizing how little the thought of cuckolding Ron bothered him had caused Harry to examine his relationship with his long-time best friend more closely, and it hadn't taken him long to realize that his friendship with Ron was not what it was. It had been deteriorating for years, and Harry quickly concluded that Ron walking out on them during the horcrux hunt had been the catalyst.

He hadn't had time to examine it after Ron came back, and there had always been something else to focus on in the years that followed. But whether he'd realized it or not, Harry had never fully forgiven Ron for leaving when he'd needed him most. Yes, he'd come back, but something had broken between them that night, and it had never truly healed. Harry was no longer concerned about hurting Ron or betraying their friendship. Whatever tenuous friendship still existed between them did not mean nearly enough to him for him to pass up on the chance to shag Hermione.

Hermione must have been able to tell that he meant it, because she visibly relaxed and nodded her head. "Good," she said. "So, you really were just waiting for the right moment, then." Harry nodded. "And what do you think about this one? Ron is downstairs with his family, likely stuffing his face with sweets to celebrate not having to talk to me for the rest of the night. You and I, meanwhile, are up in his hideous childhood bedroom, and no one's going to disturb us for the rest of the night. Is this a good enough moment for you, Harry?"

"I think I can make it work, yeah," he said, doing his best to keep a straight face. Hermione gave him a saucy smile that accelerated the growth of his erection inside of his trousers.

"Great!" she said, clapping her hands. "So, how should we get started, Harry? Ron stole more gold from you than any of his brothers, so I have loads of work to do. Just tell me how you want me." She did a quick spin, and her already short skirt flipped up slightly, giving him a brief peek at her bare arse. Harry groaned. This tease wasn't even wearing underwear. "However you want me, I'm yours, Harry."

"Get down on your knees, you slutty schoolgirl," he demanded. "We're going to see if you make the grade."

His best friend's face lit up, and she dropped to the floor so quickly that he wouldn't be surprised if she'd hurt her knees. But if it had hurt, she didn't react at all. She just looked up at him from her knees with an eager smile as he undid his trousers and pulled them down his legs, looking every bit the slutty schoolgirl she was portraying.

"Oh, please, Professor Potter!" she begged. "Please, give me a chance to earn top marks! I'm sure you'll find that my mouth deserves an Outstanding!" She licked her lips playfully, and seeing the way her brown eyes locked onto his cock in lust when he pulled his boxers down made Harry grin. She'd already seen his dick; she'd seen it when she watched him fuck Fleur, for certain, if she hadn't caught a glimpse of it at some point while they were in the tent. But she was still impressed by it, and she stared at it hungrily as he stepped towards her.

"I think there's been a misunderstanding, Miss Granger," he said, deciding to play along with her, and also deciding to use her maiden name rather than her married one. "You're not going to suck my cock."

Hermione frowned in what was likely genuine confusion and disappointment. "I'm not?"

"No," Harry said. He put his left hand on the back of her head and held his cock in the right. He rubbed the tip across her lips, and she gasped and parted her lips quickly in order to suck him in. But rather than letting her suckle his cock, he slid it straight into her open mouth, making her stare up at him wide-eyed and cough as he unexpectedly pushed almost half of his length into her mouth. "You're not going to suck anything. I'm going to fuck your face, you insatiable slut."

Harry moved his right hand to her head as well, getting a firm grip of her bushy brown hair as he slid his hips back and then thrust right back in. It was immediately obvious that Hermione had never had anyone use her mouth like this and was not prepared for it. He could hear her gag on his cock, and there was a stunned look in her eyes as she looked up at him, blinking rapidly. If this was her first time having her face fucked, as it certainly appeared it was, a dick as large as his was a very daunting one for her to start with. His brilliant best friend was in over her head, because this was something no book could have ever taught her.

At no point did seeing her struggle make Harry even consider hesitating. Hearing Hermione gag on his cock and seeing her try to blink back tears only made him want to get more demanding with her. He’d been thinking of all the things he’d like to do to her for the last two months. Hell, he’d been imagining Hermione down on her knees for him for ten bloody years by this point. But now he wasn’t trying to pretend that he didn’t want her, and he wasn’t allowing something as meaningless as his dwindling friendship with Ron Weasley to prevent him from taking what he wanted. His best friend was gorgeous, she was on her knees for him, and he wasn’t going to waste this moment.

