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Fandom: Harry Potter

Summary: With Bill Weasley left impotent thanks to Fenrir, he turns to Harry several years into his marriage to Fleur to give his wife everything she's being missing out on. (Harry/Fleur)

Content Warnings/Themes: Consensual infidelity, romance (yes, really), loss of virginity, impregnation kink

Patreon Exclusive/Early Access

Harry stared at Bill Weasley in shock, trying to figure out how he was supposed to respond to a revelation like this. He’d been friendly with Bill mostly through his association as Ron’s older brother, but in the three years that had passed since the end of the war the man had become one of Harry’s closest friends. Harry had decided that life as a curse breaker sounded more interesting that going into the aurors and continuing to fight dark wizards, which he’d done quite enough of while a student at Hogwarts. Bill had been his mentor and later his senior partner and was a dear friend as well. Harry still considered Ron his best mate, but outside of him and Hermione, Harry was closer to Bill than anyone else in his life.

Hell, he’d spent more time with Bill than either of his longtime best friends, or anyone else, in the last few years. In addition to working together as closely as they did, Bill often invited Harry to come to his home and join him and Fleur for dinner and socializing. Since he and Ginny had fizzled out the summer following the war, and he hadn’t met anyone since who he liked and saw him for him, rather than as the Harry Potter, Vanquisher of Voldemort, he’d spent loads of time on this very sofa, sharing stories and laughs with Bill and Fleur Weasley. But the painful personal detail Bill had just shared with him was nothing to laugh about. Harry didn’t have a clue what to say.

“I’m sorry,” he said lamely, cursing himself for saying something so meaningless. Bill gave him a small smile, seemingly understanding his struggle.

“It’s okay,” Bill said. “I’ve had years to learn to live with it. Honestly, I was probably lucky it wasn’t worse. Greyback could have killed me or turned me into a werewolf. Cursed wounds leaving me impotent was a better fate than plenty received during the war.” He closed his eyes for a moment, and Harry could only assume that he was remembering his late brother Fred.

“Still, I’m really sorry to hear it,” Harry said. Now that he’d had a bit more time to come to grips with the consequences of Greyback’s attack, he was able to express his thoughts to his friend more clearly. “I can’t imagine how difficult it’s been on you and Fleur.” It also explained why Mrs. Weasley, who had lately been not so subtly hinting about grandchildren to George and Angelina as well as Ron and Hermione, made no such comments towards Bill and Fleur. Now that Harry thought about it, she tended not to bring the subject up at all when they were around. For them, it would be a raw wound and a reminder of what they could never have.

Bill opened his eyes and grimaced. “It’s not me that I’m concerned with,” he admitted quietly. “When the mediwitch told me what had happened, and that there was no hope for recovery, I tried to gently let Fleur know that we didn’t have to go through with the wedding. I couldn’t ask her to make that kind of sacrifice. I knew how much she wanted to be a mother someday, and it also wasn’t fair to expect her to remain a virgin for the rest of her life?”

“Fleur’s a virgin?” Harry blurted out without thinking. He winced, hoping he hadn’t just gravely offended his friend. Obviously she hadn’t been able to have sex with him thanks to Greyback’s attack, but he’d assumed that she would have had a lover or two before she met Bill. There certainly wouldn’t have been any shortage of wizards willing to throw themselves at her feet.

Bill chuckled and gave a small smile that didn’t quite manage to reach his eyes. “Contrary to popular belief about them, veela are not promiscuous. Actually, they’re far less promiscuous than the average witch. They’re immensely passionate, but they’re also just as devoted and loyal. While they have men tripping over themselves to get to them, a veela won’t trust a man with her body until he’s proven he can be trusted with her heart too. It’s actually pretty common for a veela to be a virgin until her wedding night.”

