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Also brilliant oh and um fuck you tube But thanks for still posting there so I can share with non patreons


Thanks for sharing DB. Truly tragic. I think the blame land on the shitbag not religion but to each there own


DB are you not mixing up your Jesusdribblingfucknuts ? LDS is Moroms. Jehovehs Witness are a different bunch of throbbers . They're all dead regardless now ...so who cares I guess ?.. ...if only he's been allowed to be gay instead of being forced into a straight marriage..Ain't God great


Doin it right. That was awesome but very sad story. At the end of the day, they were just a bunch of witnesses.


"It's all just a misunderstanding" Yeah, right! Because Jehova's Witnesses don't commit abuse and murder.🤦‍♀️


Fuck. For those tards that cry about how DB shows no empathy for the victims or whatever: db absolutely has empathy for them and shows it through the clips chosen, editing, music, etc, etc… whatever artistic stuff he does to make these joints. I’m sure other in the legion know exactly what I’m saying


Seems these days all you need to do is make a sad face in the thumb nail to con people into thinking you care! They got some chick who looks like a dude applying make up like a tranny and talking to crime and she has millions of subs.


For years people have been saying that DB has no empathy. But they are the wankers that only see what they want to see. If you look back through lots of DBs joints he has aways handled death in a empathetic way. With respect towards the victims. Another great joint DB . 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿😎 LFNL


families that slay together stay together. fuck me. great one


This story has always hit close to home. My mother was raised JW. She made bad choices in men mostly because of their teachings. My step father killed her and himself. Domestic violence runs strong in this organization.


Mormons and JW’s don’t mess around. They take care of their own so to speak.


I remember my aunts coming over to our house when I was younger trying to convince my step mother to join. I was always asked to leave the room they did not appreciate me criticizing them for belonging to a cult like religion.


Da,mn it man!! Fukin hate these assholes who hurt kids!! All we can do is hope he's getting an eternity of ass rape. Still wouldn't be enough!