There was a decade of repressed fantasies behind his thrusts, and Hermione felt every one of them. He only went faster as they went along; never giving her any hope of getting used to what was happening to her. Her introduction to facefucking just got progressively rougher, and her gagging got louder. He doubted she’d ever had a cock down her throat before now, but his big dick plunged all the way in with merciless speed, over and over again.

If he hadn’t put up the silencing charm, he was sure the rest of the Weasley family would have been able to hear Hermione struggle to endure this facefucking at the hands of her best friend. They might have heard his balls smacking against her chin as well. That was a sound that Angelina, Audrey and especially Fleur knew very well already, but Harry was thrilled to finally know what it felt like and sounded like to fuck Hermione’s face. He’d been an idiot to waste so much time trying to think up the perfect way to take her when he could have been spending all that time fucking her. Then again, wasted time was something of a theme between him and Hermione, wasn’t it? How well would he know her body if he’d been honest about how attractive he found her all along? If he’d told Hermione how gorgeous she looked the night of the Yule Ball, would that night have ended very differently for both of them? If he’d given in to his attraction to her and made a move on her when it was the two of them alone in the tent, would she have ever even kissed Ron, much less married him?

Harry banished those thoughts. Rather than considering what might have been, he was going to focus on what was happening now, and what was happening now was pretty fucking great. He could feel Hermione’s throat convulse around his cock as he made her gag uncontrollably each time his hips snapped forward again. He could hear her choking on his dick, and he could see the tears leaking from her eyes and the spit and drool spilling out of her mouth and smearing across her chin. But there was one thing that Harry knew he was going to remember above all about the first (but definitely not the last, if he had anything to say about it) time he got Hermione on her knees.

It was the look in her eyes. Despite the mess, despite the choking and despite the tears, Hermione was excited. His brilliant best friend was in over her head physically, and she couldn’t blink back her tears or stop her throat from trying to expel him in an act of simple self-preservation. But if he’d given her a chance to end it all here, she would have pulled his hands tighter on her hair and urged him to keep going.

“You sound so good choking on my cock, Miss Granger,” he said, giving her hair a little yank as he pulled her head back and looked down into her eyes. “As much as you’ve struggled to take it, you’ve been so obedient. You’ve been such a good girl for me. This has been an Exceeds Expectations, at the very least.”

He let go of her hair and pulled his cock out of her mouth, giving her a chance to breathe through her mouth. But she was more concerned with protesting his decision than she was with getting her breathing back under control. “Only an E, sir?” she panted, shaking her head and wiping away the tears.

Harry laughed. “So far, yes,” he said. He put his hand on her cheek and caressed her skin, smiling more widely as she leaned into the touch and nuzzled his hand like a dog. “It will only reach an Outstanding if the finish is worthy of top marks. But that will require some commitment from you. I do have an idea in mind, but I don’t know if you’re ready for it.”

I’m ready, sir,” Hermione said, coughing and gasping. “I’m ready for anything. Let me be your good girl.

Harry nearly exploded just from hearing her say that to him, but he took a deep breath and held on. “Are you sure, Miss Granger? Are you ready to get very, very messy?” Hermione just nodded, staring up at him intently with her hands in her lap while she waited for him to finish with her.

“Very well,” he said. He slid his cock back into her mouth, grabbed her hair in both hands again and resumed his facefuck. He didn’t merely pick up where he left off; he throatfucked her even harder than before. Had he ever fucked any woman’s throat this roughly before? With the possible exception of Fleur, who was literally built to take anything he could give her, he couldn’t remember anyone taking his cock down her throat like this. He’d definitely never reduced any woman to this state before. It seemed that Hermione brought out the best in him—or maybe the worst, depending on your view.