He heaved a sigh and massaged his temple with his fingers. “Unfortunately, in Fleur’s case, she’s remained a virgin four years beyond her wedding night. I’ve never seen her as angry as she was when I tried to break it off for her. I was doing it for her own good, but she wouldn’t hear of it. She told me that she loved me so much that she would rather be a virgin until her dying day than marry any man but me. And she’s stayed true to that. Even now, even after four years, she insists that she would make the exact same decision. And I believe her.”

“I can’t imagine how hard it’s been, on both of you,” Harry said sincerely. “But it’s also kind of beautiful in a way.”

Bill nodded with a smile. “I know what you mean,” he said. “She refuses to even let me try and use my mouth or fingers to pleasure her. In her eyes, it wouldn’t be fair for her to get pleasure from me when I physically can’t get any from her. She’s given up so much for me, but she’s never said or done anything to make me think she regrets her decision. As frustrating as this has been for me, I have no doubts that Fleur will continue to love me for the rest of our lives. I couldn’t have asked for a more wonderful wife.”

His smile faded, and he shook his head. “But I can’t watch her suffer anymore. Anyone would be feeling the frustration from repressing these physical desires for so many years, but it’s even worse on her, being what she is. Veela are passionate, but she’s had to bottle up the physical side of that passion for so long, and it’s eating her alive. She’s losing that light in her eyes, that passion that wrapped me around her finger in the first place, and that’s eating me alive.” Bill ended his confession in a whisper, hanging his head. “She's given up so much for me--not just her sexual satisfaction, but her dreams of being a mother too. I can’t take it anymore, Harry.”

“What are you going to do?” Harry asked hesitantly. It sounded to him as if Bill was considering pushing Fleur away, even knowing it would hurt her even more than the lifetime of celibacy she’d willingly accepted when she chose to marry him.

“It’s not what I’m going to do,” Bill said, looking back up at him. He hadn’t seen such a serious expression on Bill’s face since his earliest days as his mentor, giving him instructions on the dos and don’ts of the job that were literally the difference between life and death. “It’s what you’re going to do. Or what I’m hoping you’ll do, at least.”

Harry blinked. “Me? What can I do?” Harry was a powerful wizard, but healing had never been his forte. If the mediwitches and healers hadn’t found a cure for Bill’s condition, Harry didn’t see how he could help.

“You can give my wife the things that I can’t,” Bill said, continuing to stare straight at him. “You can become her lover.”

What?!” Harry gasped, eyes going wide as saucers. “You mean you want me to sleep with her? You want me to…err..” He'd mentioned not just Fleur's unfulfilled sexual desires, but her longing to be a mother. But Bill certainly couldn't be asking him to give her that…

“Like I said, I’m asking you to become her lover,” Bill repeated. “Or her paramour, if you prefer; that's the label she seems to like. But we’re not talking about a quick shag or meaningless sex, like you’ve been doing with a string of witches for the last few years. This is a commitment, Harry. I wasn’t kidding about the love and devotion of a veela. Don’t say yes unless you’re prepared to accept it—all of it.”

“But you said that a veela doesn’t trust a man with her body unless she also trusts him with her heart,” Harry said, mind still reeling. “Fleur doesn’t—I mean, she and I aren’t—“

“Do you think I haven’t noticed the way you look at her, Harry?” Bill said, giving him a wry smile. “And she looks at you the same way, even if you’re too emotionally dense to notice it. That’s why it can only be you. I’ve already talked about this with her; I know how she feels, and she knows how I feel. I’ve made my peace with the fact that I’m not the only man that has a claim on her heart anymore. Honestly, it was probably harder to help her finally understand and believe that I want her to stop trying to hide that love, and that I’m not going to love her any less if she shares her body and her heart with you.”

Harry swallowed thickly, trying to calm his racing heart. Bill wasn’t wrong about his love for Fleur; he’d fallen hard for her, though he’d thought he’d done a good job of burying those emotions and not letting them show. Apparently he was wrong, and Bill had been all too aware of his infatuation with his wife. But now Bill was telling her that she loved him, too? And he, her husband, wanted them to be together? It was all so much to accept.

