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This was on their halloween special!


insane clown posse



Wow, Whoop Whoop. I’m a convert Juggalo. Deadbug you’re now at lofty heights, I’m so glad you talented fucker.


That is so soo AWESOME Deadbug!! I'm super happy for you. 😊


That’s what it is ! Nothing compares to DB .


Whoo hoo! Fuck yeah! I hope they do something with DB and DB can make some money finally!


Awesome you are definitely the best crime channel out there and don't use stupid stock photos that some channels use and have nothing to do with the video.


Yeah Michael Alig party Monster thanks, sorry so late but ill with flu. And I saw that documentary on the kid add well you right he does do a bump on the back of his hand, also Alig starts to talk a little too openly about something with the kid and the other guy has to change the subject but how does a little kid know what Ketamine is and how to snort it? Did you see him dancing (stripping) at some gay bar in New York where you've got to be 25 to get in? Unless your a 10 year old drag queen I guess, all these lecherous old guys drooling over him and throwing money on the stage, weird man, how that kid hasn't been taken away is beyond me, I'm sure if it was a 10 year old girl doing that there'd be an almighty shit storm. The Michael Alig might be a good story for DB to do though, it's whacked out.


Nice! That's fucking awesome DeadBug!




That's so bomb! Congratulations! ✌️


This is just splendid, dear Deadbug! I’m delighted for you and as always, I’m so proud of you. I share your videos on my social media as often as I think to do so. Yes, I hope to get a wider audience to you, as you so justly deserve, but also, your films are THAT fucking brilliant and THAT fucking special and THAT fucking MUST SEE; I want EVERYONE to know your work! They’re missing out when they are missing your art. I mean it. 🙌❤️🤜🤛


Patientx, did you watch the documentary or the Hollywood version? I love how you put "The" in front of Michael's name... LMAO. As a former and brief 'club kid' I can tell you he would have acknowledged and appreciated that... Probably too much 😂😂😂🤣🤣😉😉


They have the gathering of the juggalos every year about 60 miles from where i live by cave in rock Illinois but ive never went.... Have thought about it a few times though! Lol

