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Fandom: Teen Titans

Summary: Raven finds something unexpected when taking a walk in the moonlight, and it winds up changing her life forever. (Robin/Starfire/Raven/Blackfire)

Content Warnings/Themes: Aged-up characters, breeding rituals, creampie, impregnation

Patreon Exclusive/Early Access

A/N: With the focus I put on the individual nights for each girl, I wouldn’t have been able to do a full-blown foursome scene at the end there and do it justice without this story growing much longer than the range I try to keep these poll winners in. So you get just a hint of it as sort of an epilogue.

Raven didn’t intentionally walk in on Robin, Starfire and Blackfire while the three of them were sitting naked in a circle and holding hands. Really, she hadn’t. All she’d had on her mind was taking a walk outside and enjoying the moonlight over her. She’d always preferred the nighttime over the day. How was she supposed to know that Robin, his girlfriend and said girlfriend’s sister were going to be sitting out there naked?

She almost spoke up to ask them what the hell they were doing, and she almost turned around and went the other way. But she did neither of those things. She could just make out them chanting faintly, and though she couldn’t tell what they were saying and had no clue what they were doing, she was interested in watching and listening for a little bit longer. Besides, naked people were interesting. Especially these naked people. She’d always thought her tall Tamaranean teammate had been a pretty girl; alien or not, she definitely pulled off the whole princess look. Her older sister pulled it off too, even if there was a darker element to it beyond just her black hair and preference to wear dark clothes (not that she was wearing any clothes at the moment.)

And Robin, well…it was obvious to Raven that he was hot. It had always been obvious to her. But his mutual attraction with Starfire had also been very immediately obvious to Raven as well as to every other member of the team and even some of their enemies, so Raven had always kept her feelings for him strictly friendly. It didn’t matter that he was very cute, or that he understood her better than anyone else did and had always supported her when no one else had. There were times she hadn’t even been willing to support or fight for herself, but Robin’s belief in her had never wavered.

Still, she’d always placed him strictly in the friendship category and perhaps with hints of a sibling bond even. But as she stood there and stared at his dick, erect and poking out from between his legs while he sat in the circle and held the hands of the two Tamaranean sisters, there was a twinge of something deep in Raven’s chest that made her wonder if she should have been a bit more selfish all along.

“Are you just going to stand there and stare at us, Raven?” Blackfire asked suddenly, making Raven jump. Raven stiffened, but didn’t bother trying to run and hide. She’d been busted and there was no point in trying to escape. Besides, she hadn’t done anything wrong. They were the ones sitting around naked under the moonlight.

“You can’t blame a girl for looking,” she said, shrugging her shoulders. “Especially if you’re going to strip down and hang out in the open where anyone can see you.”

“Oh, I wasn’t blaming you,” Blackfire said calmly. “I was just going to say that you could always join us.”

“Yeah, I think that would make sense, actually,” Starfire said, nodding her head. “You and Robin have always been so close, Raven. I don’t know why I didn’t think to invite you to join us in the first place.”

“Join you? You mean you want me to get naked and sit in the circle with you? Sorry, but exhibitionism’s never really been my thing.” There was a growing part of her that thought getting naked and shoving her tits in Robin’s face might not be the worst way to spend her night, but she kept those thoughts private. “What are you three doing, anyway? Telling stories? Singing songs? Working out that whole ‘sorry I tried to ruin your life, sister’ thing?”

“No,” Starfire said, laughing. “We’ve already talked through that. This is a Tamaranean fertility ritual. We’re preparing ourselves so Robin can breed us over the next few days.”

“But we can modify the ritual to include a third woman and a fourth day,” Blackfire said. “If you’re interested, that is.”

“Fertility ritual? Breeding?” Raven couldn’t hide her surprise. She’d thought they just had a whole nudist thing going on, but they were hoping to get pregnant with Robin’s babies? And they were offering her a chance to join them? Raven was floored by all of this. It was just too crazy, and she was seconds away from telling them she would not be taking part in this and had no interest in any fertility ritual. But then her eyes met Robin’s, and he spoke.

“I wouldn’t mind,” he said, looking right at her. “Actually, I’d really like it if you joined us, Raven. This isn’t just going to be a one-time thing. We’re creating something together, the three of us. And somehow you being part of it too just feels…right. Like you were meant to come out here and find us before we could complete it.” He looked away. “But I don’t want to put pressure on you. If you don’t want to do it, that’s fine. But we’ve always—“

“I’m in,” Raven blurted out, cutting him off and making his eyes widen. She’d said it without thinking, but she felt a surprising calm overtake her once she’d said it. He was right. It did feel right. Maybe it didn’t make much sense to jump from viewing him as a friend to agreeing to let him try and impregnate her in the span of about five minutes, but on the other hand, maybe it made perfect sense. He really did understand her better than anyone else, and once she’d seen him naked tonight and was forced to view him as a man rather than as a friend, she didn’t think there was any way to put a lid back on that.