Hermione’s hands smacked against his legs in a mindless struggle to breathe, but she was about to get a reprieve. He pulled his cock out of her mouth with a sigh, and instantly she started hacking and wheezing. “You’ve done so well, Miss Granger,” he said, running the fingers of his left hand through her hair. “You’ve been such a good girl for me.” His right hand pumped his cock from tip to base, and when he felt himself about ready to blow, his grip in her hair tightened, pulling her head up so her face was level with the head of his cock. “And now you’re going to be a messy girl.”

He erupted, firing a decade’s worth of cum all over Hermione’s face as he finished fucking her face in her husband’s childhood bedroom. It wasn’t exactly as it had been in his forbidden dreams, whether she’d been wearing her pretty Yule Ball dress, or he’d shagged her in an abandoned classroom, or any of the other fantasies he’d ever had about her. But 24-year-old Harry wasn’t upset that things had turned out the way they had. Hermione might be Ron’s wife now, but she was also on her knees in Ron’s old bedroom while she wore Harry’s cum on her face. Spurt after spurt shot out to cover her. By the time he was finished, Hermione had his cum sticking to her forehead, running across her nose and cheeks and dripping down to her chin. She even had some as high as her hair and as low as her neck. His best friend had never looked dirtier, or sexier, than she did now.

“That’s an Outstanding if I’ve ever seen one,” he declared.

Hermione wiped away the tears and cum from around her eyes, and stared up at him with a ravenous look that made him suck in a deep breath. “Fuck me, Harry,” she said seriously, abandoning the slutty schoolgirl act. “Please.” Even though her voice was still faint, and she was still short of breath, there was strength and certainty behind her voice.

He waved his hand over her, vanishing the mess he’d made on her face. As sexy as she looked, that filthy mixture would only get in the way now. “Get up here,” he said, holding his hand down towards her. Hermione grinned but held up one finger on her left hand to ask him for a moment. She pulled her wand out with her right hand and cast a quick charm on herself.

“Mouth cleansing charm,” she explained, putting the wand away again and taking his hand. “You know, in case you feel like kissing me.”

Harry laughed as she took his hand, and he helped her back to her feet. “Good to see that brain of yours is still working fine even after I made you choke on my cock.” She giggled, but before she could say anything he put his arms around her and pulled her body into his. He kissed her, thankful she’d cast the charm so he could do this without tasting himself. Instead, he just got to enjoy her taste and appreciate her soft sigh as she leaned in to snuggle against him more closely. Hermione kissed him back eagerly, putting her arms around his neck and running her fingers through his hair. She was a good kisser, a passionate kisser.

She was one of the cleverest and most determined people he’d ever met, and she was always thinking about the things she wanted to achieve and the improvements she wanted to bring to their society and the lives of the people and creatures that lived in it. But right now, she wasn’t the cleverest witch of her generation, the woman who worked so tirelessly for the rights of the less fortunate or the shooting star who seemed destined to become one of the youngest Ministers in their country’s history. Right now, she was just a passionate woman moaning into the mouth of her lover as she snogged her best friend. They’d never spoken of anything like this with each other, but feeling how enthusiastically she kissed him and how quick she was to start groping his bare back or his arse, Harry suspected that he wasn’t the only one who had thought about this more than once over the years.

Speaking of groping, Harry did plenty of his own. Now that she was standing in front of him, he rubbed her bare legs, finding them even smoother, softer and longer than they’d looked when he first opened the door and saw her standing there in her absurdly short skirt. But as smooth and soft as her legs were, he couldn’t resist the temptation of sliding his hands up higher, going underneath that skirt so he could touch his best friend’s bare arse for the first time. Hermione moaned and brushed her tongue against his as he took her cheeks in his hands and gave them a squeeze.

They stood like that for some time, kissing and groping at each other. But when Hermione moved her hands around to his front and started rubbing his dick and tickling his balls, Harry decided that it was time for him to take this further. His hands slid back out from under her skirt and reached up to deal with her shirt. He found that it was too difficult for him to undo the buttons without breaking their kiss, so he just waved his hand and vanished the fucking thing altogether. He got rid of her bra too for good measure, so his hands were able to grab Hermione’s tits with nothing in the way. He left the Gryffindor tie around her neck though. Something about looking down and seeing that scarlet and gold tie handing down between her bare breasts did things to Harry that he’d never even contemplated until now.

