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Summary: Daenerys fails to recapture King’s Landing from Robb Stark. But in her failure, she eventually finds peace in the royal harem. (Robb/Daenerys, some Robb/Arianne)

“You’ll have to forgive me for not meeting with you alone, my lady,” Robb Stark said. “I promised to spend the afternoon with Princess Arianne, and despite the importance of your sudden visit, she was unwilling to be parted from me while I speak with you. But you have my word that we will keep our clothing on while you are in our presence.”

Robb seemed genuinely apologetic for the fact that Arianne Martell was wiggling around in his lap as he sat on the Iron Throne, rubbing her arse against his cock in a clear and obvious attempt to arouse him. It was a highly unexpected thing for Daenerys to walk in on when she was supposed to be treating with the pretender to her family’s throne, but it was certainly not the first surprise she’d been confronted with since she first arrived on Dragonstone.

After leaving Meereen and coming to Westeros at last, Daenerys had been sure that many would welcome the return of the Targaryens. She hadn’t been naïve enough to expect the immediate reverence that her brother Viserys had thought to receive, but she’d assumed that there would be some at least who would wish to join with the house of the dragon and fight at her side as she sought to retake her family’s throne.

Her return had not been met with any such enthusiasm, however. That Dorne would refuse to join with the cause of the false dragon who had come to Westeros before her, pretending to be her nephew Aegon, was not a surprise to her. But as the true daughter of the last Targaryen king and the Mother of Dragons, she had thought the Dornish would be eager to support her claim. It had been the dogs of the usurper Robert Baratheon who had been responsible for stealing her father’s throne and killing Rhaegar’s family, including the Princess Elia Martell. If any of the great families should have been easy to recruit to her cause, it would have been them. The usurper might be dead, but the man who currently sat the throne was the son of Eddard Stark, said to be Robert Baratheon’s closest friend. He had even been named after the usurper himself. It should have been easy for Daenerys to win Dorne to her side. She hadn’t even expected that she would need to try.

“No forgiveness is needed, Lord Stark,” Daenerys said, brushing aside the highly unusual way she had been received by the man currently calling himself king. It wasn’t like she hadn’t encountered even more openly sexual behavior in the lands beyond Westeros. There were more important things to deal with. “I thank you for receiving me, and I hope our meeting will be an amicable one.”

“I hope for the same, but I fear neither of us will get what we wish for there,” Robb said. “I’m aware that you have been attempting to rally noble families to you on Dragonstone, to support your claim for the Iron Throne.” What he left unsaid was that those attempts had been utterly without success. Not a single family had answered her summons. Not even the Martells had been willing to join her, even though Princess Arianne had been pulled into Stark’s royal harem after Dorne surrendered to him. Dany had assumed she’d been forced to join against her will, but she certainly seemed quite happy to wiggle in Stark’s lap as he sat in the throne.

“I have,” Dany said, nodding. “The throne you sit in belongs to my family, Lord Stark. Aegon the Conqueror forged that throne, just as he joined the Seven Kingdoms together under his rule. I mean to take it back.”

“And if I refuse to give it up to you willingly, you will attempt to take it back by force,” Robb said. It was a statement, not a question.

“I will,” she acknowledged. “I have no wish for battle, but I will fight for my birthright if I must. If you will agree to give up your false claim to the throne and bend the knee to me, I will forgive your family’s treason and allow you to remain the Lord of Winterfell and Warden of the North, as you were always meant to be.” Princess Arianne laughed, but Robb’s hands pulled on her hips and she quickly covered her mouth with her hand. It was still enough for Daenerys to know that the Dornish princess was laughing at her.

“A generous offer,” Stark said, sounding as if he was merely trying to humor her. “But, if you’ll forgive me for saying it, I don’t see much reason to accept. I know that no allies joined your cause at Dragonstone. My army is many times the size of yours.”

“I have my Dothraki and my Unsullied,” she said stubbornly. “And I come to Westeros with dragons, as Aegon the Conqueror did when he made your ancestor and all the others bend the knee to him.”

“He came with three dragons, which he and his sisters could actually control, or so the stories claim at least,” Robb pointed out. “You have two dragons, and from what I understand, you’ve had some difficulty getting them to obey your will. But even if you could control them, it’s been more than three hundred years since Aegon, Visenya and Rhaenys conquered Westeros. The realm is prepared to defend itself against them, if necessary. I believe the Iron Fleet showed you this when you attacked them.”