She’d come out here to walk under the moonlight, and she’d instead walked into the middle of a breeding ritual. But as she stripped naked and moved over to sit in the circle, feeling Robin’s eyes admiring her as she did so, she felt like she’d wound up right where she belonged.


It had been an unspoken agreement that Starfire would be up on the first night of the ritual. She was the one with the romantic history with him, so it just seemed to make sense that she would be the first.

Robin had no problem with that whatsoever. He and Starfire had been dancing around each other for so long, and he was happy that they’d finally gotten here.

This wasn’t their first time having sex with each other, but there was something very different in the air as his beautiful girlfriend walked into the room, already naked as per the ritual. There was a purpose to her step and a heat to their kiss that hadn’t ever been there before, and he knew why. They’d already made love a few times, but that hadn’t been anything deeper than two people who cared deeply about each other showing their feelings through physical affection. It had meant a great deal, but not in comparison to tonight. Tonight he picked her up in his arms and carried her over to the bed so he could breed her, and that made all the difference.

He didn’t really need to ask her whether she was ready or not when he gently spread her legs and got into position between them. The entire fertility ritual had been her idea to begin with, and it had also been her idea to bring Blackfire in on it in the name of the future of Tamaran as well as a major step in the rebuilding of her relationship with her sister. There was also pure excitement and not a hint of hesitation in her eyes as he prepared to enter her without any protection and with the fertility ritual in full effect. Still, it just seemed like good manners to be sure.

“Are you ready for this?” he asked. Starfire smiled brightly and gave a gentle nod.

“Yes, Robin,” she whispered. “I’m ready.” She hooked her legs over his hips. “I’ve always been ready for you.”

Robin didn’t need to hear anything more than that. He slid forward and stuck his cock inside of his girlfriend. She moaned right away, and he knew her well enough and had been with her enough times that he could tell the noise was completely genuine. Normally it would have taken at least a little bit longer for her to get this excited and into what they were doing, but he knew that the specifics of this particular time was the cause of her eagerness.

He knew it because he felt the same way. Being inside of Starfire had felt great every single time he’d done it. After feeling an attraction to her for so long and not having the courage to show it, knowing that she felt the same way and feeling her excitement as he made love to her was more gratifying than he would ever be able to say. He told her often how much he loved her, but he doubted he could make her understand just how deep his feelings ran no matter how many times he told her or how hard he worked to show her when they were in bed together.

But maybe he was wrong. Maybe being with her like this would be enough to make her understand just what she meant to him. He knew that he had never felt closer to her than he did now, thrusting his hips forward and pulling back, moving his cock in and out of her after they had initiated the fertility ritual that had been passed down the Tamaranean royal family for generations.

This was for real. This was permanent. They weren’t just having sex or even making love. They were in the process of breeding, of creating a son or daughter that would serve as a constant reminder of their bond and the way that they felt about each other. Sex for the purposes of breeding felt very different than any other type of sex they’d had, and Robin felt it as keenly as Starfire did.

“It feels so good, Robin,” she said through her moans. “So good! I never thought it could, ahh, feel even better than it normally does!”

“I know,” he said, nodding his head before the pleasure made him groan and bury his face in her neck. Making love to Starfire was always great, and she always felt so tight and perfect around him. But she’d never felt this tight or perfect before. He honestly couldn’t say whether it was simply the emotion of the moment and knowing what they were working towards that made him feel such pleasure, or if making her feel tighter around his dick was actually a part of the ritual. The latter didn’t seem impossible. A fertility ritual actively working to make him cum as soon as possible made perfect sense to him.

In the end it really didn’t matter whether Starfire’s pussy feeling like an even more perfect fit for his cock was because of a legitimate physical change or if it was all in his head. What mattered was that every slight movement of his cock inside of her brought him an enormous amount of pleasure, whether he was giving her a deep thrust or even just shifting his hips minutely.

He could tell that she felt the same way, because she had never looked as excited, moaned as passionately or felt as responsive to every single thing that he did than she was tonight. Their love life had already been great, and he wouldn’t have changed a thing about it. But they’d found another level of pleasure with each other tonight, and Robin never wanted to come down from it. He hoped to feel like this with her every night for the rest of their lives. He hoped that he would feel this great every time he made love to his gorgeous princess from now on and more importantly that she would feel this good.

