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Fandom: Avatar: The Last Airbender

Summary: When Mai forgets their anniversary (again), she recruits Ty Lee to give Zuko a very special belated present to make it up to him. The present: Ty Lee, however Zuko wants her, for a week. (Zuko/Ty Lee)

Content Warnings/Themes: Post-canon, athletic sex, rough sex

Patreon Exclusive/Early Access

A/N: I guess I can go ahead and use this space to provide an update on my personal situation. First of all, thanks to those who sent their well wishes! I think my vague update might have resulted in the situation sounding a bit worse than it actually was, but I appreciate the sentiment regardless. The carpet could possibly be ruined, and I’m crossing my fingers that mold hasn’t/won’t set in before the pros can get to us, but no one was in any danger or anything like that. Could still be a bit before I’m able to get back into something approaching a regular schedule, but I was able to bang this out, so at least I’m moving forward. One step at a time.

Fire Lord Zuko let out a deep exhale as he made his way back to his chambers. The job of the Fire Lord was not an easy one, particularly in his case as he attempted to rebuild the Fire Nation’s reputation and relationships and undo the well-earned bloody legacy carved by his predecessors. It was worthwhile work, and he took it seriously and was grateful for the chance to make amends for not just the actions of previous Fire Lords, but for his own less than honorable past. But the importance of his responsibilities didn’t make the days any less exhausting.

Knowing that he would be returning to an empty room didn’t help matters either. Mai was away visiting her mother and would be gone for the next week, so Zuko would be on his own until she got back. It would be a lonely week in the life of the Fire Lord, but Zuko would simply have to bear it. As he opened the door to his chambers and stepped inside, he was filled with a quiet resolve to push through the weariness, get his rest now and prepare to get right back to work the next day.

Except Zuko’s chambers were not as empty as he had expected them to be. It took his brain a few seconds to catch up to what his eyes were telling it, but once it did his eyes snapped back to the center of the room, where Ty Lee was standing and smiling at him.

“Hi, Zuko!” she said brightly. She nearly always wore that smile on her face when they spoke, but the difference was that this time, the smile was all that she wore. Mai’s best friend was standing naked in his room, save for a dark red collar around her neck. She’d written Property of Fire Lord Zuko across her stomach, so there was no ambiguity about what she had in mind.

The only question was why? Why would Mai’s best friend (her incredibly attractive best friend) even think of doing something like this with him? She might be playful and flirtatious by nature, but he knew that she valued her friendships above all. He couldn’t imagine her seducing anyone that she knew was already involved with someone else, let alone the husband of her best friend!

“Ty Lee, what are you doing here?” Zuko asked, looking away. He felt guilty at how tempted he was to keep looking at her body in all its glory. “What would Mai say?”

The reminder of her best friend didn’t bring Ty Lee back to her senses, as Zuko had thought it would. She laughed, and it was so unexpected that his head snapped back towards her before she began to speak.

“Whose idea do you think this was, silly?” she said. “It wasn’t until yesterday that Mai realized she forgot your wedding anniversary. Again. For the fifth year in a row. She felt really guilty about it, especially since she knew she wouldn’t even be here to make it up to you. So, she arranged for a very special belated anniversary gift while she’s gone.” She made a point of running her fingers across her collar, and between that and the message written on her stomach, Mai’s ‘present’ was clear.

“Her belated anniversary gift was to let me have sex with you tonight?” Zuko said, shaking his head. It sounded ridiculous to his ears, but he couldn’t ignore what was right in front of him.

“Not exactly, no,” Ty Lee said. “I’m your present, and she’s giving me to you so you can play with me while she’s gone. So, for the next week, you can use me however you want to.”

“Okay, so that explains what Mai was thinking,” he said slowly. This seemed extreme, even for her, but she did have a habit of both forgetting important dates like their anniversary and going out of her way to make up for her mistakes once she realized them. “But what about you, Ty Lee? Do you really want this? What did she have to do to convince you to go along with it?”

Ty Lee giggled. “All she had to do was ask. Actually, I agreed before she even finished asking. I’d do anything for her—or for you.” She grinned at him in that playful way she had so many times before, but it felt completely different given the present circumstances. He felt his cock beginning to react to that look, not to mention her nakedness.