Bill stood up, walked around the table between them and clapped Harry on the shoulder. “I know I’ve dumped a lot on you here. This is all new to you, and I’m sure your brain is trying to figure all this out. Take your time, Harry; take as much time as you need. If you say yes, you need to be sure that you’re prepared to give her your heart, too.”


For the second time in the last few weeks, Harry was struck speechless. But unlike when Bill first dropped his deeply personal revelation on him, Harry’s silence this time was about shock and awe.

“Do you like what you see, Harry?” Fleur said, smiling and cocking her hip as she stood before him, completely naked beside his bed. Harry had taken no shortage of beautiful women to bed in the last few years. He hadn’t seriously dated any of them; most of them had been far more interested in being with the war hero than with Harry himself. He’d accepted that, taking them to bed and earning a deserved reputation as a bit of a playboy while keeping them all at arm’s distance emotionally and trying to ignore the way his heart beat faster in his chest any time Fleur Weasley smiled at him or laughed at something he’d said. But now the woman of his dreams, his heart’s forbidden desire, was in his bedroom and letting him see all of her. Somehow, she looked better than she had in his imagination—and he’d spent many nights imagining her in his dreams over the last couple of years.

No matter where he looked, his eyes were met with perfection, from her flowing silvery-blonde hair and impossibly gorgeous face down to her large, round, perky breasts and erect pink nipples. Her lightly tanned skin looked silky-smooth, her belly was flat, and her legs were long, leading down to her hairless pussy lips. Harry knew that he was moments away from becoming the first man to ever taste her, touch her or make love to her, and his body nearly trembled with longing. He’d never wanted anything in his life as much as he wanted to take this impossibly perfect woman into his bed and keep her there until the end of time.

“You’re the most beautiful woman in the world,” he breathed, shaking his head faintly as he stared.

Fleur giggled, and it sounded almost musical to Harry. “Thank you, Harry,” she said, and she slowly spun around and let him admire her backside. This view was no less perfect. While looking at her bare back made him want to spend hours kissing her there, his eyes spent the majority of the time staring at her arse. How a bum could be that round, thick and perky all at once, Harry wasn’t sure. He groaned in appreciation, and she gave another giggle before completing her spin and facing him once again.

“You are very pleasing to look at as well, I will admit,” Fleur said, looking his body up and down. He was down to just his boxers, so not much was hidden from her view. She could see the slight muscle definition that he’d packed onto his wiry frame, and she could also see the scars he’d acquired both in his childhood and as an adult in a dangerous occupation. But considering the scars Bill had been left with thanks to Fenrir, it was no surprise that Fleur wouldn’t be turned off to find that his skin was not without blemishes.

She walked towards him, hips swaying as her bare feet padded across the carpet. Fleur was smiling eagerly, but rather than looking into his eyes, she was staring directly at his crotch and the outline of his cock that she could see through his boxers.

“There is still one more part of you that I must see before I can give my full approval, however,” she said. She reached out to stroke his erection through his boxers with a finger and gave him a light squeeze that made him groan. Her hand moved up to the waistband of his boxers, tugging on it slightly. “May I, Harry?”

Merlin, yes,” he groaned. “We’ve waited long enough.”

Her face closed off for a moment, and Harry froze. He’d mainly meant that, after a long and heartfelt conversation with her following Bill’s revelation and request, they’d spent the last few weeks preparing for this by spending portions of many nights together, just the two of them. They’d been ‘dating’, basically, and spending those nights with her, knowing that he didn’t need to hide how he felt or fight against letting it grow, had caused him to him fall even deeper in love with her. Tonight was the night they were finally going to be with each other physically, and Harry couldn’t wait for it to happen. That was all he’d meant, but it was only after the words had come out that he remembered how much longer she’d been waiting, and why she’d had to.

