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Greeting LEGION, in this spine tingling episode of Getting To Know The Dead, my former work college Steve makes up his funeral Guacamole dip for the Queens passing, Doctor Time is missing in the mountains and would we respect North Korea's dictator Kim Jung Un more if he had a 80's mullet like Micheal Boltons and wore a leather jacket with tassels Tiger panels on the side?

Remember this PODCAST is part of your 5 a day and could prevent bowel cancer. All knew PATREON's please say hi in the comments section.

Enjoy Or Not





Whether you're a Royalist or not, no one can deny she had a substantial influence on the world during her 70 years on the throne... It really is a sad and scary time with all the major changes going on right now. Your Joint with Dr. Das was great! He was spot on in his analysis with the information he was given, and I hope you guys work together again. And of course, welcome to all new patrons as well as a hello to everyone! Hope everyone is having a great weekend 🤗💕


With regards to the Queen, I'm not glad she's dead, I'm just pretty ambivalent about the whole thing. She was a woman who, through birth, lived a life of such privilege that we can't even imagine. She was also 96 and none of us are immortal. I do agree about when she died. No one visits elderly relatives dressed in funeral attire. You mentioned her funeral and the last time you saw a funeral procession with people throwing flowers etc, you need to check out Diana's procession. That really was a grieving nation. Anyhoo, love your posts and your not giving a fuck attitude. I'm heading back to binging all your previous content.


I'm going to request that when people can't see the videos or content through the app that the post whether they're Android or Apple and which version. I'm just curious as to if there is a connection. If it works in the browser but not the app it might be their phone or tablet and which version of the PATREON app they are running.


If your grandmother said that thing about the devil in your mouth, I guess it’s time I started saying it. My grandson is 17. I can hardly wait to adorn him with that knowledge!


Another great GTKTD. The craziest story out of California this weekend happened in San Carlos Young mother of 2 beheaded by her ex with a samurai sword in mid daylight. She had a restraining order against him too. So shocking and scary how humans behave sometimes


Great interview. Do it again


Do it again!!! Your tone was different, it was noticeable you are still affected by this. Which who wouldn't be?!? The back and forth was so natural. HUGS💋


Thanks for another episode of GTKTD. I really enjoyed the episode you did the other day with the doctor. I worked in a psych hospital for 8 years and then in the mental health field in the community for 6years after that so I am always interested in the mental health angle of serial killers or any killer. I am not super informed on matters pertaining to the British Monarchy, etc... but .... if I had to pick between Diana or Camilla I would have to say Diana seems like she was more pleasant and attractive to be around. King Charles III has a bizarre taste in women or maybe it is really true love. Let's face it .. I'll say it Diana would probably be much more pleasant to look at naked than Camilla in my opinion but .............. the heart wants what the heart wants and if King Charles III wants a woman who looks more like a greatgrandma than a babe that's his problem. I always thought the whole appeal of Lady Diana was a female thing as well. My wife loved her for some strange reason .... but can't stand the rest of the royal family. I will never understand the appeal maybe it has to do with some woman like the fantasy of becoming a princess but waking up next to prince or King Charles III doesn't seem like something most women would want to do. What do I know I am just an American who lives in New England&does not really pay attention to the royal family unless my wife wants to watch a documentary on Lady Diana then I usually watch it along with her especially if we have weed to smoke (hehehe) I say do more videos like the one you did with the doctor. It adds more to your channel than most other true crime outlets have and probably makes it not so boring for you as well. Maybe in the future ask your Patreon members what questions they would like you to ask to make Patreon members feel like they are a part of things, if you are open to doing something like that.


Hey Deadbug + Legion, sorry I haven't been too active on Patreon lately. My last phone had the storage and download speed of a toaster oven. Got a better device and carrier now, ready to dive in and get to know the Dead 🤘🐈‍⬛️


Welcome back! Hope you and the Mrs. are doing well 🥰


Heyloo! New here and a lot I can’t see, gonna try on computer after work😁 Excellent content


Your explanation of the feeling you get when a icon passes is exactly how I feel too. Glad you put it into a words for me. I love you Dead Bug🥰💙


There isn’t another podcast in existence where I literally HOPE the hosts get off topic and stretch out the episode as long as possible. DEADBUG Kent and Jack the GOATS