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Ive decided to PREMIER CO-ED KILLERS on YT, if you have never been to a premier it means you can all chat live with each other, see you in exactly two hours.




Pretty cool when I opened the yt app you're right there at the top!! Goes to show how much I watch Deadbug 🤘🏻🤘🏻🤘🏻


Cu later 🤗




Top, bottom, side, as long as its a woman, put me anywhere!


I'll be there!


Oh - and Legion Forever!! 🤘


I never worked at FAGS if u get my drift. N I ain't asking!


Awesome afternoon delight Deadbug!!




Hey DB I was late to the premiere but AWESOME film as always. Thank you for all you do. Now for some entertainment of another kind. The latest vid by Manic Cadence who you suggested to us just posted a new vid called Hammer Boy which was ok. I did notice in his comments section though someone named dark entries saying thank to MC for being their replaceplacement for DB says cuz they were tired of DB's edgelord bigotry. Just thought the LEGION might want to stop thru and hi in our own special legion way!!! Love ya DB and Legion. Y'all are the best!!❄🔥🤣🤗💖


is the coast clear?!? 'cause i'm baaackk!! you sexy muth@fuck@s...😛❤🧡💛💚


Welp(taking earrings out) imma go hurt some feelings🔪☠️🦷


I am actually really impressed by Manic Cadence's answer and his shout out to Deadbug for the influence and love. Fuck that snowflake hater though.


Yeah I thought MC did very well his response to the asshole. I tried to keep from being too nasty as I like MC and don't want to cause MC any problems. Not his fault these assholes do and say what they do. I just wanted Dark entries to know the legion is everywhere and we'll always have DB's back no matter what.👍🏻😎


YaY!! Awesome!! So glad to have you back with us!! If you wanna discord invite email me, even if you hang back to see, it's totally different now 😘 tabbycatt999@gmail.com


I’m like so tempted to watch it here and but then il be on YouTube n thin darn I blooded will have seen it arrrgh decisions decisions


Well I did for about 30 minutes but it involved a court order so....lol


I gave a shout out to Manic Cadence because he came to me, said he liked my stuff and was starting a channel and to me he is a class act and a nice guy, if everyone out there who ripped me off at lease admitted to it it. Lets see if Rob Dyke or Criminally listed ever shout out a new channel when there is nothing in it for them.


It really is funny if you think about it when people say I act tough, how do you act tough when it is just a voice? I could be 5 foot tall wearing a dress, if you perceive me as tough than that comes down to your short comings not anything I'm projecting, some men are intimidated by me, I am cool, I am good looking....sorry..... fucking sue my parents, genetics are a bitch. As for glorifying things, I disagree, I report things, Im an artist, I don't think I ever give the impression death pain or violence are cool, but this comes back to the individual. I say this many times but people like the Rob Dykes and the Criminally Fisted of the world because they can imagine them selves all hanging out, Dyke is fat, not very good looking and what he does is unspectacular and criminally fisted is much of the same.....whereas these idiots know they can never be me and that must be a daunting thought.


And as for getting tired of me , Im really not sure why people need to announce it, ok you got tired, leave, I think the truth usually is more like you pissed me off and I blocked you, or you laughed at all my jokes about everyone else until I made a joke to close to home "Anal Sex" Mums a hooker?" Daddy has been blowing you? Id bet you a bottle of moderately priced red wine this guy shows up every week to dislike my joints, I cause allot of these closet homo's inner struggle, I bet he jerks off at night crying while thinking of me!


DB I think MC handled the comment very well. He let them know in a nice way that you were his inspiration and were the reason he does what he does. This person just needs to leave and say nothing if they're not into your stuff cuz going on another channel to bash you is just bitch behavior. I give MC much credit for letting them know he truly appreciates you and what you do and doesn't appreciate them talking shit about you on his channel. All done is a nice way. Fuck this snowflake I just thought you and the legion might want to melt them a bit. Much love to ya!! You're the shit and they're just jealous they aren't you!! ❄🔥🤗💖


And that's why I love you Doris, thank you. Manic Cadence is a nice young man who shows allot of promise and that's why I helped him. Im sure like most of these channels he will end up with more subs than me, but he admitted I influenced him and like I said, that takes balls, how many other channels rip me off and don't admit it?


I agree DB. At least he can admit you not only influenced him but helped him get started. Like you said at least he has the balls and decency to admit it unlike so many others like CF and Dyke who would never give any credit to anyone but themselves!! It's all good though your channel and Patreon are growing and its such a treat to be part of it. Your the best fuck the rest!!🤗💖


Thank you are certainly one of our popular members here and I am proud to have such strong individuals who have my back. Obviously Im a guys guy but I do love that fact I have allot of woman here who are very strong because and rally together, that is a great feeling.


We got your back always and just think I'm the gristle part of the crew. LOL 😅😂🤣


I know and I love it. Just goes to show how really diverse your audience is and that's so cool!!! Best group of people here and that's very cool!!👏🏻🤗💖