Before he could apologize, her expression cleared and she smiled at him again. “Yes,” she said, nodding. “We have.” She tugged his boxers down his legs, and his erect cock bobbed as it was set free. Fleur’s lips made an ‘O’ as she stared at it.

“Mon dieu,” she whispered, gawking at his cock. Her finger grazed it once again, but this time it was less about teasing and more about testing. “Eet’s so thick, ‘Arry!” Harry grinned. Fleur’s English had gotten much better over the years, and her accent generally only came out these days when she was feeling particularly emotional or worked up about something. He’d had plenty of lovers compliment the size of his cock before, but he’d never felt prouder of it than he did at seeing and hearing how it affected Fleur.

“I must have it inside of me,” she said firmly, putting her hand around his shaft and giving it a squeeze that soon turned into her stroking his cock. Harry groaned at her touch, and between her desperation and his desire, he very nearly threw her down onto the ground and rutted against her like an animal. But he didn’t do that; he couldn’t. She deserved better.

“You will,” he promised, gently taking her by the wrist to stop her stroking before it broke his will altogether. She looked confused and maybe even hurt that he would stop her from touching him, but he put his hands on her soft cheeks, leaned in and gave her a quick kiss on the lips. They’d shared several kisses in the last few weeks, so Harry was unsurprised at how soft her lips felt against his. He pulled back, took her by the hand and led her to sit down on the edge of his bed. He could see her frustration mounting now that she realized he wasn’t going to deflower her immediately, but she did sigh and run her fingers through his hair as he leaned in and bent to kiss the side of her neck. His lips stayed on her body, kissing down her throat and shoulder, across her collarbone and down to her breast. Fleur moaned quietly as he licked and kissed around her nipple, and then got louder when he took it between his lips and gently sucked on it for a moment.

The other breast got the same treatment before he continued his downward journey, kissing down her belly and adjusting his standing position so he could keep going. When he got near her navel, he lowered himself into a crouch, and finally let his knees hit the carpet once he made it to her legs. He kissed down her leg, and Fleur sucked in a sharp breath when his lips met her inner thigh.

“Please, love,” he whispered, staring up at her, rejoicing not only in being able to touch her and kiss her, but in no longer having to hide how he felt about her. “Lie back and let me taste you.”

Fleur’s cheeks flushed as she stared down at him. Rather than looking annoyed or trying to convince him to fuck her right away, she willingly got down on her back with her legs and arse dangling over the edge. “Yes,” she whispered, her voice shaky with emotion and repressed desires. But those desires need not be repressed any longer; Harry would see to that.

He kissed his way along her inner thigh, moving closer and closer to her sex. Harry heard her whimper, and he could see and even smell her arousal. The only thing left for him to do was taste it, and after a few more kisses that had her writhing around impatiently, he put his mouth on Fleur's sex at last.

As pretty as her pussy was, and as arousing as he found the scent of her arousal, the taste of her was better still. She was far from the first woman he'd had in a position similar to this, and each had been enjoyable in their way. But Fleur's pussy tasted delicious, and he couldn't get enough of her. He took long, slow licks up and down her outer lips, savoring her taste as well as her needy moans.

"Oh, Harry," she gasped. "It's so good, my love! Your tongue feels wonderful!"

From the first time he'd gone down on Ginny during their brief but exciting time together the summer after the war, Harry had taken an instant liking to giving head. Every woman he'd ever licked had greatly appreciated the attention, and it nearly always made them hungry for more fun. He liked the feeling of being able to please his partner with his mouth, and the more often he did it, the better he got at it. He took pride in being able to learn a new lover's body, her likes and dislikes. It was like a game to him, and it was one he'd gotten very good at.

