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Put all these fuckers on an island in the middle of nowhere and tell em all C YA LATER..NOT


Imagine, say twenty years ago, someone told this story. No one would have believed it. Crazy. This is the norm today. What's next one wonder.... Great work Mr Dead!❤️


We are thru the looking glass fellow Legion Forever compatriots!!! The illustrious DB leads us thru. 🥳


Crazy days! Thankfully DB makes the insanity entertaining, no matter how grim the subject.


This world leads us to despair int that right mr deadbug sir x


The actual fuck?!?!?


I was actually surprised YouTube put your last video in my feed. Maybe, just maybe someone has a brain there. Hahahaha!!! Who am I kidding!!!


Your moving face thing is looking more and more realistic every time I see it. Love the Planet of the Apes bit. I do the very same thing on a daily basis since living in a “retirement village”. 🙄


I respectfully disagree, this is not the norm. The SJW's and "Activists" are shoving this garbage down our throats in an attempt to make it the norm but they don't have the numbers. Only a person lacking any self-awareness or common sense would think this is a good idea. Any politician who supports these ludacris lies needs voted out immediately. No second chances. That dude played the system and won. Should have never happened. Love you, DB!


What in the name of everything PURE&GRACEFUL in this WORLD,!!? 🌍💥😂(Yeah that's no camel toe ... Mike Tyson tattoo in MAD HOUSE UK some big🐓bulldyke MADNESs alright


DB.... you're the best!


🤡 World 🤡 Honk Honk!


How did they play the system and won? Isla Bryson never had any contact with any female prisoners and was held in segregation until they were assessed by the Scottish Prison Service. At which point they were transferred to a male prison. This is down to legislation that was brought in by the Tory Party in Westminster. This story was used by the Scottish Tory Party in an attempt to remove Sturgeon from her post. While this was going on over 800 police officers were being investigated for crimes against women and children. Not a peep from the Scottish Tories. There are trans women in the English prison system but again the Scottish Tories didn't want to discuss that aspect. Isla Bryson is not a trans woman and tried to play the system and failed.


Fucking Dougie Ross. I'm surprised that cunt can stand upright considering he has no fucking spine.