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The CEO of YouTube, Susan Wojcicki, will be stepping down after nine years at the helm of the world’s largest online video platform, she said in a blog post on Thursday.

“Today, after nearly 25 years here, I’ve decided to step back from my role as the head of YouTube and start a new chapter focused on my family, health and personal projects I’m passionate about,” said Wojcicki.

 one of the most dishonest and treacherous  tech executives in history is gone, Wojcicki will be remembered for destroying YOUTUBE!

Shortly after Google co-founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin incorporated their search engine into a business in 1998, Wojcicki rented the garage of her Menlo Park, California, home to them for $1,700 a month WHAT A FUCKING GREAT WAY TO CHOOSE SOMEONE TO RUN A COMPANY!





fuck this bitch.. im now part of Deadbugs inner scrotum.!!!!! hello all.. i love you. - anyway: this mook will join the World Eco Forum or something in that vein.. (i think).. the scot prime minister just geared herself up to do the same by implementing gender whims and fucked off.. .. these people are pure sociopaths.. they dont kill, but the they suck you off while you arent looking and then expect a huge thanks.. they dont laugh, they cackle.. they dont talk to you, they tell you.. haha. at least they work in obvious ways. peace to all the wonderful people that love deadbug . tom




Should we expect a big DeadBug comeback??


Funny how the tribe likes to control the media ...


i have a feeling we just jumped on the best ship out of a dead model of mind coddling and youtube will change for the better . but who cares? deadbug didnt go away to come back just made a very smart time saver move:) and hello to you


Lol makes ya wanna to rent a room out to only nerds with laptop in there hand. I Might get lucky and end up running google lol


Smug leftist Loopy Cunt...


Well hopfully she dint get all wicked Jim Jones bitch of the west and have trained a bunch of up and coming thirsty demonic winged monkey proteges CEO'S that drank her kool aid that hard wired there minds to were they continue the way she runs things & make even more restrictions more Red Tape. They normally pick the best minion who makes the most profit $$ that plays the best follow the leader,Monkey See Monkey Do! Who she having take over? Are they guna be ever worse? Will she be lesser of two evils in the end? These things tend to get even worse just wene ya think they can't and end up being bought out buy Elon Musk or Zuckerberg I'd let the smoke settle before we all celebrate to early... jus saying


Just so she can bring in a disgustingly, smarmy piece of ass like her own to make things 10 times worse...Just watch and see....


Figures. Biden hires his administration based on race and gender with no experience necessary. His latest choice to head the FAA is a black guy who can't fly a plane and oversees the parking lot and giftshops at some airport! Planes would be falling outta the skies under his lack of leadership, but he's not White so that's what's important to the lefties.


A garage for 1700--25 yrs ago!! After that I wouldn't have given her anything but the finger------------She was probably lettin'em spitroast her in that garage,ya know most of the most Publicly conscious Fucks are all but that in their real lives . Oh how would we manage without them looking over us. DING DONG !


yeah, do you get the feeling were being fed a line of shit on this?


Unfortunately, I doubt it will get better. When one woke puppet falls, another woke tyrant takes its place.