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I haven't really sat down to write up the options for the next chapter thus far, but we'll be looking to progress the plot and determine Robb's next move. I feel like a partial splitting of his forces makes sense, and at least a small part of the army should be sent back North to chase off the Ironborn no matter what. The real question is what Robb's main focus is and where he himself goes. Right now I would figure the options would be: 

-He goes North to make sure that his homeland is safe, leading a group led up of some of the Northmen with him while the rest of the army remains in the south. Perhaps this could include Robb going to the Twins to personally make amends with Walder Frey?

-Robb focuses on securing the surrender of what's left of the Lannisters, presumably by marching on Casterly Rock itself.

-Robb accepts Stannis' offer of a meeting to discuss a potential peace. Peace doesn't seem likely since Stannis won't give up the throne he feels is his and Robb has committed to taking it by marrying Margaery, but it's worth a try.

-Robb refuses to meet with Stannis and prepares to march on King's Landing with the majority of his forces, wanting to strike before Stannis can get too settled in after the Battle of the Blackwater.

That's all I really have thus far. I suppose I could include an option for him to go to Dorne and seek an alliance or at least Dornish neutrality, but him focusing on that right now doesn't seem to make much sense to me. I certainly welcome any feedback or suggestions you guys want to throw out there before I formalize all of this into a poll in June. If you'd like to step away from Robb and see something else that's going on in the world instead, we could do that too. I'm really just trying to figure this out as I go along, so hopefully we can take it in directions that you guys want to see.



I would say secure the west. This Robb if he bothers to ask his wife would be informed what a poor idea trusting a lord with whom he broke his word to keep him safe would be. Plus it is always a bad idea to leave enemies in the rear.


Move south. Holding the capital is a huge symbolic advantage. He also doesn't want to shrink his forces by garrisoning the west before marching on King's landing. It's much easier to secure obedience if you're coming as a crowned king.


He should wipe out the Lannisters. They played the game and they lost. He then prepares to move on stannis and Kings landing. With him having smashed the so called greatest army and general in the kingdoms stannis will at least have to pay attention to him. Whether thats as a friend and ally or as enemies is up for debate. Walden frey can then be dealt with from a postion of strength. If Robb is king by then promising another family member from a royal family should appease the freys and sooth their hurt pride. Also with the Lannisters out of the way and freys placated the red wedding would be a thing of the past.


IMO He should secure the westerlands and wipe out the Lannisters. Maybe keep Cersei as a concubine? Lol


I had Cersei follow through on her plan to poison herself and Tommen when it was clear the Battle of the Blackwater was lost, and Stannis/Davos find them there in the throne room. Only now do I remember that this was a show-specific thing and Tommen was sent to Rosby in the books, but this story sort of borrows elements from both book and show anyway, so I guess it's not too big a deal.


Oh, I suppose I kind of expected Cersei's death to be more memorable. My fault. Anywy, I still believe Robb should take either Casterly Rock or Kings Landing. :)


Personally I think that the chances of Walder pulling a Red Wedding were already basically zero just by virtue of Robb's wife being Margaery Tyrell rather than either the daughter of a very minor house or a random healer. And if there was any chance still, Tywin being dead probably takes care of it.