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Hopefully this works if it does help others who it doesn't work for.

Thank you



(No title)



the truth realy is stranger


Worked fine for me, too. Well done, DB. Thank you for all you do! 🙏🏻


Shit won't change til it happens to their family or loved ones 🖕🏼em ALL


This is fucked! Ok love you deadbug! This should be a main stream story. Also, fuck yes with Kent and Jack!


Love ya deadbug 🥰


DB, i'm English and this never made national news...that's all state controlled but thanks so much for highlighting just what a shithole London is these days and i hope your followers can see that and if they visit then don't go to big cites in England, they're all danger zones today thanks to woke leadership.


Wow DeadBug I had no idea what a shitbag that mayor is! You said it! Priorities!!! We have more than our share in the states. It’s too bad these bitch ass elected officials and politicians could care less about the public in large and pander to the few. With a broken legal system and a breaking society! I appreciate that story DB! Wake up people!


Priorities are all fucked around the world. It really has become Escape From NY in many places. What world are we creating for future generations? What kind of world do we normal people have to endure while these loonies burn it to the ground?


Nice one. Shocking case. Londonistan fckd. This guy clearly a pikey.


Fuck this is so messed up! DB I gotta say you always out do yourself when I can’t think you can do better. You do! Keep it up.


Bail reform is unbelievable in the US as well, they just keep getting arrested and then released again immediately so why wouldn’t they keep committing violent crimes? It also makes the police not give a fuck because they feel like why should they risk their lives trying to arrest a violent felon when they are just going to be released by next shift change? Liberals have made it seem like everyone hates police so no one wants to be police anymore, low pay, everyone’s looking to fuck you over, and risking their life’s? Can’t blame em


how the fuck do you make all the archive camera shots look so amazing?? im just amazed at how good you make everything look so good. true fuckin pro. lots of channels use old footage for true crime but it looks terrible. you seem to polish it all up and sweeten everything up so well


anyone can do all that.. its skill mixed with taste bud id say.. i produce music and when i listen to you i can see the layers you add, not just talking quality visuals here its the little edits where no one else would do it..the timing and the vocal effects and it just sends my brain dancing.. you would be an excellent experimental music artist deadbug. and that goormless fred west still as a baby and the 'albino negro' remark. a day doesnt pass where i dont use that thought to lift me out of a slump.. youve inspired me to be more productive. thanks for the time you take to respond its fascinating what you give out


Thanks Dude that is very kind of you to say, in school when editing my films they asked if I was a musician because musicians have a natural ability to edit.... you know the score!


exaaaaacly.. i just did a full 2 hours editing samples . fucked but the brain stays cool if you exercise!! edit it haaard brother