She broke their kiss to groan as he gave her boobs a squeeze, and his cock gave a little twitch against her thigh at the sound. He immediately bought his lips to her neck instead so he could kiss and lightly nip at her throat. She gasped and raked her fingers through his hair again while he lightly rubbed her hardened nipples with his thumbs.

“Mmm, I can’t tell you how many times I’ve seen this hair all sticking up and just wanted to mess it up even more,” she said. He gave her another, slightly harder nip with his teeth, and she giggled. “I’m glad you like playing with my boobs so much, Harry, even after having a woman as perfect as Fleur in your bed.”

Harry broke away from her neck to look in her eyes. “Fleur is perfect,” he agreed. “And so are you.” Hermione giggled and started to shake her head, but he guided her right hand back to his cock. “Hold that in your hand and tell me I’m lying. Feel how hard I already am again? That’s because of you, Hermione. Feel how badly I want you? How badly I’ve always wanted you, whether I could admit it or not?”

Her breath hitched, and her cheeks flushed with arousal. “Then what the fuck are you waiting for, Harry?” she snapped. “I’m right here! Take me!”

Of all of Hermione’s bright ideas over roughly thirteen years of friendship, that might have been her brightest of all. Harry picked her up and tossed her down onto the bed. Hermione’s body bounced as her back landed on the ugly orange Chudley Cannons bedspread, and she half-shrieked, half-giggled. By the time Harry had climbed onto the bed with her, she’d gotten up on her hands and knees and was wiggling her hips back at him. That short skirt did absolutely nothing to hide her from his view, and Harry licked his lips at the sight of his best friend so flagrantly displaying herself for him.

“I’m going to love tasting you,” he said, rubbing his index finger along her sopping outer pussy lips and sucking his finger clean. Then he put that same hand on her hip while replacing his finger with his cock. “But that’ll have to wait for your next payment, because I’ve waited way too fucking long to shag you.”

“Yes!” Hermione said, gasping and wiggling her hips as she felt the tip of his cock brush against her labia. “Yes, do it, Harry! Do it—ohh!

She gasped as he slid forward and entered her. For the first time ever, Harry’s cock was inside of Hermione Granger (he refused to think of her as Hermione Weasley at this moment and wasn’t sure he would ever be able to again.) He was happy to just rest there for a bit, look down and acquaint himself with her body, rubbing her hips, fondling her arse and reminding himself of just whose cunt he was currently inside. Even when he started to move, he slowly slid in and pulled back. It wasn’t that he was afraid of being too rough with her; he wouldn’t have made her choke so violently on his cock if that had been the case. He was just choosing to take his time and savor being with Hermione for the first time.

But she had other ideas. “Come on, Harry!” Hermione said. She pushed her hips back towards him, so impatient for him to get on with it that she was doing the thrusting herself. It was a poor replacement for what she really wanted, though. “Don’t hold out on me now! Fuck me! You can’t possibly know how badly I’ve wanted this, and how much I’ve looked forward to it! Please, don’t hold back! I want you to fuck me!”

Harry’s hands squeezed her hips. “Is that so? I was going to take my time with you, but if you’re that desperate to get fucked, I guess I can oblige you.” He held her hips tighter while pulling his cock back almost all the way out of her, and his next thrust was significantly deeper and harder than the previous ones had been. Hermione exhaled sharply, and Harry ran his hand from her hip to her arse. “Be careful what you wish for, Granger.”

His hand, which had been gently rubbing her arse, gave her a sudden spank that made her gasp in surprise. That spank was swiftly followed by another thrust, this one even rougher than the last. If she wanted to get fucked, Harry would fuck her. He picked up speed quickly, fucking her with the same sort of determination and recklessness with which he would fly through the air in pursuit of the Golden Snitch. His hips smacked against her arse, and her body rocked back and forth on her hands and knees under the intensity of his thrusts.

“Is this what you had in mind, Hermione?” he challenged, giving her another spank between thrusts.