As Harry went beyond simply licking up and down Fleur's labia and started running through the various techniques he'd learned over the years, he felt like everything he'd done up until now had been preparation for this very moment. He hadn't known it at the time, but every time he'd taken a new witch to bed, put his head between her thighs and discovered how best to please her, he'd been honing his skills and training to become the ideal paramour for Fleur, the man who could give her everything she'd been missing from her life. All of the skills he'd honed were put to use now, and he patiently worked through them one by one. Fleur reacted well to just about everything he tried, in truth, but he wouldn't settle for anything less than the best.

When he switched from teasing her clit with his tongue to actively licking and kissing it, he knew he'd found what he was looking for. Most girls he'd been with would have found this amount of pressure and direct stimulation on their clit to be too intense, but Fleur moaned louder than she had at any previous point, and her hips bucked up slightly as her body received more pleasure than it ever had in her life. After how long she'd had to wait for this, it seemed fitting that she would respond best to something so direct.

Harry gave her what she wanted, and delighted in her moans as much as he savored her taste. Fleur was amazingly responsive, perhaps thanks to her inexperience and the torturously long wait for this moment to arrive. He'd never gone down on someone who was this easy to read, and Harry was comfortable in the knowledge that he could keep licking and kissing her clit just like this and have her hitting her climax before long. But that wasn't enough for him. He wanted to make sure he'd done all he could to make this first experience everything that she deserved, and experience and intuition told him that he could still increase her pleasure even more.

He slid first one finger inside of her pussy, and then added a second. It didn't take him long to find her g-spot, and he curled his fingers inwards and stimulated her with a pattern of stroking that had become very familiar to him over the years. The fingering and the clit licking was nothing new for him, but winning this game, finding the sweet spot and enjoying his reward had never meant as much to him as it did this time.

This was Fleur. Those were Fleur's gasps and moans reaching his ears, this was Fleur's clit he was licking and Fleur's pussy his fingers were inside. These were Fleur's legs that crossed behind his back and squeezed tighter around his head as the pleasure got to be too much for her.

Harry had heard his share of orgasmic cries before, from a variety of women. But he'd never heard anything quite like Fleur's loud, wordless exclamation of pleasure. It was somewhere between a moan and a scream, but it had this odd trill to it that he was pretty sure a human throat wasn't capable of producing. He had never heard a more erotic sound in his life, and he was somewhat surprised that he didn't ejaculate solely from that sound and how it made him feel to know that he was responsible for it.

In addition to the immensely satisfying sound of Fleur orgasming, he got to taste even more of her. She squirted all over his face, and even if her legs hadn't boxed his face in even tighter when she came, he would have stayed right where he was so he could taste as much of her as he could.

He would have happily continued to lick her all night long, but Harry had done this often enough to be well aware of how easily a woman could become overstimulated. When her legs let go of his head and her cries of pleasure turned into more of a groan, he knew it was time for him to retreat. He pulled his fingers out of her, gave her pussy a farewell kiss, and sat back on his knees while he waited for her to recover.

"Unbelievable," she whispered, still slightly breathless. "I do not know how many girls you had to lick to become so talented with your tongue, and I do not care to know. You are here to use that tongue on me now, and that is all that matters."

"My tongue is yours, whenever you want it," he promised.

Fleur laughed. "Careful not to promise too much, Mister Potter. I might just claim you as mine and mine alone."

"And what makes you think I'd have any problem with that?" Harry asked in challenge. It was a slightly dangerous thing to say. They had an understanding that this was going to be about more than sex, but labels and exclusivity hadn't been discussed. He knew that Fleur would never leave Bill, so she could never be his wife. But if she expected him to take no lover but her, she hadn't brought it up. It was possible that him suggesting as much with since sincerity could have made her uncomfortable about what he was expecting their relationship to be like going forward.

When she sat up on the bed and looked at him, her eyes were narrowed, her nostrils were flared, and her face looked red. But Harry knew that she wasn't angry with him. She was aroused. He was seeing that fiery veela passion directed at him, and it was a heady feeling.

