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I for one hope that world Governments take all these big Tech companies down, enough is enough when they think they are more powerful than the Government. Look at YT, Susan W Dows what she likes and most of it seems illegal how she takes money from everyone, takes down ideas and even anti vaccine or alternative medicines and strikes those who upload.



Hey, hi, hello! I'm Lara and I've been here about a year. I'm not too chatty but comment now and then, especially if I think something is funny, DB is asking for input, or if a troll needs straightening out. I do have a birthday coming, March 31. So yeah, that's me and welcome to all newbies, please make yourself at home. BTW, I'm still waiting on that YT makeup tutorial, DB.


Eh, I posted this under the wrong post....and I'm leaving it here. Hahahaha....


I was here 3 hrs ago and it was just too early to think. It feels exactly the same. A quicksand day is one that sees me floundering, keeping my head above the surface til I can sleep and start over in another reality (hopefully). I enjoy reading your thoughts and wish you all happy times. Or peace of mind!


If there’s trouble down under there will soon be trouble up HERE! Fuck Facebook though, I’d love to see it crumble and fall!


Sadly it’s controlling everything nowadays! I’d like to see it gone for good riddance! See you at the premier 😘


I'm surprised Facebook has lasted as long as it has. Their days are numbered though and this could be the nail on the coffin for them. Good riddance!


if there's trouble down under, you ain't doing something right!! 💋💋 hello gorgeous!


I don't think its so much FB vs the Governments either. There seems to be some kind of unholy alliance between actors with nefarious intentions including big tech governments NGOs - looks like the nightmare is truly upon us, and most people seem to have no idea things are only about to get worse.


I agree, look at Hitler and that whole movement, You had Chamberlin coming back with his Peace in our time statement saying "This Hitler isn't such a bad guy" and then the next minute the world is in turmoil.


"three weeks to flatten the curve" "its only a mask" etc etc... actually scares me. at this point I assuming almost everyone knows they're not going to die of COVID. But they all keep playing along in the hope things get better - and all the while we get more and more restrictions.


I know someone that died of Covid David and the person was 44 but over weight w diabetes.


the restrictions, masks, etc, are what keep the rates down (compared to open season runaway plagues}, and enable hospitals to not be fully overwhelmed. their effectiveness are why so many of us, including me, haven't met anyone who knowingly had it, despite the many, many thousands of deaths its caused in the US and wider. i'm glad to hunker down. the financial drain is what gets me personally.


I'm not disputing it exists, just wondering either what's going to be left if we open up again or if in fact we ever do open up again


I'm not so sure this is the case. Sweden compared to the UK, with two diametrically opposed approaches for instance show almost exactly the same outcomes. If people are not at this point absolutely terrified of the financial / economic implications here, they are not paying attention.


Sweden's first approach: attempting a so-called Herd Immunity was disasterous. With young people walking around un-tested, and un-quarantined if they had or might have Covid, the young (most who didn't know or yet know they were infected): Spread Covid to their parents, grandparents, etc. Many, many older people died. Sweden switched to effective means: like the UK, S. Korea (world's best)... That's the problem with Herd Immunity/anti-masker approaches: It kills the more vulnerable, requires huge numbers of deaths to actually be effective, plus kills younger people who become more exposed.


The most vulnerable are fat diabetics. A study early on determined Covid likes to hide out and make a home in fat. From there it forays out around the body, attacking the respitory system, heart, etc.


An incredible amount of horseshit. I'm not saying it's a Fed post, but it'll do until one gets here.


It is not deadly enough for the actions being taken. Not even 1% of the world populace have or will have died from it. I used to think the US was doing a horrible job (well in the beginning they were out was an absolute shit show and 45 did NOTHING to help the situation. Now I'm like 🤷🏼‍♀️ if you get it, you get it. It's sad that people are dying, but everyday we walk out the door there's a million possibilities we could die from. Driving a car is more dangerous than covid. Should we all stop driving? It's good to be courteous and cautious but we passed that a looonggg time a go. Now it's just a power flex. The government showing us how much power they have over us. But Australia's "if we even have one case we lock down an entire state" has gone beyond ridiculous. It's not the fucking plague and they have better treatments for it now. Plus with how over populated the world is, mother nature finds a way to balance herself out. The rate the populating is growing is unsustainable. I'm more worried about people I love dying from suicide than covid. It is destroying people's mental health and they have the nerve to call it "covid fatigue", we passed fatigue 11 months a go. This is covid crazy, yet you barely hear the news mention mental health and the elevated suicide rate. The toll this shit is taking on all of us plus the huge amount of debt countries are accruing is out of hand. Sorry for the rant. It's been a rough day and I'm starting to lose it because of all this bullshit . Sooooooo frustrating.


gets draining doesn't it? still don't understand how there is one person left who's not finding all of this utterly dystopian at this point


yeah its factually incorrect. The high number of deaths at the start were similar to the UK, NY as they were moving covid positive folk out of hospitals and into care homes. The've never "switched" to more effective means (whatever that means) still no masks, no bullshit


Agreed, I am a proud member of the I dont have a Facebook profile


I'm sick of Facefuck. It's nothing but SJW losers still whining about Trump