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My weekend rant

If any one wants to go check out Manic Cadences channel and sub here it is and also you'll get to see the bitch comment complaining I'm a bigot!


Enjoy Or Not





" people are idiots " yes indeed! My dad use to say he couldn't stand the human condition and I really didn't understand. However as I get older I understand what he meant. Vietnam may have had something to do with his outlook but now I totally get it. People are fucking stupid, entitled pricks at least the majority. Lol


DB thank you for the amazing shout out. I'm so honored you compared me to your beautiful, wonderful and amazing grandma. That's quite special to me. You know I'll always have your back and support you to the very best of my ability. Sorry it took so long to acknowledged and thank you but I just got finished listening to the entire podcast. A family situation interupted me when I was trying to listen the other day. I'm truly humbled by your shout out and very proud to be a part of your awesome legion. You're the best and I thank you again!! Much love to you & the Legion!!🤗💖👍🏻😎


It's very clear ur playing a character and it's just done for laughs. Man some people they hear a few words they don't like and just decide they know exactly who u are fucking hell man. I dunno what u want but maybe a YouTube video on this, or maybe you think it isn't worth it which is fair.


The longer I live, the more I realize that yes - people are idiots and they keep getting more stupid by the minute. Myself, I'm as smart as I need to be in this life, but there are folks without a clue in places of authority and privilege. What a mess!


Keep doing whatcha do, DB!! We live in a day and age where people are willing to blast anyone and everyone who doesn't agree with them and live by THEIR code of morality. The fucking lefties claim they're all about freedom but that's the last thing they want. These hypocrites only lay off the bootlickers that play ball by their BS rules. If you say anything that even remotely offends someone else, you're on their shit list and the cancel culture cucks take a slug of their soy milk and go on the attack.


I’m only just catching up with this but I just wanted to say that Doris (both of them!) are badass and she rocks! 💋


It’s sad man this world does have a lot of morons 😂


Grouting tiles while listening to GTKTD feels like im on holiday is awesome


That bit in the middle reminds of a chapelle quote "Everything's funny until it happens to you"


Your Gran is the Best..


I'm loving these podcasts I'm just going through them all one after another laughing my head off at your stories. It'd be great if you had a radio phone in chat show you could call it "Shooting the shit with Deadbug" and let us ring in and talk shite for a bit and have a laugh. Keep up the good work pal.


Greg Owen I agree , he's better than Howard Stern.