Yes!” she shouted. “It’s perfect! It’s bloody perfect! Keep going, Harry! Harder, harder, yes!

Harry’s eyes narrowed and he threw even more of himself into his thrusts and his spanks. He could feel the bed creaking and shaking beneath them, but that didn’t stop him. If the bed couldn’t withstand the rigorous activity he was putting it through, that wasn’t his problem. The fucking thing probably should have been replaced a decade earlier anyway.

It wasn’t just the bed that struggled to keep up with Harry’s pace. Hermione gasped and groaned as he shagged her wildly, and it all got to be so much that she could no longer keep herself up on all fours. She dropped down to her elbows, which had to be at least a moderately more comfortable position for her. But from Harry’s perspective, it stuck her arse up higher in the air and displayed it even more prominently for him to appreciate. And appreciate it he did.

“Can I tell you a secret, Hermione?” he asked, rubbing her bum. She was too busy gasping and moaning to say anything, so he just kept talking. “I love this bum. I used to walk slightly behind you in between classes, just so I could try and stare at it. I’ve always loved a nice, thick arse; ask Angelina if you don’t believe me. And other than Angelina, I don’t think any of the Weasley wives have an arse quite as thick as yours. It’s wasted on Ron, honestly.”

“Who fucking cares about him?!” Hermione hissed. “It’s your bum, Harry! Spank it and squeeze it all you like! Fuck, you can bugger it if you want to! I’ve never done that for him, but I’ll do it for you! If you want it, it’s yours!”

Harry groaned. “I’m going to take you up on that,” he vowed, giving her arse one last spank. He pulled out of her, wrapped his arms around her waist and flipped her over onto her back. “But not today. We’ll save that for your next payment.” She spread her legs for him, and he got into position on top of her and slid his cock back inside of her, making her groan again. Rather than picking back up with the furious pace he’d been fucking her from behind, he slowly moved in and out of her. “For now, I think I’d rather cum inside of Ron’s wife on his childhood bed.”

Hermione laughed. “He’s earned it, I would say. With how much gold he stole from you, getting your cum all over this hideous bedspread is nothing.”

Harry slid his right hand between their bodies, and two of his fingers found her clit. He watched her eyes widen and listened to her gasp as he lightly teased it, and then she moaned at the more direct contact.

“That’s perfect, Harry,” she cooed, smiling up at him beautifully. He matched his thrusts to his rubbing, coordinating everything to maximize her enjoyment of their first time together. “It’s even more perfect than I’d thought it would be.”

“Spent loads of time thinking about this, have you?” he asked lightly. Though he was teasing her, she really had seemed incredibly eager throughout it all. Even when he was using her harder than she was really ready for, she’d still welcomed it all. Of all of the Weasley wives, with the possible exception of Fleur, she’d felt like the most enthusiastic of them all when it came time to ‘repay’ him. But Fleur had veela blood inside of her, and even if not all of the rumors about veela were true, their insanely high sex drive was obvious to anyone who had ever been with a veela. But of the pure humans Harry had shagged, both amongst the Weasley wives and the plethora of women he’d been with over the last several years, he didn’t think any had been as exuberant as Hermione.

“Yes,” she said, surprising him with her bluntness. She didn’t blush or look away. She stared straight up into his eyes and smiled at him as he slowly thrust back and forth inside of her in her husband’s childhood bed. “I’ve wanted this for a very long time, Harry. I’ve probably wanted it for longer than I even realized, to be honest. And I’m so glad it’s actually happening.”

She reached up to rub the stubble along his jaw with her fingertips, and Harry chuckled, surprised at how tender and romantic this was starting to feel. Having an affair with your best friend, who happened to be married to your other best friend, should not have felt romantic. Doing it in his old bedroom while he and his family ate dessert and/or tossed the quaffle around outside, depending on how long Harry and Hermione had actually been up here, shouldn’t have been the slightest bit romantic. But he didn’t hate the feeling.

“It’s pretty fucking brilliant, isn’t it?” he said, grinning at her while slowly thrusting. “Makes you wonder why we didn’t do this years ago, huh?”

“It does,” she agreed. “We were idiots. But we’re here now, and it’s perfect.”