Fleur shot off of the bed and tackled him to the floor. Harry went from his knees to his back, grunting as the territorial veela went on the attack. Her body stayed in motion, sliding down to settle in on the floor with her knees between his legs. He barely had time to get used to his new position on the floor before he felt her breath on his cock.

Harry figured she would take her time down there. This was all new to her, after all, and she also seemed like the type who would love teasing him until he was begging for relief. But his expectations were shattered, because she parted her lips and swallowed his cock all the way down to the root before he could even blink. He hissed in surprise and pleasure. He'd never felt anything like it. Only two women had ever been able to deepthroat his cock, and they'd only pulled it off after plenty of time to work towards it. But there Fleur was, swallowing his cock until her chin was touching his balls mere seconds after he'd had an inkling that she was about to suck him.

If he hadn't been aware of the specific reasons behind her celibacy, it would have been impossible to convince him that she'd never sucked a cock before now. No one should be this good without any previous experience or any time to get comfortable on her first attempt. But then again, this wasn't a regular woman taking his cock down her throat. This was Fleur. This was a veela, and a veela who was finally letting her passion out after keeping it repressed for years.

He'd also brought out her territorial nature, giving her all the motivation she would ever need to blow his mind. She'd never asked him to give himself wholly to her and her alone, but she swallowed his cock like she was trying to prove to him that no one would ever be able to suck him better than her. This was not an exaggeration either, because she pulled her head back only to drop right back down and take his cock into her throat again, settling into a pace that was unrivaled by any other girl who'd ever sucked him. Her gorgeous silvery-blonde hair hung down as she bobbed her head on him. Her mouth engulfed his cock every time she dropped her head, and her full lips slid back up with a lewd, hungry slurp when she pulled back. Women who could swallow the entirety of his cock were rare enough, but Harry highly doubted he'd ever find someone who could even come close to throating him with this kind of pace. Even if he could, he didn't see why he would want to.

Fleur's sweet mouth and her ferocious throating were enough to test Harry, but she had another weapon ready to unleash on him. After what couldn't have been more than two or three minutes of this unrelenting deepthroating, Fleur switched her routine slightly. She still bobbed her head and sucked him down with the same ease that she always had been, but she shook her head from side to side as she did it, her lips corkscrewing around and making it even harder for him to keep up.

But even that wasn't all. The coup de grace was what she started doing once his cock was fully buried in her throat. Rather than pulling back up almost immediately, she would keep him down for a few seconds and make her entire throat vibrate around his cock. A girl humming around his cock was something he'd been fortunate enough to experience before, but this was different. It felt like the entirety of her throat was physically massaging his cock in an attempt to milk him of his seed. This had to be something that only a veela could pull off, because he'd never even heard of anything like this, much less actually felt it himself.

Feeling that once was incredible enough, but this corkscrewing descent and massaging throat attack became a regular part of her routine from then on. After about a half a dozen repetitions of that, he was groaning and clawing at the carpet in a fruitless attempt to hold on. By the time she pushed into double digits, he grunted and surrendered to the onslaught of the virgin veela's mouth and throat. He came harder than he had in recent memory, if not ever, but Fleur kept his cock lodged in her throat and took all of his cum down without issue. A virgin she may be, but she'd just sucked his cock better than it had ever been sucked before.

She pulled her mouth off of him after she was done, and Harry stared up at her from his back. She hovered over him, saliva dripping down her face as she wore a haughty smile that reminded him of the girl he'd met during the Triwizard Tournament. But everything was different now, and she would never look down on him as a leetle boy ever again.

Fleur didn't linger long. She got back up to her feet and turned away from him, and he admired her perfect arse as she crawled back onto the bed. She stopped in the middle of the bed, remaining on all fours and sticking that round rear out for him to stare at.

"I will stay here until you are ready to come and take me, Harry," she said, right as she began to gyrate her hips. "Please do not make me wait much longer."