Starfire’s moans got even louder as Robin’s hips sped up and he raced towards the finish that nature seemed to demand of them both, and her legs locked together around his back. Robin continued to thrust away, angling his movement so his cock would brush against her the way that he knew she loved best. The point of the ritual was to impregnate her, and so it was his orgasm that mattered most this time. That didn’t stop him from doing all that he could to take care of her too. If this worked and he got her pregnant tonight, he wanted her to have the best night possible to look back on.

Seeing the way those big green eyes that he loved so much dilate as the pleasure took her let Robin know that he had succeeded, as if her ever-louder moans hadn’t been clue enough. He listened to those moans, he looked down into her ecstatic face, and he felt an overwhelming sense of love for the woman beneath him as he continued to thrust his way closer to the end.

When it finally hit, he couldn’t help but cover her lips with his and kiss her hard. While he filled her with his semen, he did his best to pour all of the passion that he felt for her into his kiss. If this was the moment that he impregnated her, this was how he wanted her to remember it.


“Thank you for letting me get on top, Robin,” Blackfire said. “I’ve always felt more comfortable when I’m in control.” She rocked her hips back and forth, rubbing her pussy lips against the underside of his shaft.

“No problem,” Robin said. It hadn’t been a great surprise to him when she requested that she be allowed to get on top, and he hadn’t seen any issue with letting her have her way. She was the one who would hopefully be impregnated tonight, and he felt she should be able to go for it in whatever manner she felt like. And besides, she looked and felt right at home on top of him like this.

“I’m going to put it in now,” she declared, and Robin just nodded up at her. She’d been sitting on him for a while now, and he was more than ready to have his cock inside of her. She pulled her hips up off of him momentarily so she could reach her hand underneath and grab his cock, and she held him still and straight as she sank back down. This time he went inside of her, and they shared a groan of mutual pleasure as they were joined for the first time.

She began to move, slowly rocking her hips back and forth and wiggling around, moving his cock inside of her. Blackfire seemed more interested in exploring and testing out his cock right now than in fucking him and pushing him hard to make him cum inside of her as quickly as possible, but Robin wouldn’t complain about that. He would fill her with his seed and complete their portion of the ritual sooner or later, and if she wanted to take it slow at first and have some fun with him, he was in. And she didn’t need to rock her hips quickly or bounce on him hard to make him feel good. Much like with Starfire the night before, every slight movement of his cock inside of Blackfire’s tight heat felt exquisite for him. Maybe it was a Tamaranean thing.

“Does it feel good for you?” she asked, smirking playfully and showing that she already knew the answer. She had certainly never lacked for confidence, at least not when he’d known her.

“You feel great,” he answered. “You look great too.” She giggled and threw her hair back, smiling honestly down at him. She was beautiful much like her sister, regardless of their differences. Robin hadn’t had much time to appreciate her beauty for most of the time that he’d known her. It was hard to look at someone like that when they worked so hard to try and sabotage someone you cared about, and even harder to look past when the person they held such hatred for was their younger sister.

The relationship between the royal sisters had long been complicated, to put it mildly, but they were on much better terms now, as evidenced by it actually being Starfire’s idea for her elder sister to be included in the ritual. Robin would never have allowed himself to look at Blackfire in this way if she’d remained Starfire’s enemy, but now he had reasons to be happy for them making up beyond just his girlfriend getting her sister back. Missing out on having Blackfire riding his cock would have been a shame.

What a missed opportunity this would have been became even clearer when she stopped casually moving and exploring the different things she could do and started riding him properly instead. She put her hands on his chest and started to move her body with focus, bouncing up and down steadily. Robin was impressed at how quickly she was able to settle into this pace, knowing that his cock wasn’t exactly the easiest for most women to adjust to. It didn’t throw Blackfire off though. She looked right at home riding his dick even though she’d never taken it before.

Somehow that seemed fitting. This woman was a fighter, as he’d seen the first time he met her. Her sister liked nothing more than having him make love to her, but Blackfire preferring to climb on top and ride him made sense, and so did her skill in doing so. Her body looked strong and sexy both as she drove herself down onto him repeatedly, and the force with which she rode him could be felt in how her butt cheeks smacked against his thighs each time she dropped down onto him.