“And I’ve always thought you were hot, Zuko,” she continued. “I never would have made a move, because Mai’s been in love with you forever. But if she’s going to come and ask me to spend a week letting you bend me into whatever position you feel like and fuck me stupid, well, I’m not about to say no.” She cocked her hip and looked into his eyes. “But what about you, Zuko? Your wife’s given you a very special belated anniversary present to play with. Are you going to play with it, or put it back in the box?”

This was a very big thing, but Zuko needed surprisingly little time to think it over. He’d always thought that Ty Lee was very sexy; who wouldn’t? He never would have gone behind Mai’s back, but with his wife having not only given her permission but set the whole thing up, he saw no reason to hesitate. She wasn’t here, but he trusted her decision-making skills as well as the strength of their marriage enough to be confident that nothing that he and Ty Lee did over the next week would do any harm to his relationship with the woman that he loved.

He took a step towards Ty Lee, already beginning to undo his pants. “However I want, you said?”

However you want,” she said, sounding as giddy as Zuko felt as he pulled his pants down his legs. “And my flexibility is just as useful during sex as you might expect it to be. You can use me in all sorts of ways, Fire Lord Zuko. Don’t be afraid to get creative.”

“I’ll keep that in mind,” he said. He could already feel ideas coming to him as he pulled his shirt over his head. Mai was far more passionate and willing to experiment in the bedroom than people would probably have expected her to be given her dour personality, but she was still bound by the same physical limitations that any ordinary person would be. It went without saying that she was nowhere near as flexible as Ty Lee, the former acrobat who Zuko had seen contort her body in a variety of awe-inspiring ways over the years. Knowing that he was seconds away from being able to exploit that flexibility and try out sex positions he would have never been able to dream of attempting with Mai had his head spinning and his cock begging to be freed from its confines.

Once his shirt was gone, Zuko quickly removed his underwear, earning a gasp from Ty Lee that made him grin. It reminded him of Mai’s shock the first time she saw his dick, only he didn’t sense any of the nervousness that had been there back then. Ty Lee’s eyes were wide as she stared at his erection like she couldn’t wait to feel it inside of her. He wouldn’t keep her waiting long. One physically demanding position after another flashed through his head, but in the time it took him to pull his beautiful present into his arms and kiss her hard, he was able to settle on one to start with.

First, he took a moment to enjoy holding Ty Lee in his arms and kissing her, feeling her big breasts squish against his chest when they embraced. She moaned into his mouth and kissed him back eagerly, and her hands explored his body just as his were doing with hers. While he made his way down her back and squeezed her butt cheeks with both hands, she went straight for his cock, stroking his shaft with one hand and rubbing his balls with the other. There was no need to ask her whether she was ready for him to make use of her for the first time, because he could feel her passion as well as her arousal.

They were both panting when he finally broke their kiss. “Time to see how flexible you really are, Ty Lee,” he said, grabbing her ass in both hands and picking her feet up off of the floor. “Mai likes it when I hold her up during sex. But I bet you can spice that up and stretch those legs out, right?”

Ty Lee giggled. “Of course!” She did not disappoint him. While his hands shifted to her thighs to offer a little support, Ty Lee stretched her legs into a full split. That she could do that at all was impressive enough, but the real challenge was her being able to hold it while he fucked her. He would keep her up, but maintaining the split was up to her.

Zuko’s initial thought had been to take it easy on her at first to give her time to settle in, but his plans blew up the instant he slid his cock inside of Ty Lee’s pussy. He wasn’t sure that he could say she felt better than Mai (and even if he could have reached a clear decision between the two in his head, he wasn’t stupid enough to admit it out loud.) But one thing that was readily apparent was how tight she was. Did it have something to do all the exercises and stretches she did? Zuko didn’t know, but he did know that she felt fantastic.

“Now that’s a big dick!” she said, grinning at him and rubbing his shoulders. “Feels nice, Zuko! Does it feel good for you too?”

“Yes,” he grunted. That was putting it mildly. She was so tight that he was surprised it didn’t feel uncomfortable for her to have his cock moving inside of her, but he saw nothing but excitement on her face.

“Then do it faster!” she encouraged him. “I’m here for you to use, and I’m sure you want to use me harder than this!” She wasn’t wrong, but Zuko had a feeling the request was as much for her benefit as it was meant for him. And if she was confident that she could handle it harder even with her legs in a full split in the air, he would trust that confidence and fuck her the way he wanted to.