Harry gave her another thrust. “It is perfect,” he said. “You’re perfect. And the good news is this is only the first of many, many repayments you’ll need to make. Ron stole more from me than any of his brothers did. Hell, he stole more than any two of them put together. You’re gonna need to spend a lot of time in bed with me before I’d even be able to think about clearing the debt with Gringotts.”

It was meant to be a joke, but Hermione’s expression turned quite serious. “You’re not wrong,” she said. “I’ll never be able to work it all off. The others, maybe. But Ron took far more from you than his brothers did. I think there’s only one way to make it right. You should just take me all for yourself—for good.”

Harry laughed. “Yes, I suppose I could wipe all of Ron’s debt out in one go if he was willing to give me you in exchange.” This, too, was meant to be a joke. But Hermione did not even crack a smile. She put both hands on his face, and her brown eyes stared directly into his like she was staring into his soul. Harry’s smile slowly slipped as he saw that look and realized what it meant. “You’re serious.”

Hermione nodded, still not breaking eye contact. “I’m serious.”

“Hermione,” he began, shaking his head. “You know I would never actually force you to do anything just because of some stolen gold, don’t you? I thought you understood that this was—“

“I don’t care about the gold,” Hermione said, cutting him off. “Well, I don’t care about it except for the fact that it showed me how fucking stupid I’ve been, and that it’s given me a way to fix my mistakes.” She licked her lips, suddenly looking nervous. “I want to be yours, Harry. Really yours. If you’ll have me.”

Harry knew that there was a great deal that they would need to discuss. They were going to need to figure out what this meant. Did she want to be his wife? If so, how were they going to deal with Ron? Magical divorces were not nearly as simple as they were in the muggle world, unless both parties were willing. And what would this mean for the life Harry had led up until now? He’d enjoyed the bachelor lifestyle and the beautiful women who threw themselves at him as a war hero. There were also the ‘repayments’ from the other Weasley wives to consider. Would that need to stop if he said yes? All of these were questions that needed answering. But right now, there was only one question that stood above all the others.

His best friend wanted to be with him. She wanted him to take her away from her husband for real. Would he take her?

Harry ran his hand down her cheek and jaw, stopping to hold the Gryffindor tie that hung between her breasts. “Mine,” he declared.

Hermione smiled widely, and tears shone in her eyes. “Yours,” she whispered, nodding. “I’m yours, Harry.”

In a flash, Harry changed positions. The slow lovemaking he’d switched to after flipping her onto her back wasn’t going to work now. If he was going to make her his, he was going to fuck her. He got up from his knees and stood up on the bed, digging his toes into the Chudley Cannons bedspread while he put his hands on the back of Hermione’s thighs and pushed her legs towards her head. He didn’t stop pushing until her legs were bent and her knees were just about touching her shoulders. Only then did he squat down over her and slide his cock back inside of her. Hermione whimpered as she felt him push back into her, and their eyes met again. Everything they’d done up until now had been great, but everything had changed now, and they both knew it. They were playing for keeps now.

Harry surprised even himself with just how frantic his thrusts were this time, so he couldn’t even imagine what Hermione must be thinking. Never in his life had he fucked anyone with the urgency he felt as he squatted above Hermione and fucked her in Ron’s bed at the Burrow. This wasn’t just a rough shag; this was him taking his best friend away from her husband and claiming her as his. She was his woman now, and while he still wasn’t entirely certain what that was going to be like, he knew that he could not stop slamming his cock down into her cunt until he’d filled her with his cum and marked her as his, now and forever.

Hermione was screaming as he fucked her hard enough to make the bed shake violently beneath them, but she wasn’t screaming in pain or discomfort. There was one thing, and one thing only, that Hermione kept screaming over and over again as he fucked her.

Harry! Harry! Harry! Harry!

To Harry, listening to her shout his name repeatedly carried a multitude of meanings. It was a scream of joy, it was a prayer, it was a plea, it was her cheering him on, and it was an acknowledgement that he was the only one who got to do this to her now. He hadn’t been her first, but he would be her only from now on. Amidst all the uncertainty, that was the one thing Harry was utterly certain of.