Harry was generally able to recover for a second round fairly quickly, but with the importance of this moment, Fleur's eagerness to finally lose her virginity and his longing for her all working together, he got hard again faster than he could have hoped for. By the time he got his legs to listen to him again and made it onto the bed behind her, he was already mostly there. And once he was able to see her bum from up this close, and even feel its thickness in his hands as he squeezed it, his body had no problem reviving. His right hand let go of her arse so he could grab his cock and move it into position.

Fleur gasped as soon as she felt the tip brushing against her. "Please, Harry," she whispered. Harry nodded and licked his lips, feeling the pressure of knowing that he was about to be the first man to ever enter her. He had years of longing to make up for, and that was a responsibility he took very seriously. He took a breath to settle his nerves, and then he carefully slid into her. She groaned as she was penetrated by a dick for the first time, and Harry closed his eyes and let out a groan of his own.

He moved slowly, knowing that she was a virgin, and paused when he felt his cock poking against the veela equivalent of a hymen. Fleur nodded her head while taking a deep breath, silently showing him that she was prepared for him to push forward and deflower her properly. Harry held her by the hips and forced his cock in deeper, breaking through her barrier and officially claiming her virginity.

It was his intention to pause there and give her plenty of time to adjust, but she had other ideas. "Don't stop now!" she begged after just a few seconds of stillness. "Keep going! I'm ready for you!"

That surprised him, but he decided to trust her. Sooner than he was planning, he started to move back and forth inside of her, listening to her moan as she got used to his cock sliding around inside of her newly deflowered pussy.

"It is wonderful, 'Arry!" she gasped. "I 'ad no idea it would feel zis good!"

"Me too," Harry groaned. However good it felt for her to finally have a cock inside of her, there was no way it could compare to the pleasure spreading through his body as he finally, finally learned what it felt like to have sex with the woman he'd fallen so hard for. Her throat was great, but his cock had never been inside of or been touched by anything that felt as good as Fleur's pussy. Had he not had years of experience to rely on, he doubted he would have lasted longer than a couple of minutes inside of her. Even then, he might have had difficulty if she hadn't just finished swallowing his cock until he came down her throat.

She was incredibly tight, but that was really only scratching the surface. It felt to him like her pussy walls were molded specifically for his cock, to give him the greatest pleasure imaginable each time he thrust deeper into her or pulled back to do it again. He'd never felt such an exquisite fit, and he could swear that her insides were alternately tightening, relaxing or squeezing around his cock, depending on what would be ideal at that particular moment. Was this all Fleur, or was there some veela biology at play here, some genetic trait meant to guarantee a mate's faithfulness by offering more pleasure than they would ever be able to find with anyone else?

Harry didn't have the answer to that. The things written about veela were mostly rubbish, and Fleur had been coy when he'd asked if he could expect anything different tonight compared to his experiences with witches. And right now, he didn't care all that much. Maybe she would enlighten him one day, or maybe she would leave it a mystery as to why thrusting his cock back and forth inside of her put every other sexual encounter of his life to shame.

Regardless, Harry was lucky enough to be here receiving it all. He had Fleur bloody Weasley nee Delacour, the most beautiful woman he'd ever met or seen, the woman he'd fallen for, in his bed. He'd taken her virginity, and these pumps he was giving her were the first any had taken inside of her. He was the only man who'd ever had the privilege of shagging Fleur. And based on the things she and her husband had said about veela loyalty and commitment, it seemed like a very real possibility that no one but him would ever know what Fleur's pussy felt like, how her bum looked when it jiggled each time his hips collided with her cheeks, or how her moans of pleasure sounded. That idea appealed to Harry more than he could put into words. He knew she would never be his wife, and her heart would never belong to him alone. But her body was all his.

Harry wanted to make this point abundantly clear, and he wanted her to look into his eyes and be reminded that it was him who'd given her all of this. With that motive in mind, he pulled out of her, grabbed her by the hips and rolled her over so she was on her back.

