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Fandom: Spider-Man (Raimi-verse)

Summary: Mary Jane Watson ran away from her wedding and towards the man she'd wanted all along. His responsibilities as Spider-Man pulled Peter away before their long-awaited moment could last--but when he returns, she's waiting to pick up where they left off. (Peter/MJ Watson)

Patreon Quick Fic

A/N: So, towards the end of last month I mentioned thinking it would be a good idea for me to start doing some occasional short, roughly snapshot-length stories to share here for patrons in addition to the three monthly poll fics.  I'll give them the label 'quick fic', in order to distinguish them from what you've come to expect from the poll stories. I'd probably aim for something around a thousand words, like this one, but maybe some will be slightly shorter or slightly longer.

I don't know how frequently I'll do these; I'll play it by ear, see how it fits into my schedule/what kind of feedback you guys give me, how it affects the patron count, etc. I might put up the occasional poll for these with a few different options for you guys to choose from. This first one was actually something I wrote a little while back, but never posted anywhere. It seemed like a good way to test this concept out and see if you guys like it, so by all means, let me know what you think!

MJ had still been standing in her wedding dress, looking out the window of Peter’s apartment as he took on the role of the friendly neighborhood Spider-Man and went out to protect the city and the citizens in it. The moment she’d been waiting years for had finally happened. She’d finally stepped out of Peter’s doorway and into his life, for real, the way it felt like she had always been meant to. But the moment had been cut short, because the sirens rang out before she could do more than kiss the man she loved.

She hadn’t let their interrupted moment get her down, though, because MJ knew that this was part of what she had signed up for when she fled what was supposed to be her wedding. Peter and Spider-Man were a package deal, and she loved them both. He would never be hers alone; not as long as the city needed Spider-Man. But that was okay. She would always be there waiting for him when he came back. And this was actually a great opportunity for her to show this to him.

Peter came swinging back in through his apartment window, and she saw him go still when he realized that she had not left while he was gone. She’d waited patiently for him to return, but all was not exactly as it had been. She’d made herself more comfortable, namely by carefully removing her wedding dress, folding it up and putting it away, never to be looked at again, except for when she sold it to someone who might actually get use out of it.

She hadn’t changed out of the sexy white bridal lingerie she’d been wearing beneath the dress, though. MJ had fought against the anxiety and the sick feeling in her belly when she’d initially put it on, struck by the inescapable feeling that she was putting the lingerie on for the viewing pleasure and excitement of the wrong man. But there was no anxiety whatsoever when Peter shut the window behind him and lowered the blinds. He pulled his mask off, and she could see how wide his eyes were as he stared at her in her sexy underwear. MJ smiled giddily, knowing that the right person was seeing her for the first time.

“Welcome back, tiger,” she purred. “See something you like?”

Peter seemed at a loss for words. He just stared at her, barely daring to blink, like he was afraid she might disappear. He might have kept standing there staring indefinitely if she hadn’t crossed the room and put her hands on his shoulders.

“Mary Jane,” he whispered. Her name sounded like a prayer on his lips, and she loved it.

Their lips crashed together, kissing passionately as they basked in finally getting over all of the hurdles that kept them from having what they’d both wanted. This time there was no siren to interrupt them when the kiss deepened and their hands started roaming. MJ was eager to get Peter out of his Spider-Man suit and do all of the things she’d fantasized about doing with him, but he pushed her gently towards his bed as they kissed and had her lay down so her ass was right on the edge and her legs hung over. He followed her down, and his lips broke away from hers so he could kiss his way down her body. Peter kept going, kissing his way down past her belly, shifting his body as he got lower.

“Please,” he said, slowly kneeling in front of her and reaching to slide her lacy panties down. “I’ve always wanted to do this.” He looked up at her with his head between her thighs, and MJ’s mind flashed back to the times she’d tried to find the right angle to kiss John so everything clicked. It never had, and it was obvious why. It would never feel right with anyone but Peter. On some level she’d always known that he was the one for her, even when she’d been giving Spider-Man kisses in the rain without knowing whose face she would find if she pulled his mask all the way back.

“Go for it, tiger,” she whispered. If this was how Peter wanted to start their time together, MJ wasn’t about to stop him.

“Beautiful,” he breathed once he’d gotten her panties off. “So, so beautiful.” He kissed her inner thighs tenderly, working his way closer to her sex, and MJ clenched her hands into fists so she wouldn’t grab his head and pull him where she wanted him. She was more aroused than she could ever remember being in her life. “Thank you, Mary Jane Watson.”

She was the one who felt like she owed thanks, especially once his lips reached their destination. MJ had spent far more time than she was comfortable with wondering how good a lover Peter would be, and as he started to lick her, she got her answer. He started off with long, slow licks that made her moan, but it didn’t take long before he licked and kissed his way into discovering what she really liked. His tongue circled her clit again and again, making MJ moan and writhe on his bed.

“Oh, Peter!” she gasped. She couldn’t help but grab his hair now, nor could she stop herself from humping her hips up slightly and rubbing her pussy against his face. He didn’t seem to mind. He just kept licking her, evidently focused solely on bringing her pleasure.

Peter!” MJ had to fight to keep her eyes open as she came. It wasn’t easy, because her body trembled and her toes curled thanks to the incredibly powerful climax Peter’s tongue brought her. But she wanted to see him as she came. She wanted to look down her body and see Peter kneeling on the floor in his Spider-Man costume, his mask off and his head between her legs, servicing her.

She might have to share Spider-Man with the city of New York, but Peter Parker was all hers at last. And every time he swung back in through that window, she would be there to welcome her hero home.


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