Harry felt the bed sag beneath them, no longer able to support their weight or their intensity. He didn’t care. Maybe they could repair it with magic, or maybe Hermione would proudly inform Ron of the broken bed right as she told him that she was Harry’s from now on. Anything that would happen once they got out of this bed was not Harry’s concern now. Hermione was the only thing that mattered, and it didn’t matter whether the bed broke or the house set on fire: he wasn’t pulling out until she was his.

Harry!” Hermione shouted one more time, just as he felt her pussy squeeze around his cock. Her legs shook, her hands grabbed at his ankles mindlessly, and her eyes fluttered shut. Harry let out a grunt of triumph over an opponent he hadn’t known he was in combat with but had just defeated after a years-long struggle. His victory took the form of burying his cock to the hilt inside of her pussy and emptying his balls inside of her, filling her to the brim with thick cum to mark her as his. There was so much of it that some trickled back out of her cunt and leaked onto them both. Some of it dripped down onto the Chudley Cannons bedspread, further marring the bed that had already been damaged by their rutting.

Towards the end of his orgasm, Harry dipped his head down and captured Hermione’s lips in a kiss, just as he had captured her body and was making sure she knew it belonged to him. Her eyes remained closed, but she whined into his mouth and did her best to kiss him back with what little energy she had left. Her lips, her arse, her cunt, her mind, her heart: all of it was his now. And as far as Harry was concerned, that was a repayment worth more than all the gold in his Gringotts vault.

What happened with the other Weasley brothers’ debts remained to be seen, but his debt with Ron was settled.



At just a shade under 7k words, this was one of the longest chapters/fics I've done here on Patreon, if not THE longest. I hope you enjoyed it! I also made a PDF of all 4 chapters thus far.


Wow! I didn’t think you’d actually take my idea of combining all three ideas into one. Thank you! ❤️ …Of course, you could have been heading in that direction anyway… 😅


And I just read your comment on the actual poll about trying to incorporate all the ideas but sticking to the main option that won, so sorry about posting that last comment before reading it… 😅 And that makes sense about the affair not making sense, which is why I reminded people that it was ultimately up to you as to whether that came in or not. 😁

Bi Zuko

hell yeah


you did an amazing job with this, thank you for all of your hard work on it.


Heh, no problem! And yeah, while there were elements of all three options here in the chapter (doing it in Ron's childhood bedroom, the facefuck/facial), the focus was definitely on the themes and direction of the option that won the poll.


Glad you liked it, particularly since it was your poll submission that led the way here. I think it's clear that the direction this chapter went is going to have a ripple effect on the rest of the story from here on, but I guess we'll figure out how everything goes together in the coming months!


The skimpy Hogwarts uniform was actually mentioned in both the winning option and the first runner-up, so I guess you could consider that a two for the price of one situation, lol.


So it was…And yeah, it’s a skimpy House themed schoolgirl uniform, so what’s not to love! 😂 And do you prefer stockings to stay on a girl or no? Personally I think not ALL clothes being removed is hotter in sex scenes.


It depends on the situation, but yeah, sometimes only partial nudity can be hotter. (For example, I found the idea of Hermione still wearing her Gryffindor tie to be really hot, even before I saw the opportunity for Harry to grab it at the end.) I actually envisioned her wearing stockings when I first started thinking about how I would write the chapter, but I guess it wasn't something that occurred to me as I was actually writing. Whoops! ...But maybe Hermione can keep her stockings on when Harry takes her to bed on their wedding night, if that's the way this story winds up going? 👀


Yeah, like with the ‘Ron took more than two of the other brothers combined’ thing, Ron agrees to divorce Hermione in order to get all of it wiped? Not sure about the other Weasley wives, but maybe they’ll just be side flings that still want to cuck their husbands for the thrill of it while Hermione is the actual ring-on-finger wife? As you said, IF the story goes that direction, that is. 😁


Hagger you do harry and hermione so well. But this is definitely some of your best work 👏 👌


With their connection and shared history, Harry and Hermione are always interesting to write. Glad you liked it!