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In 1982 Darlene Prioriello was brutally murdered by David Dobson, to people that I both knew, in this episode of my new series I look into the reasoning such brutal crimes are committed.

Enjoy Or Not





Thank you for this! I loved listening to both of you, and this just made my weekend even better while I run errands!!


I think the doctor was a little wishy washy about his answer to the creep being a serial killer if he didn’t get caught. He was also unclear about him being a psychopath. I’m not a doctor, but I think he had enough features to be a psychopath. Just my two cents.


Always enjoy your collabs! Thanks for all your hard work! 💋


No, I’ll tell him! Don’t cease contact! I think he makes you look like you have more insight.


Phew, he is the only guy whose ever wanted to collaborate, I don’t have many options.


You could go all out commercial and ask Dr. Phil! He’d probably fall over dead, though. Wouldn’t that be sad. 😵‍💫 I believe he has a true crime podcast.


Haha, yeah, I don’t really reach out to people so I guess I will always have to wonder what could have been.


Loved this!


Keep this doc on the payroll just for shits and giggles. I love all the egghead clinical words to tell us what we already know. The fact that you knew him has to give you nightmares DB.


This was great!!!


So, I must admit that I have crossed over to the dark side and have been watching Deadbug on You Tube. Sorry, but that's what you get for turning me into an addict by having such amazing content! And Holy Shit!!! I have NEVER been warned SO MANY times in my life!!! EVERY Fucking video requires at least 3 clicks just to view it. I'm watching this shit (on my tablet, with my bottle of wine, in my bath tub) to relax and have some "me time" not do fucking sit-ups after sweating my ass off outside all day!!!! FUCK YOU TUBE!!!!


It's such a double treat!!! A Video AND a Podcast!!! I mean come on, who else treats us this good??!!


Hello beautiful, hope your doing well. It's nice to hear from you. 🥰


Fucking deadbug! I swear I heard your heart stop when the doc mentioned he could have an inferiority complex from bullying! I could feel the deer in headlights look on your face! So is this the case that altered you into a more “crime” centered journalist? It happened in your formative years after all, is there a deep drive inside ? Would you like some information on extending your car’s warranty? All jokes aside Thanks for sharing! Much love to my man DB !


I enjoyed the joint you did with the good doctor. I know a couple of murder victims and a few murders also, unfortunately. The murders I know I loathed as well long before they committed any acts of violence. I also loathed one of the murder victims as well. It adds another dimension to your work & keeps things fresh and unpredictable. I worked at a psych hospital for 8 years. The majority of the psych doctors I worked with enjoyed smoking weed and just wanted to be considered one of the guys rather than always being called a doctor. Two of the ones I worked with were Grateful Dead Heads and I have a massive bootleg collection of live shows covering dozens of bands including the Dead so I would hook them up with shows they wanted if they respected my input and most of them did.


🖤🖤🖤 Everything you do is gold. 🖤🖤🖤 My dream growing up (and still is) was to be a criminal/forensic psychiatrist, so I loved this joint. I don't think he told you anything about the psychology you didn't already know, though. I could be wrong. Anyway ... Thanks for all the content, once again. 😊 Ps...I was watching a particular medical show a few evenings ago, and paused it to see who tf does the graphics because they're always hilarious, wondering if their work could be seen anywhere else and lo & behold....I think I solved the mystery. 😊 Wasn't disappointed. 😉


Same here, you make my day! You are always so sweet! 🥰