“Getting close?” she asked, smiling. Her violet eyes watched his face as she rode him, and their knowing glint suggested to him that she again was asking a question that she knew the answer to. She was in complete control of the situation; she knew it and reveled in it. She’d found a way to indulge in her pursuit of power while not coming to blows with her sister again, and Robin felt lucky to provide whatever assistance he could from underneath her.

“Yes,” he acknowledged, “but I’ve been close since you first slid down onto my dick. I was probably close before you slid down onto my dick.” Blackfire laughed merrily, and Robin liked the sight and sound of it. This was true laughter rather than her mocking someone or finding sadistic amusement in the misfortunes of others. She was so much prettier when she wasn’t running around trying to seize power from her sister.

“I like it when a man is honest,” she said. She paused while his cock was fully buried inside of her and cocked her head. “I wonder if you would be honest enough to tell me if I fuck you better than my sister can.”

She stared at Robin for a few seconds as if waiting for an answer, but before he could figure out how to tactfully respond to that question without hopefully either upsetting the powerful princess on his cock or risking that she might use a positive answer to taunt her younger sister, she laughed and shook her head.

“Oh, the look on your face is classic!” she said. “Don’t worry; I don’t seriously expect you to answer that. The sibling rivalry might never go away fully, but we’re not in such a bad place that we need to fight over something like that. I don’t need to prove that I’m better than her, and I don’t need to take you away from her. I just need a piece of you. I need you to impregnate me. And you’re close to doing it, aren’t you? You’re about to cum inside of me, right?”

“Right,” he grunted, nodding tightly. He hadn’t been kidding about being close as soon as he felt his cock slide inside of her. Blackfire felt wonderful around him and the harder she moved and the more confidently she rode him, the more difficult it became for him not to give in. There was just one thing that was keeping him from surrendering to the pleasures of the eldest Tamaranean princess’s pussy working his cock. “But I want to help you get off too.” Blackfire laughed and threw her head back.

“You’re a silly man, Robin,” she said. She took his larger hand between both of hers and gave it a squeeze. “I’m going to get there, believe me. You feel fucking amazing inside of me. And I know that watching you finish is going to get me the rest of the way there.” She let go of his hand and planted hers on top of his chest once again. “So do it, Robin. Give it to me!”

She resumed her swift, hard bounces, only they were even harder and more demanding now than they’d been before. Blackfire was going in for the kill and working hard to finish him off, and this was one time where Robin didn’t need to worry about resisting her. He squeezed her hips and surrendered to her demands, pumping her full of cum and completing their part of the ritual. Starfire had invited her sister to join them in this so they could be pregnant at the same time and thus grow closer than ever, and Robin had just fulfilled his end of the arrangement. With how much cum he gave her along with the ritual bolstering their chances, it seemed highly likely that he was impregnating her then and there.

Blackfire’s confidence in her impending orgasm had not been misplaced, because he wasn’t even finished cumming in her when she came with a loud scream. He’d been able to see for himself how beautiful their former enemy was today, but she’d never looked more beautiful than she did while she threw her head back and screamed in climax.


“Still kind of hard to believe we’re actually about to do this.”

“Are you having second thoughts, Raven?” Robin asked her. “We don’t have to go through with it if you don’t want to.” He dearly hoped that she wouldn’t take him up on that offer, but he did mean it. Raven was too important to him for him to knowingly do anything that might hurt her or drive her away from him, so if she wanted to back out now, he would respect that.

“Don’t even think about it,” she said, shaking her head. “I said it was hard to believe. I didn’t say I don’t want to do it.” He sighed in relief, and she gave him a little grin before turning away and onto her side with her back and ass facing him. He missed seeing her face, but it was hard to feel too disappointed when he saw that round ass sticking out.

“Now how about you come and change our relationship forever? I don’t know about you, but I’ve always liked spooning during sex. Makes me feel closer, you know? And, well, there’s already no one I feel closer to you than you, so it just kind of makes sense, doesn’t it?”

She didn’t have to see him on it, but then she didn’t have to convince him of much of anything. He was about to have sex with a girl that until a few days ago he expected to never be anything more than an extremely close friend; probably his closest. There was a time where he’d thought of her as the sister he never had, but the minute Blackfire had suggested that she join them, it was like puzzle pieces finally clicking into place and things aligning as they were always meant to.

Sliding in behind Raven, lifting one of her legs into the air and angling his cock into position felt like the most natural thing in the world, and it went in so easily when he pushed. Her body accepted him right away, and though there had been no doubts on his part in the first place, there would have been no room left for any now. There was no denying it; Raven’s pussy was made for his cock.