"'Arry," she whined. Fleur stared up at him, face flushed and eyes desperate, whimpering as she raised and spread her legs so her hips were pressed against her chest. She was presenting herself to him, waiting for him to push his cock back in and finish claiming her.

He planted his hands on the bed on either side of her with his forearms touching the back of her legs, spread his hips apart and kept his feet together, effectively hanging over her body as he reentered her. Fleur moaned, and for the first time, Harry got to see her face as he shagged her. She was the most beautiful woman in the world, and her face had never looked more beautiful than it did as he thrust into her, bringing her closer and closer to her second climax.

Harry moved his hips faster, fucking her hard enough to rock her body beneath him. He knew he wasn't going to be able to last much longer, so he wanted to do all he could to bring Fleur across the threshold with him. Listening to her moan, and feeling her body trembling against him, he could tell that he was close to pulling it off.

Fleur ran her sweaty hands up and down his equally sweaty legs and stared into his eyes. "I'm so close, 'Arry," she gasped.

He nodded. "Me too," he said, voice low and raspy. He concentrated harder and fucked her faster, more determined to make a woman cum now than he'd ever been before.

Her eyes fluttered closed for a moment but snapped back open to look at him as intently as they ever had. "Don't you dare pull out until you're done," she said firmly. They'd talked about this. She'd let him know that she would not be using any method of contraception with him, so if he was going to be her paramour, he needed to be prepared to get her pregnant. She'd actually tried to assure him that he wouldn't have to help her raise any potential children if he didn't want to, and he'd nearly been insulted that she would suggest it. He'd always wanted to be a father, and whether she was his wife or not, having kids with her might be the only thing that appealed to him more than having sex with her did.

This reminder of where this had the potential to lead, and her decisiveness in making sure that he did his best to make that potential future happen, spelled the end for him. He slammed back balls-deep inside of her one more time, and then he erupted within her. Harry moaned as his seed rushed out in massive bursts, doing its very best to impregnate his veela lover.

An immediate change came over Fleur. He watched her eyes go impossibly wide, heard another trill similar to the one he'd earned when she squirted on his face but somehow even louder, and then felt her pussy squeeze around his cock tighter than ever. Her neck shot up off of the bed, and her lips smashed against his in a firm, demanding kiss as she came on his cock. Harry grunted into her mouth, and as much as he wanted to keep his eyes open for the duration of his orgasm, the pleasure got to be so much that they squeezed shut without his approval. His body and his mind had not been prepared for the intensity of a mutual orgasm with Fleur, and what that would feel like.

Eventually it ended, and he basically collapsed on top of her. Fleur didn't try to push his weight off of her though. She crossed her legs together around his waist, put her arms around his shoulders and hugged him tightly to her, kissing him and holding him like she never wanted to let him go.

Just as he'd said earlier, Harry had no problem with that. He was right where he wanted to be, and with the only woman he would trust with his heart. He couldn't have cared less that she would never be his wife. If she would be his lover and the mother of his children, he would count himself the luckiest man in the world.



This one wound up being WAY longer than I intended, so hopefully it was worth it.


Wow fantastic story. Too bad it’s a one shot. Enjoyed it immensely thank you.


Thanks; I'm glad you think so! I'm pretty happy with the way the story turned out too, even if it was longer than I'd imagined it being.


While I think it works pretty well as a oneshot, it doesn't necessarily have to remain one. Who knows; if someone comes up with an idea for a continuation and submits it to the poll in the future, maybe we'll see more.


I would've definitely commissioned this at some point, so needless to say I'm very glad it won. I was actually reminded a lot of the Selfish Hero when reading this, except that had Fleur as the one with sexual experience whereas this is the other way round.


Glad you liked it! And yeah, this one definitely had a lot in common with Selfish Hero, only with Harry being the one who had experience. Though obviously this time there was the additional wrinkle of Bill being fully aware of and even instigating Fleur's extramarital relationship with Harry. That aspect gave it all a different feel, even with the similarities.