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Now a little bird told me that Mon (M666) fucking hates the over commercialised Valentine's day and her Birthday has nothing to do with this date so im going to refrain from making any jokes, references  or puns regarding these two events sharing the same day but what I am going to ask you all to do, is smoke em' if yah got em' and take one red hot minute to pay homage to Mon (M666) and last but not least WHATEVER THE FUCK YOU DO .....DON'T MENTION VALENTINES DAY!

Mon (M666) I want to ask what you got up today but Im a bit nervous to poke the pair but please feel free to share with us all what you may have got up to day (non Valentines day related of course)





Try just telling her you love her everyday, and celebrate that- each other and your family. The day you were born is more important than a silly holiday. Start a new tradition for you both. Of course, present her with a thoughtful gift that lasts, and make a point to have two different celebrations. I am not fond of gifts rather actions. Look at it as a double celebration. Do your best to show her you love her, and gifts do not replace love. Book a nice place for dinner, and then have a small bday party for you- doing what you want. Because your bday falls on Vday, you get a birthday week, follow the Vday ritual to keep the peace, and then, plan something fun for the two of you. Invite some friends and have a small dinner party. My Mother was a New Years baby and my Father understood, Happy New Year at 12:01 and them time for birthday. Everyday was Christmas , and my Father was always very generous to her, everyday. . She never complained, and neither did he. He was always one over do it at times, but he didn’t care and just wanted her to feel loved and happy. That is what matters, we all need each other, friends and partners more than ever now., we don’t need to waste time on the small stuff. One NY we made her a special dinner and she cried and was so happy. It is a winner chicken dinner. 😉🎂❤️


Happy belated birthday 🥳


Happy Birthday Mon