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The "Sasebo slashing also known as the Nevada-tan murder, was the murder of a 12-year-old Japanese schoolgirl, Satomi Mitarai by an 11-year-old female friend who figured she had disrespected on-line.

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NEVADA TAN, Sasebo slashing *GRAPHIC*

On June 1, 2004, a 11-year-old schoolgirl murdered her 12-year-old classmate and best friend Satomi Mitarai in class at Okubo Elementary School in Sasebo. She then left Mitarai's body still choking on her blood and returned to her own classroom, her clothes covered in blood, telling her teacher she had done something bad. After being taken into custody, she was reported to have confessed to the crime, saying "She disrespected me" The Japanese Government put a total blackout on the girls identity, only known as "Girl A" but the web community brought her to celebrity status naming her "Nevada Tan" after the hoodie she was wearing when she committed the murder. Japanese experts say she was influenced by a deadly cocktail of, Horror Movies, on-line game Red Room and watching Handicapped Wrestling that may have desensitised her to others pain and she suffered from Aspergers.



Should I be sad for the obvious mental issues this child has? Or should I be ashamed for wanting to beat the living shit out of her🤔 Fuck her either way. ❤️🤡🎈


Never underestimate the wrath of a female 🤣


Sad I would say born pure evil .


If my daughter did that, I would pretty much be ok with it. Fuck your kid, she disrespected the wrong one.