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Sent someone over to my channel because it is the sickest, I pinned the remark, seems like a strange thing to make up but if true we could be seeing more of an audience that is our type of people!




Yes, Awesome - with a capital A !! 😎🤘


Great to see, your quality work will overcome them all in the end. 👍


About time, too! Probably off topic (kinda!) but one of the many tarot decks I own is a ‘Dark Carnival’ set of cards.


Wow just heard it was a shout out on a stream. How cool is that?! 💪🏼💀🔥


Oh wow, juggalos are some of the coolest people, they’re very loyal yet wild as hell 😂 I could definitely see juggalos being deadbug fans, for sure. violent J cracks me up, like during his live interview with Chris Hansen about Dhavie Vanity I was dying laughing because he kept saying he was gonna beat the hell out of dhavie and rip off his wig and take it with him and Chris kept saying not to say that and that no one is gonna hurt dhavie for legal reasons and violent j was like “aahahaaaha no seriously tho I’m definitely gonna kick his ass and snatch his wig.” 😂


Are we classed as a gang by The FBI now? 😂


He says he wants you to do a video for them!


Wow!! He really gave you your props!!! Nice fucking nice!!! They want you to do a video for them that's so awesome!!!👍🏻😎✌🏻


That makes up for all the cheese dicks bitching and crying on YT. Fucking awesome, DB!


So freakin cool


Never was much for ICP (actually not at all), but their fans are very dedicated. It could be an important boom for your content.


Yeah I can't say I have any of their C.D's kicking around but I certainly respect what they do and it's nice to get a bit of mainstream love. How are things Charles?


There’s only a few songs from them I like, but I do like this one. Mostly for the lyrics “Ha ha ha ha ha hahaha fuck you.” And can’t forget “I’ll rip your face off and wipe my ass with it.😂. https://youtu.be/8hyMG3b05u0


Fuck the world is a jam off the Jeckel brothers disc. I stab people is on there as well and first time I heard it def put a smile on my face.


Hey, DB! I'm doing okay despite all the shit going on at the moment. Chicago is on lockdown again because of a big spike in covid cases. With that, the forthcoming election, the start of Flu season, and more businesses closing; people are really starting to lose their shit - if they haven't already. I haven't run into anyone who is optimistic that this is going to improve at all anytime soon. I'm just doing my best to insolate myself from all this negativity. It's going to be a long winter.