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Typing this up now while my phone still has battery.

So I'm dealing with a household flood situation, which is obviously taking priority over everything else right now. My internet's also down and I don't know how my PC situation will be looking  once I make it through the other side of this, but one issue at a time.

Anyway, point is, there's effectively no chance I'm getting the poll winning fic done today, and right now I really can't say when it'll happen (but obviously it's going to be my priority when I'm able to write.)

I'll let you guys know more when I can.



Be safe and hope there isn't too much damage


Take care!

Bi Zuko

Wishing you the best, dude

John McCormick

We will see you on the other side with open arms and wagging butts! Be safe and take care of your situation.


Oh jeez!! Be safe 🙏


Blimey, hope you are ok man.