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Merry Christmas to everyone that celebrates it! I hope everyone is having a good end to 2022.

I also wanted to give a quick heads up that I'm considering possibly shaking up the format of our three monthly fics here a bit in 2023. The number won't be decreasing or anything like that, and I'm sure polls will still be involved in some way. I'm just considering if it might be time to try some different things with them. I don't really have anything solid to announce with this yet, but I just wanted to be transparent and let everyone know what was on my mind. If I decide on any changes, I will of course announce them here. If any of you have any suggestions you'd like to make, I'm certainly interested in hearing them.

(Just to be clear: Young Wolf's Journey isn't going to go away. I have every intention of continuing on with that until it reaches what feels like a good endpoint, whenever that may be.)



Starting a discord server might be an idea to consider for next year!


I have actually been considering that recently. My main concerns have been how I would moderate it, how much time that would take and whether it would be worth the effort. But it is something I've been thinking about, especially as some of my regular contacts have been migrating away from Twitter and choosing to communicate with me through my Discord account instead.

John McCormick

I am not a fan of discord and I dislike twitter even more. I am a fan of fb put willing to work with other options.