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If you can't see this, don't suffer in silence and ask below, this is available to all tiers, pure and uncensored.

Enjoy Or Not



(No title)



This is perfect. I'm actually home at the moment. Thank you!


Reviewing the case with Dr. Sohan Das was cool.


I can’t see it


To all those having trouble, there are several things you can try to troubleshoot the issue: ●If you're a new subscriber to Patreon, try logging out and logging back in again to refresh the cache ●Try watching through your internet browser instead of the app: https://www.patreon.com/DEADBUG/posts ●If you're still having issues with Patreon/Vimeo, you should contact Patreon about it so they can look into the issue for you. The more it gets reported, the higher the likelihood it'll get fixed! https://support.patreon.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?ticket_form_id=360000465611 Hope that helps! 🤘❤️


I was able to see it on the Patreon website, but not the app. Just google “Patreon”


That was great, especially your candid questions. Lol!


I was shaken by those lugubrious scenes. It was horrific, repulsive, and spectacular all at the same time. I love the fact that creators collaborate. Great Job!


It’s literally every time and only on Deadbug’s stuff. Never ever have an issue with anything else.


Jay I'm sorry I don't know what to tell you. I never have issues on here... Not here or the other handful of creators I support (and yes, I use the app almost exclusively). I'm just trying to give options to people who are having issues 🤷‍♀️


I love a Deadbug joint that is pure and uncensored. Always


So jay you are telling me that you watch video content with other creators on patreon? Your saying you are unable to listen to my content? Please try to keep things in context, have you talked to patreon on this?


Enjoyed that deadbug. Another great joint. I have covid to thank for getting me into deadbug. I was in bed for 3 weeks, sick as a small hospital and I stumbled upon db. That's nearly 2.5 years ago. Haven't looked back since.


This video was a slam-dunk... Your personality narrating these topics mixed in with a professional shot caller along with uncensored crime pictures and video opens up endless possibilities of great DEADBUG joints... Well played Honky Lips...👍🏻 FAGS,,, Murder and precision ball bearings...🤘🏻


I’m saying I never have a problem listening to, or downloading anything from anyone else. It wasn’t a personal attack on you. I’m just stating the fact that I haven’t been able to watch the last 4 videos you’ve put out. That’s why I said what I said. It was perfectly in the context of me not being able to open your video.


And this is videos included? who do you subscribe to who put up videos you have no problem watch and I will pm them and ask the great secret they have managed to obtain that I have not. Because this is becoming frustrating for me because others can see it in fact I may just stop posting videos because im getting a bit fed up of it and it becoming my daily routine!


I dont see it as an attack ,Im just started to find it very frustrating and disheartening because never have I heard someone tell me what PATREON say when they report it. I just hear "I can't see it" Also I find it impossible to believe this is just happening to me, please don't forget I do this for a living, I do know what im doing.


Jay, did you ever use that link and report it to Patreon? The one or two times I had an issue, they contacted me within 24 hours and let me know what was going on (it was an update glitch). Like I've said before, the more these issues get reported, the quicker Patreon can find a solution for you (and hopefully to a broader range of people having issues). This is an issue with an isolated number of Deadbug's patrons, not everyone, so I'm confident it's not his fault.


Enjoyed the different angle you've used on this story. Interesting what Dr Sohom mentioned about Dobson's massive inferiority complex regarding his intelligence. Thank you for your content DB, awesome stuff. Not sure why IT issues have anything to do with the creators on Patreon. Surely that's either the device you're using or the platform 🤔 ?? Just my 2 cents. Lastly, I loved the Marvel pic on the wall behind Dr Sohom 😃 I want one


I loved this collab the most of all the collabs you've done. I'll definitely head over and sub to the good doctor. Thanks for another amazing joint, deadbug


Vimeo link says they can’t find this video


I know you do it for a living. And I’m not saying it’s something you’re doing. I just made the observation that I have an issue opening most of the Vimeo links. It’s probably a patreon issue and I also understand that it’s disheartening and frustrating. It would drive me absolutely insane if it were happening to me. Another thing is it clearly can’t be something I’m doing because I should just be able to literally touch the link and it opens. I’ve watched every video that I can open that you’ve put out in the last few months. Sometimes I can and sometimes I can’t. It’s obviously affecting more than just one or two people since I’m commenting on a thread where the original comment was saying “to all those having trouble.” I’m not going to reply again because there’s no point in just going back and forth over it. I was simply stating what happens when I try to open the link so you could see that people have issues. If you’d rather us not say anything then that’s fine too. And as far as you not posting here that’s a decision you have to make. We can’t make it for you. I love all your stuff and have been listening and watching on YouTube for years. Way before most people, so please don’t take anything I’m saying the wrong way.


I never said it was Deadbug’s fault. Just stated what happened. I never have a problem listening to or downloading anything from Jack Luna or any TCK. I get that it’s probably a video thing but I still wanted him to know it was happening sometimes. It’s not like I have to do anything difficult or could really even mess it up. All I have to do is touch a link and it opens. Sometimes it doesn’t. Either way I’ve reported it to patreon so we’ll see.


We all know it is a problem Jay and Im sorry it is effecting you, PATREON needs to get their shit together on this it should be a seamless experience and Im sorry you are having issues.


Thanks Jay my frustration lies with PATREON not your good self.