The smile did leave her face when he sped up and started to drive his cock into her deeper and faster, but it was only because she was too busy moaning ecstatically. Zuko shared that feeling, and also felt deeply impressed at what he was seeing from her. Her spreading her legs out into a full split while he held her up and fucked her was meant to be the challenge, and she had not only met that challenge, she had all but pushed him into taking things up to another level and fucking her harder. Her confidence in her ability to handle it had not been misplaced, because no matter how long he held her up or how hard he fucked her, she did not so much as slip. Her legs never trembled, and he never got the sense that she was struggling to keep up with him. It felt to Zuko like she could have kept this up for as long as she needed to in order to make him happy.

He knew it wouldn’t take long though. The fact was, with how busy Mai had been getting things ready for her trip on top of Zuko’s usual busy schedule, they hadn’t had time to properly enjoy each other’s company for several days prior to her leaving. That meant that he was fairly pent-up to begin with, even before today’s particularly exhausting workload.

And then there was Ty Lee to consider. She felt so tight and wonderful, and seeing her use her flexibility in such an impressive way was a real turn-on. She was incredibly sexy; he’d always thought so, even if he loved and respected Mai too much to show it or say it. But he was free to admire her sexy body all he liked to over this next week, and admire it he would. As sexy as she was, she’d never looked sexier than she did now, wearing her collar and holding her split for him while he fucked her. Her big breasts bounced every time he pushed back into her, and that image paired with the sound of her moaning made for a deadly combination. As much as he wanted to savor the unexpected gift of being able to fuck the sexy, flirty former acrobat for as long as he could, he could feel his control slipping through his fingers long before she showed any signs of not being able to hold her position any longer.

“Zuko!” she gasped. “Oh, yes! Yes, it’s as good as I always thought it would be! No; it’s better!” Zuko shared that feeling, and hearing her express her obvious enjoyment made it even harder for him to hold back. As if to shatter his fragile grip, her moans and cries of pleasure turned into a full-blown shout as she came. Zuko had always found making his lover reach orgasm to be one of the most rewarding things possible in sex, but he had never heard anyone shout her pleasure as openly as Ty Lee did now. For him, it was an irresistible call.

Zuko closed his eyes and groaned as he exploded inside of Ty Lee, unloading days of delayed gratification. He’d been working as hard as ever, and with Mai so busy preparing for her trip to visit her mother, he hadn’t been able to enjoy any sort of release in between his days fulfilling his duties as the Fire Lord. Even their anniversary had passed without him getting to enjoy himself, but as she always did, Mai had found one heck of a way to make it up to him.

What he’d built up in his head as a lonely week without his wife now promised to be a very entertaining week of playing with the present she’d left behind for him.


Zuko’s meeting had been tiring, but he’d made it through easier than usual. Thinking about what awaited him once he was done allowed him to power through the usual tedium surprisingly well.

This was the reward he’d been waiting for. He hadn’t even bothered to get up out of his chair, because he knew that Ty Lee was waiting for the meeting to let out. As soon as everyone else was gone, she’d slipped into the room and come straight to him, just as he’d instructed her to do. She’d dropped the long robe she’d been wearing, showing that she was naked beneath it, and crawled across the floor towards him.

She’d pulled his pants down around his ankles and licked, sucked and stroked him to hardness, not that it had taken long at all to get him ready with how much he’d been looking forward to this throughout his meeting. But she’d had fun showing off her oral skills regardless, and Zuko had sat back and enjoyed the attention.

Soon enough he wanted more than that though, and seeing as the whole idea was that she was his to use how he pleased, he ordered her to take his cock out of her mouth and climb into his lap instead. He gave his sexy present a few seconds to make herself comfortable and wiggle her naked ass against his groin before he moved into action. His arms hooked around her thighs and pushed her legs up in a full nelson grip. While this would have been an intriguing way to fuck her if he’d stopped once he got his hands up near her neck, he wanted to make the most of Ty Lee and her flexibility. He’d had several days with which to not only fuck her but test what she was capable of, and he was fully confident that she would be able to take the full brunt of what he had in mind. Sure enough, he didn’t need to stop at pulling her legs up and getting his hands to her neck. With Ty Lee’s flexibility, she was able to get her feet all the way behind her head.