Daenerys felt a pang as she remembered Rhaegal, but she didn’t let her grief show. “I take it you aren’t accepting my offer of peace, then?” she said.

“I am not,” Robb said, shaking his head. “When I called my banners, I meant only to rescue my father. I failed to make it here in time for that, but I won every battle I fought, and my journey eventually led me here, to this uncomfortable throne that belonged to your family for so many years. I didn’t seek this throne, but now that I have it, I have the opportunity to actually bring peace back to the realm. The rest of Westeros has accepted my rule; you and your dragons are the only threat to peace that still remains. I was willing to allow you to remain at Dragonstone and make a home for yourself there, and I’m still willing to do so. You, your Unsullied, your Dothraki and your dragons can make Dragonstone your home, with my blessing. But if you want to take King’s Landing back, Daenerys, I’m afraid one last battle is going to be necessary before peace can finally reign in Westeros again.”

“Fire and blood it is, then,” Daenerys said solemnly. She’d always expected this outcome, in truth, but she’d felt she had to at least try for peace.

“But whose blood, I wonder?” Princess Arianne said. She’d started to wiggle again, and the smile on her face left no doubt that she wanted to be sitting in Robb Stark’s lap and rubbing her arse against him. “I do hope you survive the battle, honestly. Something tells me that if you do, you’re going to choose to join the harem eventually, just like I did.” She looked back over her shoulder towards Robb. “If I’m right, promise you’ll let me watch when you finally take her.”

“No such thing will ever happen, Princess Arianne,” Daenerys declared, with all of the confidence she could muster. Even if she did lose and fail to capture King’s Landing, she would never willingly choose to be part of any harem, least of all one that surrounded the man who was named for the usurper, and who usurped her throne even now.


Some Time Later

Daenerys bit her lip and breathed deeply as she contemplated what she was about to do. If she opened that door, if she stepped inside and did what she was considering and had been considering for some time now, there would be no turning back. She needed to be sure that this was what she wanted.

Then she thought of that moment of deepest despair, when she’d known all was lost. She’d already watched Viserion felled by the capable defenders of King’s Landing, and then they’d brought her out of the air as she rode on the back of Drogon. The moment Drogon had fallen from the sky, she’d known that the battle was lost. The throne would never be hers.

She had cried then, and begged for the king’s mercy. But she hadn’t begged for her own mercy. It was Drogon, the last of her children, that she sought to protect. Her attempt to conquer had gotten two of her three dragons killed, along with far too many of those who had followed her across the Narrow Sea on her journey to retake Westeros. Her own life had meant nothing to her in that moment. All she’d cared about was Drogon.

And Robb Stark, despite the urging of nearly all of his commanders to kill the last remaining dragon, had shown mercy. He hadn’t killed Drogon when he had the chance. Drogon lived to this day. He was confined to the dragonpit, and only Daenerys herself was allowed in to see him and feed him, but he lived. The conquering, victorious wolf could have killed her and her dragon, but he’d let them both live. For that alone, Daenerys was grateful to him.

It was surprising, the level of freedom she was given after her surrender. She was not confined or kept under any sort of guard. She was, in fact, free to leave King’s Landing at any time, whether to return to Dragonstone or to go elsewhere. She would never actually leave, of course; Drogon was here. But she knew that permission to leave and go where she wished was real. She’d lost, but she wasn’t a prisoner here. She could go where she wished.

And where she wished to be was on the other side of that door, in Robb’s bedchamber. Princess Arianne was right. This was what she wanted. She exhaled, stepped around the man of the Kingsguard who silently guarded the room, and knocked on the door to announce her presence. The high-pitched giggling she’d heard inside stopped.

“Who is it?” Robb called out, speaking over the whispers that could still be heard.

“It’s Daenerys,” she responded, speaking clearly and hoping her nervousness wasn’t too obvious. “May I come in?” The whispers got louder after that, and the giggling resumed.

“You may,” Robb said. He didn’t bother warning her about what she would be walking in on, but she didn’t need any such warning. It was no secret what Robb and his royal harem got up to in his bedchamber.

Daenerys opened the door and stepped inside, but even knowing that Robb was not alone in his bed, she still let out a little gasp upon seeing it herself for the first time. She’d known that Robb had a very active sex life with the women of his harem, and it had long been clear to her that there was no lie to the story that every woman who had joined had done so of her own choosing. They’d all had their own paths that had led them here, but they’d all ultimately made the same choice that Daenerys was making now.

