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Mamamax is a YOUTUBE Pedophile hunter and NIGHTDOCS is a YT True Crime channel and the others I have no idea who they are till this week but I have some personal insight into this story id like to share no matter if relevant or not and although I for one as Im sure you for two could give two fucks about these little boys playing ROBLOX, making tons of money and calling themselves influencers never the less this is a fascinating little soap opera that I believe is gonna reveal much more then they are letting out as they all rush to do damage control.

This and much more on this yummy episode of GETTING TO KNOW THE DEAD

Enjoy or Not





Didn’t think I’d hear you talking about this one! Colour me intrigued!! Hahaha fuckn night cocks!!! Almost forgot about that silly fuck 😅 Love ya, deadbug!


I actually thought of you when I was doing this haha but yeah , I could not help myself because NIGHTDOCS was messaging saying what a big fan of mine he was and asking advice on how I make my films and how he should do things than he starts a channel and with the help of his amigos gets big and I never hear from him again now he is limping all over twitter I had to tell my story!


Never heard of this guy! Great little bedtime story for later tonight. Thanks Deadbug!


Hahaha he actually LIVED with mama Max and nexpo for awhile. When his channel started doing kinda shit he did a live stream and magically it started with his room being filled with smoke and his fire alarm going off.., and was like omg you guys! I think my house is on fire and ran out… Such a crazy liar! And interestingly enough he did this right after those 2 had moved out randomly and mysteriously and then he stated a fuckn go fund me…. I was like uhhh does no one see that this is totally fake bullshit?


I remember when he was messaging you! Then he tried to steal your style and said “what he does isn’t that hard! I figured it out myself!” I was like uhhh no, you sucked up to deadbug begging him to tell you….


I just got to the part where you are talking about him living there 😅 I didn’t know this next part about them beefing after hahaha. I saw Muta’s video and I saw a bit of the beginning of mamamax ridiculous live streams after he had a bit of a down fall. But this just keeps getting more entertaining. Glad you have covered this cuz I am now invested in this story hearing these new tidbits 😅 Bet you night docs pops back up on discord or something now or hits you up!


This is the most amazing gem to wake up to, holy fuck!! 😂


Hey gorgeous girl!! I miss you so much and hope all is well ❤️


I miss you! And hope you are doing amazing. Let’s catch up soon 🫶


I've never laughed so hard at someone else's misfortunes as I did hearing you read and react to Night Docs' statement. Absolutely hilarious!

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2024-02-08 22:54:42 I just love getting to know you, DeadBug. A lot of food for thought here! Except about the acid immigrant. That whole situation is horrific and was mishandled so egregiously I’m disgusted and anxious for the future
2024-02-08 22:16:56 I just love getting to know you, DeadBug. This was too funny 😂 Except about the acid immigrant. That whole situation is horrific and was mishandled so egregiously I’m disgusted and anxious for the future

I just love getting to know you, DeadBug. This was too funny 😂 Except about the acid immigrant. That whole situation is horrific and was mishandled so egregiously I’m disgusted and anxious for the future


Finally. Fuckin. Here.❤️🤡🎈


Thank You Deadbug! Had a long day at work. Now I have my vodka and Sprite with lime, my tub filling up, my Bluetooth speakers on, my kitty is perched on the edge of the tub (yes, I'm talking about an actual feline), all is quiet in my household, chores are done, family is leaving me alone, and I have an hour of GTKTD to listen to!!!! I am a happy bitch!!! Cheers!


Great stuff as ever, I think all that nonsense you describe used to be called "screaming queens" back in the day .


Jeezus deadbug. When I count my blessings, I count you twice ❤️ I learned about you via jack Luna. I was I instantly hooked. I think it was the metaphor about the worn shoe pattern on the crippled’s leg? Or something equally as dark. If loving you is wrong? I don’t wanna be right ❤️


Hey law don't remember anymore....it's what's now for about 24 hours 🤔


Yeah, I think these pedo hunters aren't much better than the pedos themselves. Hysterical witch hunting bullshit best left in the past. They can destroy people with no proof of wrong doing and that's not right.


Deadbug. Check out Turkey Tom’s you tube vid from about 5 days ago. He tells the story of this loser.