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On this day in 1993 Toddler James Bulger was brutally murdered by to 10 year olds.


(No title)


James Herington

Now, those two disgusting pieces of garbage are out and free to do what they want. The justice system is so flawed, makes me sick. May James Bulger rest in peace


The only things that came to mind were the food chain, and survival of the fittest. Hey! I found a 24/7 Dateline channel on Pluto TV. I’m watching some of them, looking to see any Bugisms.


The first time I ever heard this story was when I watched it on your channel DB. It's a story that will always haunt me, it left me feeling heartbroken every time I thought of what that precious little boy had to go through. There's something in the way you tell a story that makes it all the more moving and heart wrenching...


Every time I've hear this story I cry. It is sad in so many ways, for the precious baby and what he went through. And the fact that they were allowed to reoffend because of the injustice.


Fuckin brutal. Those kids that murdered that baby should have a death sentences hanging over their heads and the kiddie porn peddler should’ve been sent to the abyss after his first offense


Their real names were found out and publicized and then they were changed again. It's a crime in the UK to speak their current names which is complete BS. Fucking UK.


There’s a polish movie about this, available on TUBI that’s equally brutal, titled PLAYGROUND. It’s absolutely devastating. It shows the life of three kids on the last day of school before summer and follows them throughout the day. Insanely realistic.


This story still gets to me. So fucking pathetic how perpetrators have more rights than the victims. Such a brutal way for a child to go.


What happened to James Bulger was disgusting but our justice system seriously let down James family and have done ever since. They should never have been given new identities, they never had to face the consequences of what they’ve done, makes me so angry 😡 I still can’t get my head around how two 10 year olds even thought of the things they did to James!


What a sad story. Great work! But god damn!


I understand not killing the “kids” . At that age it’s gotta be hard to sentence. but when a kid turns into a adult that’s a… kiddo porn…… off that scab of humanity!


Fuckin a brother. Once puberty has played out all bets are off, off to the abyss for those fuckers.


One already sent back for being a nonce if I remember right


Do you think other child killers like Mary Bell should not have been given a new identity as well? Or is it just this case alone that makes you feel this way?


That bought tears to my eyes,it's still as raw today as it was back then..how does any parent even begin to process something so brutal,that has happened to their baby,my heart truly goes out to any parent or loved one that has had a child murdered.. As for those scum bags,fuck them,why should they be protected,it's FUCKED up.. As always Deadbug brilliant..


This one always gets to me,i always get emotional any time I hear James name,all I picture is James & those two pieces of shit walking away with the young child James.. What they done to James,well I can't put it into words..How Denise managed to live on after that I will never ever know,i believe at first she lived just to see her babies killers..But she didn't attend all of the court hearings or whatever you call them did she??,I'm not knocking her,blimey I don't know how she managed to function every day,how she found the strength or will to want to live each & every day,i can't say a bad word about this amazing woman,i just,i want to say admire,but that's wrong,i just admire her will to fight through each day,how did Denise get out of bed,get dressed,and do what she had to do,i will never know..