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Not much of a fan of these sorta things but the guy said some kinds words lol, go check it out and say hi..... and yeah I know.... be nice!




I was just getting my pitchfork ready to skewer someone, but this is a pleasant surprise! That's really nice 🥰


It was a good review. Hopefully more to follow.


I agree. Ol boy seems like a character. Helps exposure DB. Glad you shared.


if only this guy was Joe Rogan.


Yeah Im going to go out on a limb here and say this review will bring me nothing lol


Not what I was expecting. Was in the mood to skewer somebody, but he didn't need skewered. World must be ending. Somebody who actually had something nice to say for a change.


That's pretty cool! It's nice to hear you get a shout out sometimes! Even if itcwas from a small channel.


Hah! Watched that and thought “Cool, good job dude”, was going to post the same in comments and for some godforsaken reason, just happened to notice, Rob Gavagin- I mean Rob Dike short showed up in my recommendeds. I lost my breakfast


I would have never found this without you, Deadbug. Uh, thanks? Lol. Of course he gave you a good review! Your description of your channel actually lives up to its name.


The reviewer guy gave a positive review, but it figures that someone makes a video about you and there are zero joints of yours in the recommendations.


I'm leaving so I can follow this dude. The guys got more lice than he has followers, I feel for him


nice that he got all dressed up in his best bathrobe to review you! he looks like he's just got out of paedo rehab


I'll take what I can get these days, Ive had big channels rip me off and tell me in private they are my biggest fan yet wont mention me on their channel!


its still good to get this.. even if someone looks like a beadbugs ballsack.. its a review all the same .. well deserved


i told him ..'''try finding a better true crime and generally brilliantly talented youtuber.. its like trying to find a brown m n m in a pair of retards shitty underwears... become one of his patreons mate... and i aint askin''!


"COUGH" Funny how you came up with that name!