There they all were. Asha Greyjoy from the Iron Islandswas there, bare arse on display as she was down on all fours on the bed. There were dark red handprints on her arse, so apparently some of those suggestive comments Daenerys had heard her make from time to time were not merely japes. Former Princess Myrcella, daughter of Cersei Lannister, sat at a desk playing cyvasse with Margaery Tyrell, fully dressed and looking quite regal, though her mussed hair and the love bites visible on the side of her neck were proof enough that she had been partaking in the fun at some point. As for Margery herself, she was playing cyvasse while completely nude, so her own participation was not in question.

And then there was Princess Arianne Martell, who was on the bed with Robb. She was sitting on top of Robb with her back to him while she wiggled around, not unlike how she’d been sitting on him in the throne the first time Daenerys had seen either of them. But this time they were naked, and her wiggling around served to move his cock around inside of her. She was still wiggling, but she smiled as she looked up at Daenerys.

“I told you she’d knock on your door eventually, Robb,” the Dornishwoman said, grinning.

“That wasn’t a difficult prediction to make,” Margaery said, not looking up from her cyvasse board as she considered her next move. “We all made the choice eventually. It’s rather obvious, isn’t it?”

“Is that why you’re here, Daenerys?” Robb asked gently. “Did you come to my bedchamber because you want to join us?” He had to know that this was why she was here; why else would she turn up at his door this late at night? She could only assume that he was asking to give her the chance to change her mind if she wanted to.

“Yes,” she said, nodding. She’d had enough time to come to terms with her desires; she knew that this was what she wanted. Robb Stark had shown her mercy in her worst moment, and he’d shown her only kindness since then. This was not at all what she’d had in mind when she set out for King’s Landing, but the defeated Mother of Dragons was not too proud to admit what she wanted now.

“I want to be with you,” she continued. “I want you to make me smile, the same way the other women in this room smile.” She bowed her head. “I’m tired of being alone.”

“There are plenty of men who would happily take you to bed and make you their wife, if it’s companionship you’re after,” he pointed out. To think that she’d originally believed the other women had entered this harem against their will. Here he was, mentioning alternatives as she offered herself to him.

“I don’t want another man,” she said simply. She wanted the man who had held his hand out to her to lift her back up after her failed conquest. “I want you.”

“Then you’ll have me,” Robb said, nodding. “And I’ll have you.” Daenerys smiled slightly, feeling relief and excitement beginning to grow. She wasn’t going to be alone any longer. She was going to become part of the strange ‘family’ that King Robb had formed out of the kingdoms he’d conquered and united under his rule.


"I'm really glad you let me stay," Arianne said, leering at Dany's body openly. Daenerys had never had another woman stare at her with such lust, but it was surprisingly flattering.

"You did make him promise to let you watch when this happened," Daenerys said lightly. As Arianne had remained nude to watch Daenerys welcomed by Robb, Dany decided to return the favor and do a little staring of her own. The Dornish princess was a very beautiful woman herself, which made the leering and the praise she'd given upon seeing Dany's body bared all the more flattering.

Arianne laughed. "That I did. And I've rarely been happier about being correct." She turned her head to look at Robb. "You're a very lucky man, my king. The last of the dragons is just as beautiful as they said."

"No," Robb said quietly. Daenerys might have been offended if she hadn't seen the admiration in his eyes as he said it. "Anything that was said about her beauty wasn't enough. And I am a very lucky man."

Daenerys laughed, feeling giddy and desired and happy like she hadn't been in far too long. "How will you know you're lucky until you've taken me to bed?" she asked, raising an eyebrow.

"She makes a good point," Arianne said quickly. Robb laughed, but he stepped forward and took Daenerys into his arms all the same. She had just a moment to admire the blue eyes and thick auburn beard of the ruggedly handsome king before he was kissing her. Her eyes closed and she sighed into the kiss, surprised at how gentle it was. With a man like this, she'd anticipated the kiss to be all force, roughness and dominance, but Robb didn’t kiss her like he felt like he needed to prove a point. His strength had already been demonstrated beyond doubt, and the pressure from his lips was gentle while at the same time not being timid.

The roughest thing about the kiss was his beard brushing against her face, but she did not think less of him for not attempting to claim her mouth by force. That he didn’t try to push his tongue into her mouth allowed her to kiss back more, and she seized that chance eagerly. Dany moaned into his mouth and stepped up on her toes slightly to wrap her arms around his neck and run her fingers through his hair. He was an excellent kisser, and he made her want more.