Once he had her locked in the position that he wanted her, Zuko shifted his hips, got his cock lined up perfectly and pushed it up inside of her. Ty Lee let out a sharp groan at the deep penetration, but Zuko didn’t hesitate. He could tell how aroused she was, not that it was a surprise. Aside from her flexibility and her eagerness to serve him, possibly the biggest thing he’d learned about Ty Lee in the last few days was that she was pretty much always ready to fuck. The woman’s sex drive was all but insatiable!

Ty Lee’s appetite for sex was one more thing Zuko was more than happy to use for his own benefit over her week as his ‘present’, and this fuck in the conference room was something he’d had in mind since that first evening where he’d come back and discovered her waiting for him in his room. Really it was a fantasy he’d always had, but not one he would have ever suggested to Mai. She could be surprisingly adventurous in bed, but not this adventurous.

But Ty Lee had no problem with it, either with the fact that he was fucking her in the conference room right after a meeting or with the seemingly impossible position he’d folded her into. Just as he’d known she would, she gasped and moaned in excitement and pleasure as he began to fuck her in his chair, the same chair in which he’d overseen so many meetings, held numerous negotiations and signed too many documents and proclamations to count.

This was a chair where important business was conducted, but today it was being put to a far more carnal purpose. He could hear it creaking beneath him as he fucked Ty Lee, but that didn’t cause him to pause for even a moment. If the chair wore down or buckled under the pressure, it could always be replaced. An experience like this, pulling his temporary paramour’s feet behind her head while he slammed his cock up into her sex, was something he would hold onto forever.

If anyone had returned to ask the Fire Lord a question they’d forgotten to bring up during the meeting, they would have walked in on quite a sight. Of course, they would have entered already having a pretty damn good idea what they were about to walk in on, because the sounds of fucking they were producing easily traveled beyond the closed door. He could imagine several officials opening the door to watch, especially with how erotic Ty Lee’s moans of pleasure sounded. Honestly, the thought of someone walking in on them didn’t bother Zuko as much as it probably should have.

No one did come though, and it remained just the two of them in the conference room. Zuko had no voyeurs to worry about, and he wasn’t worried about Ty Lee, her ability to handle whatever he dished out or how much she would enjoy having her feet pushed up behind her head while he fucked her in the chair. The past few days had taught him plenty about her, her endurance and her sexual desires, so he was focused on himself. As fun as this was, this chair was not exactly made for fucking. This wasn’t the most comfortable way for him to fuck her, and if he didn’t get up soon his body would probably be sore the next morning.

That need to get up didn’t make him change positions or locations. What it actually did was give him the motivation to fuck her harder and push towards his orgasm faster, and by the time that Ty Lee’s moans were crossing over into the shouts that he’d become familiar with over the last few days and knew meant she was rapidly approaching her climax, he felt the effort born out of his urgency send him racing past her. Zuko knew there was no cause for him to try and hold it back, because as close as Ty Lee already was, feeling his orgasm would easily finish the rest. He grunted and squeezed her thighs tight as he began to cum inside of her, just like he’d been looking forward to doing all meeting long.

As he’d anticipated, Ty Lee’s orgasmic shout was soon to follow. She loved how he fucked her, but he knew by this point that having him cum inside of her was an immense pleasure on its own for her too. Between the thick seed he filled her with and the clear liquid that squirted out of her, in addition to the sweat they’d worked up, they were making quite a mess of the chair.

Questions might be asked. And he couldn’t have cared less.


Tonight was the last night of their allotted week together, and Zuko wanted to make it special.

It seemed entirely possible that this wouldn’t be the last time he got to fuck Ty Lee, because when he closely examined Mai’s recent letter confirming that she would make it home on schedule, that possibility was heavily hinted at. She hadn’t come right out and said it, and you could never be sure with Mai, but he strongly suspected that there would be multiple nights in the future where he would share a bed with his wife and their sexy acrobat friend.

But even if he was right about that, this was still an important night. This was the last night that Ty Lee would serve as Zuko’s belated anniversary present. It was the last night she was obligated to wear the collar and have Property of Fire Lord Zuko written across her belly, and it was the last night of their promised week where her body was his to use however he wished.

He’d already done quite a bit to mark the occasion, and they’d run through several positions he hadn’t gotten to over the course of the week. There were just so many possibilities with Ty Lee and her flexibility that a week was nowhere near enough to try out all of them, but he’d been able to get her into several interesting ones over their final night. He’d had her balance on the floor with one foot while he held her other leg over his shoulder and fucked her, he’d taken her in a modified version of doggy style where she’d supported herself with her hands and done the splits with her legs, and at the start of it all there had even been a mutual oral sex session where she’d sat on his face and bent her body all the way backwards so she could suck his cock upside down.

