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The Young Wolf's Journey: Chapter 5 poll (June 2022)

  • Chase off the Ironborn 5
  • Finish the Lannisters 53
  • Meet with Stannis 4
  • March on King's Landing 3
  • 2022-06-01
  • —2022-06-05
  • 65 votes
{'title': "The Young Wolf's Journey: Chapter 5 poll (June 2022)", 'choices': [{'text': 'Chase off the Ironborn', 'votes': 5}, {'text': 'Finish the Lannisters', 'votes': 53}, {'text': 'Meet with Stannis', 'votes': 4}, {'text': "March on King's Landing", 'votes': 3}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2022, 6, 5, 10, 0, 33, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2022, 6, 1, 12, 37, 28, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 65}


With Tywin Lannister dead, where does Robb shift his focus next?

North, to deal with the Ironborn

The Ironborn might not be the biggest threat, and like as not they’ll get back in their ships and return to their islands before his army can actually put them down. Still, Robb cannot ignore the attack on the northern lands that had been his to protect long before he’d married Margaery or become king. He goes North to make sure that his homeland is safe, leading a group made up of many of the Northmen in his army with him while the rest of the army remains south of the Neck to make sure Stannis (and the remnants of the Lannisters) don’t attempt anything while he’s gone.

West, to finish the Lannisters

Randyll Tarly is correct; the Lannisters must be dealt with completely before he can worry about taking King’s Landing. The Lannisters played the game and they lost, and they need to be removed from the board completely before they can be given any time to lick their wounds and recover. Leaving his back to them while looking towards King’s Landing could have the potential for disaster, and even if the Lannisters seem beaten after the death of Tywin and Stannis taking the capital and killing Joffrey, Robb won’t give them the chance to recover or to deal a vengeful blow from the rear. He will allow one of the Northern lords to take some of the Northmen above the Neck and chase the Iron Islanders away, but Robb and the bulk of the army will make for Casterly Rock itself.

Accept Stannis’ offer of a meeting to discuss peace terms

Robb accepts Stannis' offer of a meeting to discuss a potential peace. Peace doesn't seem likely since Stannis won't give up the throne he feels is his and Robb has committed to taking it by marrying Margaery, but it's worth a try. Stannis has also pledged to return Ice, the ancestral greatsword of House Stark which the Lannisters had refused to return after killing his father, plus he’ll bring Sansa with him and let Robb see for himself that she is alive and unharmed. Peace may not be possible, but if he can get Ice back, see Sansa and possibly even negotiate for her freedom, that’s worth trusting the retaking of the North to other capable men in his army and giving the Lannisters some time before he turns his attention back to them.

Go straight for the throne

Loras and Garlan Tyrell might have their own reasons for urging an immediate attack on King’s Landing, but Robb sees wisdom in it. The Lannisters shouldn’t be an imminent threat after the blows they’ve been dealt, and even if Stannis plays at negotiating from a position of strength, he had to suffer great losses in the taking of King’s Landing. Before he can possibly arrange for any enforcements, before his arse can get comfortable on that throne, Robb and his army are going to make the new king fight to try and hold onto it.



Just a note that I'm going to take at least a few days off, possibly closer to a week, so don't expect to see this chapter pop up right away. I will get to it when I resume writing though.