He seemed to feel the same way, because his hands ran down her back until they reached her arse. She groaned into his mouth as he cupped and squeezed her cheeks, showing her a bit of the strength she knew was there within him. She could feel his cock, hot and hard against her belly as he held her, and it made her almost dizzy with desire. She’d had plenty of opportunity to stare at Robb’s cock, as he hadn’t bothered to dress or cover himself upon her arrival. There had been plenty of time for her to admire the king’s manhood and confirm that it was well-equipped to give her what she had been missing in her life for far too long, as if the general happiness she’d long observed from the women in his harem hadn’t been a strong indication that they were all very satisfied by their situation.

Now that she was here, now that she was so close to experiencing the same thing that kept all of these highborn ladies satisfied, she wanted it with a desperation that took her aback. She’d built an appreciation for sex after she’d overcome Drogo’s initial brutality and became more active in it, but she’d never needed sex the way she needed it right now. Naturally she’d been lonely, having not shared her bed with anyone since she’d left Daario behind in Meereen. But even the desire that had compelled her to knock on his door tonight was a pale shadow in comparison to the need pooling in her belly as Robb Stark took a firmer hold of her arse, lifted her up into his arms and carried her over towards his bed.

Her heart pounded in her chest as Robb lowered her down onto her back in the middle of the bed, and she breathed in and out quickly as he went from kissing her lips to the side of her neck. He kissed his way down her body, paying some extended attention to her full breasts and stiff nipples before continuing on his path. It felt lovely. Feeling his lips go below her belly and begin to kiss her inner thigh, moving ever closer to her cunt, created a certain expectation in Daenerys. But surely she was mistaken. He was the king. He couldn’t be about to…

Oh!” she gasped harshly, eyes going wide with shock and pleasure as Robb Stark’s lips pressed against her cunt. No, she hadn’t been mistaken at all. The king, the man who had ended the war, brought all of Westeros under his rule and finally stopped her and her dragons from taking the throne back, was licking her cunt.

“Listen to her!” Arianne said, laughing. “She wasn’t expecting you to do that! I’m reminded again how lucky I am to be Dornish.”

If this was the kind of thing a woman could expect in Dorne, Daenerys envied the women there. She hadn’t expected this, least of all from the most powerful man in the Seven Kingdoms. Most probably assumed that Robb Stark sat around and had the women of his harem work to service him, at least when he wasn’t pushing them down and fucking them. Daenerys knew him better; she knew him well enough to see that he wasn’t as selfish as kings often were. But she still hadn’t expected this. She looked down her body and saw his face between her thighs, and she couldn’t look away. The king was servicing her. That was the king’s tongue licking her cunt, and the king’s lips kissing her more intimately than anyone else ever had.

He was good at it, too. As eager as she’d been to take what his cock could give her, the king’s mouth was proving to be quite capable of bringing Daenerys incredible pleasure as well. He must have had plenty of time to hone this skill on the other women of his harem, because this was not the performance of a man who didn’t know what he was doing. With each swipe of his tongue and each press of his lips, he only brought Daenerys more pleasure. She came closer to getting what she needed with each passing second, and that it was coming in a completely unexpected way only made her appreciate it more. She moaned, her hands held onto his auburn hair desperately and her hips bucked against his face briefly as she lost all control of herself.

It was then that Robb flashed his strength once again. His hands grabbed her hips to hold her steady, and with his strength he had no problem holding her body completely still so he could devour her cunt without interruption. Dany appreciated him taking control of her rebellious body, but only half as much as she appreciated his lips pressing directly against her clit in a soft kiss. He’d been teasing her with that sort of contact for some time now, and feeling it finally arrive was such a powerful blow to her defenses that she could only whimper pitifully as she came all over his face.

“Oh, what a beautiful sound,” Arianne said. “I wonder if she’ll whine just as much when it’s my mouth on her cunt.”

Daenerys didn’t react to what the Dornish princess had said. In truth, she was barely aware of her continued presence in the bedchamber. Lovely though Arianne Martell was, Daenerys’ entire being was focused only on that hard cock that filled her vision as Robb removed his head from between her legs and sat back on his knees. The pleasure he’d just brought her with his mouth had been greater than anything she’d felt since Meereen—before that, even. But it hadn’t satisfied her. No, the pleasure the king’s mouth had brought her only made her more desperate to feel what his cock could do. She stared up at him from her back, silently imploring him to push it inside of her and give her what she needed most of all. Happily, no words were needed. He saw her look, and he smiled and nodded.