But later in the night he’d moved to fucking her in his bed, working through several different positions before he found his way into this one. With her on his back, him on top and thrusting into her, it began almost like the most common sex position possible. But naturally it hadn’t remained so standard for long. There was nothing wrong with that conventional position; it was so popular for a reason, after all. But with a girl like Ty Lee in his bed, it only made sense to push it to a different level.

That was how the most commonplace of all sexual positions had transformed into Zuko pushing Ty Lee’s legs up off of the bed and getting his legs higher up on her thighs for deeper penetration. In fairness he’d done positions very similar to this in the past, but Ty Lee’s legs went higher than anyone else’s could. Much, much higher, in fact. He’d pushed her legs up so far that her feet were touching the bed behind her shoulders, and she was effectively bent in half in the middle of his bed.

Zuko’s thrusts did not slow or become less aggressive because she was bent into such a demanding position. Seeing Ty Lee’s ability to contort her body had the exact opposite effect on him. Rather than making him concerned for her, it brought out something rough and wicked in him. It made him want to fuck her as hard as he could, harder than he would ever dare to fuck anyone else, and knowing how much she loved being fucked like this only inflamed that desire. He fucked her so hard that his bed was already showing the signs of being worse for wear. He would have to explain the sagging of the bed to Mai when she got back, but if he was right about her intentions towards Ty Lee, he might just be able to show her. Actions would do the job far better than words anyway.

Thoughts of needing to explain to his wife why they would need to consider getting a new bed were things to be dealt with later though, because tonight wasn’t about the future. Tonight was about ending his week with Ty Lee exactly the way he’d begun it: by using her body for his own satisfaction. These deep, relentless thrusts were exactly how she liked to be fucked, and this compulsion to bend her body into whatever position his mind could dream up before he used her was something she had encouraged all along.

He didn’t need to worry about the continuous clap of flesh meeting flesh being a sign that he was taking her too roughly, because he could hear her moans even above the sounds of skin slapping skin and the bed groaning in protest beneath them. Zuko loved having the freedom to fuck Ty Lee with such ferocity, but she loved it just as much as he did. If anything, the last week had made him think that she just might love being bent in half and fucked by him even more than he loved using her.

Her shouts of climax, so familiar to him by now, seemed to support that possibility when they arrived well before he was ready to join her. But just as her excitement and her flexibility served to excite him and make him fuck her harder, and just as feeling him cum inside of her was such a turn-on for her, listening to her shout as she came hastened his own end. Zuko was in love with Mai, but he was in lust with Ty Lee, and that lust was certainly reciprocated by her. Her shouts of pleasure got him to pound her faster, and Zuko grunted as he gave her everything he had. This would be the last time he fucked her this week, and he wanted the week to end as explosively and as memorably as it had begun.

“Cum, Zuko!” Ty Lee shouted, still riding the wave of her climax. “Cum, cum, cum, cum!”

It had started as a plea and turned into a chant, perfectly timed with his mighty thrusts, and Zuko could not ignore it or fight it off any longer. He answered Ty Lee’s plea and responded to her chant by sheathing his cock fully inside of her tightness one final time and letting out something that sounded like an animal’s growl as he emptied his balls inside of her one final time. Thanks to that letter, he remained hopeful that there would be more opportunities for them to play once his wife was back.

But if it was not to be, at least he’d accomplished his goal and made sure that they went out at a high   point. He didn’t think he’d ever cum this hard or released this much inside of her; not even their first time, when it had been several days between orgasms for him. The time between orgasms could be measured in minutes rather than days this time, but over this last week, Ty Lee had consistently brought out the best in him. He hoped she would continue to get the chance to do so, especially if Mai was to join in too. The possibilities were already massive with Ty Lee and her flexibility, but if Mai was part of the fun too, there were no limits that he could see.

Who knew that Mai’s usual forgetfulness where dates were concerned would lead to something so incredible? He found himself hoping that she would forget their anniversary again next year and made it six years in a row, just to see what she would do to make it up to him after the fact.


Bi Zuko



Always liked Ty Lee hehe. Awesome story. Glad to hear about your situation too.