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So I started the winner of the final poll fic of the year today, but I haven't been feeling the best physically and wasn't able to be productive enough to finish it. Nothing to worry about; just headache/sinus stuff, which the cold weather seems to amplify. Hopefully I can complete it tomorrow, health permitting.

While I'm making this update post, I'll ask you guys a question. Are there any previous poll winning fics that you think could use some more chapters added to them? One of the things I'm considering w/r/t switching some things up with the polls next year is doing some more multi-chapter stuff, as that seems to work pretty well for other writers here on Patreon. If there are any previous fics you'd like to see followed up on, I'd love to hear your thoughts. Again, nothing is set in stone here. I'm just brainstorming at this stage.


Pen Jr. Jr.

Would love to see more of "Teddy's New Dad, Tonks' New Man" or "Hero's Spoils Agreement" even if it is just something wholesome with either the extended family (Andromeda & Molly) reacting to Tonks leaving Remus for Harry or end resulting families in Hero's Spoils getting together as a send off once their kids leave for Hogwarts.


Multi-chapter seems like a good idea but maybe also a way to have other fandoms represented in the same vain as the HP and non-HP polls as I've noticed it's usually the same fandoms winning over and over agian.

Eric Dettenrieder

Twenty Year Ritual with Harry/Bellatrix.


Yeah, if I were to, hypothetically, switch the format from HP and non-HP to multi-chapter fics and oneshots, I would make sure to have some kind of rule to give a variety of fandoms a chance. Maybe like a cooling off period where any fandom that won the oneshot poll would be ineligible to be nominated again for like 2 or 3 months; something like that. And I wouldn't do the same fandom back to back with the multi-chapters. Maybe it'd start off with a continuation of a Potter fic, and then after that was done, I'd make sure the next thing in that slot was from a different fandom.


Off the top of my head: Teddy's New Dad gets four new chapters, each of them detailing how and where one of her children with Harry was conceived.


Maybe in regards to the non-HP one, you make a small poll to vote on a fandom before people submit their ideas for it. Or you pick the fandom first and people comment their ideas then.


So, I did once consider putting forward a second chapter of 'Deflowering Across Time' as a poll nomination - likely would have involved Harry going back in time to take Bellatrix, Andromeda, and Narcissa's cherries. And given the inclusion of the TVA at the end, there's even scope to branch the story out into the MCU.

Pen Jr. Jr.

Can Poll Winning stories be their own tag in the future to make them a little easier to find?


Had a think Mayor and here's some other ideas worth considering... -Every 3 months, in the HP poll Harry isn't allowed to be nominated as character having sex in the story. Would allow for other male characters such as Ron, Neville, Draco, and Sirius to get a look in terms of winning a HP poll and make for interesting stories involving them. -Every 3 months, for the non-HP poll prompts involving the MCU, ATLA, MHA, the Witcher, and ASOIAF/GOT can't be nominated. Again, this would allow less popular fandoms such as FMA, Familiar of Zero, Hellsing, or even Dune to have a chance of winning a poll. Alternatively, certain particularly popular characters such as Jon Snow, Izuku Midoriya, Peter Parker, or Dany get barred from being nominated which would give the likes of Bakugou, Jaime Lannister, Val, or (F)aegon a shot at winning. -Every so often you pick a fandom which has never won a poll (but we all may be fairly familiar with - Legend of Korra or Mandalorian would be good examples here) and we put forward nominations for a poll involving only prompts from that fandom.


just noticed terius has already suggested something similar


Definitely into the idea of multi-chapter fics and one-shots but other than the follow up to “Too Deep Undercover” I nominated in this last poll I can’t think of any other non-HP fics recently that I would like to see multiple chapters. I like the “cool off” period you suggested in a comment for fandoms that win a lot or maybe do the cool off on specific characters (like Robb Stark or Zuko) that tend to win more often than others. But that might be tricky to do, have no idea how the majority of people would feel about that.


That's an interesting idea. Maybe we should try doing some different things from month to month? Or maybe patrons (and particularly those who regularly nominate things for the polls) would prefer consistency from month to month so they know what they can expect?