Robb seemed to understand just how desperate she was, because he wasted little time in getting settled between her legs and guiding his cock towards her cunt. He held it there for just a second or two before he slid the tip inside of her, and Daenerys gasped. This was something her fingers just hadn’t been able to provide. There was no replacement for a nice cock pushing into her.

He didn’t keep her waiting long before he got to it either, because he seemed to understand that she didn’t want or need him to move slowly. Robb’s first few thrusts gave her a chance to become familiar with the feeling of his royal cock stretching her, but he quickly began to move faster and fuck her harder. It wasn’t the brutal pounding Drogo had given her at first, but it was fast enough and hard enough to rock her body on the bed and make her breasts bounce. While not the roughest she’d ever been fucked, it couldn’t be called gentle either. The king fucked her at a steady, consistent pace.

The most impressive thing about it, more than the pace he maintained or even the thickness of his cock, was how he moved it inside of her. It took a dozen or so thrusts for her to realize that he was specifically searching for the ideal angle to penetrate her, the one that would give her the greatest pleasure possible. She was used to her partners thrusting away quickly and worrying primarily about themselves when they were inside of her, but pleasing her seemed to be Robb’s main objective. Once he found the perfect angle, he was able to slide his cock back and forth inside of her cunt in such a way that it brushed that sweet spot on each pass. Every time he thrust in and every time he pulled back, he brought her the greatest pleasure possible.

Daenerys moaned and cried out with each push, unable to decide whether she wanted to be angry with herself for waiting this long to come to his door when this sort of pleasure had been within her grasp for several turns of the moon now, or if she was just glad she’d finally gone after what she wanted. It had taken time for her to admit that she desired the king. Setting the pride of the conquering Mother of Dragons aside had not been easy, but finally she had accepted that even if she wasn’t getting what she’d come to Westeros for, the man who had stopped her conquest could offer a different sort of happiness.

Her life had taken many turns she hadn’t expected and hadn’t really wanted either. But in spite of all the losses she’d suffered, she’d made it here. She was moaning and holding onto Robb Stark with her arms around his neck and her legs crossed behind his back as he rocked his hips and slid his cock back and forth inside of her, treating her to the best sex of her life. Daenerys Stormborn had been defeated, but Daenerys Targaryen had never felt so good in all her life. Each thrust brought her closer to heights that felt as if they were going to be greater than any she’d ever reached, including while the king’s mouth licked her.

“Please!” she whimpered. “Please, my king! Please! Don’t stop! Don’t stop, Robb!” She was totally reliant on him now, but she no longer saw a problem with that. He’d granted her mercy after she’d fallen low, and now he’d welcomed his former enemy into his bed with open arms. If she could trust in anyone to take care of her, it was him.

Sure enough, he kept thrusting into her, kept penetrating her at the perfect angle and hitting the right spot with reliable consistency. Daenerys’ whimpers and gasps turned into a shrill scream as her king fucked her over the edge. Her arms and legs held onto him as tightly as possible, squeezing him so tightly that he could no longer pull his hips back to thrust. That didn’t make any difference though, because Robb didn’t need to keep thrusting.

“Daenerys,” he groaned roughly. Her name had never sounded as wonderful to her as it did then, with Robb Stark’s bright blue eyes staring down into hers as he began to fill her with his thick seed. She was no longer screaming, having started to come down from that moment of greatest pleasure. But her smile was wide and bright as her king spent himself inside of her.

“She’ll fit right in,” Arianne said approvingly. Daenerys continued to smile brightly, and when Robb’s lips came towards hers, she accepted his tender kiss. She was his now, just as she’d asked for when she came knocking on his door. She’d long thought that King’s Landing was meant to be her home, and she’d been right about that. It just wasn’t her home in the way she thought it was. She wasn’t a conqueror anymore, but the king who’d ended her dreams of reclaiming Aegon’s throne had given her a different sort of home.

The dragon queen was no more, but the lonely girl on the run from the usurper’s dogs who’d dreamed of returning to the house with the red door had finally found what she’d always wished for.

I feel like the general tone of this is probably quite different from what the poll prompt was intended to be. But it was important to establish that everything was completely consensual here within the 'conquering harem' concept, and somewhere in doing that, it took this turn. Hopefully those of you who voted for it still enjoyed it, even if it didn’t develop in the way that you (or I) imagined it would.



Funny thing is, this could well be the epilogue of 'The Young Wolf's Journey'.