It was hard not to start slamming his hips forward and fucking her as hard as he could right away. He knew that was what his body wanted, because it had found a fertile, willing female waiting to be bred and ready to accept his cock. But Raven wasn’t just any female to Robin. She had been his best friend, was now his lover and would soon be the mother of his children (or one of three mothers, anyway), and he wanted to show her how important she was to him. He wanted to show her that he loved her.

Still, it really was difficult not to just let go and thrust his hips like a madman, because every bit of Raven felt wonderful. Being inside of her was great, of course, but so was putting his hand on her thigh and stroking her smooth skin as she elevated her leg and let her foot dangle in the air. So was rubbing her back and her belly with his other hand, and so was hearing her little sighs and moans of contentment as he slowly rocked back and forth within her. Simply being close to her like this and seeing a side of her he’d never expected to see until a few days ago was a precious gift to Robin.

“Oh, fuck, that feels so good,” she said quietly. She didn’t seem to be as loud in bed as Blackfire or even Starfire, but that didn’t matter to Robin. He didn’t need to hear her scream her head off to know that she was enjoying what he was doing to her. Her little sighs and moans told him plenty, and so did feeling her arm reach behind her to wrap around his neck. “I can’t believe we waited this long to do this.”

Robin was thinking much the same thing. It wasn’t that he regretted falling for and pursuing Starfire, because he didn’t. If anything that decision seemed even better now, because it meant he’d gotten to be with all three beautiful women. But it was more a what if situation. He’d always had feelings for Starfire, and so he’d always labeled Raven as just his very close friend. But what if he hadn’t? Could they have been together like this all along? Could she have always been his lover rather than just his friend?

It was an interesting question, but there didn’t seem to be much point in dwelling on it. Things worked out like they were meant to, and now, after breeding first Starfire and then her elder sister, now he was spooning the girl he’d never given up on. He wouldn’t waste any time worrying about what could potentially have been, and instead he would grab onto and be grateful for the present and the future with her.

The future was exciting to think about, but it was the present that dominated his attention right now. It was difficult to think long-term when you were moving your hips, working your cock and having sex with a beautiful woman for the first time, and sex with Raven more than lived up to the expectations that had built up quickly over the last few days since she’d stumbled in on and then joined their fertility ritual.

He kept to a deliberate pace and Raven didn’t demand anything more, but even with that he still soon felt his orgasm threatening to break through his attempts to control it. By now he felt like the tightness he struggled with and the constantly building need to cum had to be tied into the fertility ritual, and he could tell that he wouldn’t be able to fight against it for too much longer. As much as he would have preferred to just keep spooning Raven and enjoying all of the new changes to their already close relationship, time was running out for him.

“Almost there,” he mumbled, moving his hand around to her breast and giving it a squeeze.

“Yes,” Raven breathed. Her voice was still quiet, but he could hear the passion and anticipation behind it. “Do it, Robin.” He moved his hand down between her legs and applied slight pressure to her clit, and she gasped sharply. “Do it. Breed me.”

No man could ever resist a request like that, especially from a woman like Raven. Robin kissed the back of her neck and continued to rub at her clit while he came inside of his best friend for the first time, but not the last time. They were together now, more than just friends. Raven would be an important part of his life forever, along with Starfire and Blackfire. They were forming their own sort of family.

Everything was exactly as it was supposed to be.


Raven could not have been happier with how things had turned out. She’d gone outside looking to enjoy the moonlight, and instead her life had changed forever in the best way possible. She’d found her happily ever after with the guy who knew her better than anyone, his girlfriend and her sister.

It was a unique relationship they were forming, but Raven wouldn’t have it any other way. They all seemed to be settling in quite well, especially today on what was the final day of the ritual. All three of them had gotten their night alone with him, and tonight they were all coming together. Blackfire was currently recovering after an intense fuck against the wall, and now Raven was taking her turn alongside Starfire. She was sucking on Robin’s balls while Starfire blew him, showcasing their teamwork. Raven had classified Robin as just a friend in her head long ago because she’d seen the attraction between him and Starfire, but now her Tamaranean friend was sharing him with her and even sucking him off with her.

Never in a million years would Raven have ever guessed what she would walk into on that moonlit night, but never in a million years would she change a thing.


Ryan Glotzbach (edited)

Comment edits

2023-01-01 02:47:31 BEST WORK EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2022-05-27 13:47:17 BEST WORK EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!

BEST WORK EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Glad you liked it! (Glad anyone liked it, of course. But it was your prompt, and one you brought several times and always came close before finally winning, so I'm happy that you in particular enjoyed it.)