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A little education lesson on the history of Halloween! 

Enjoy Or Not!






best Halloween? 2020. the whole thing. I even had 12 teeth pulled and am a literal 🎃. good times.


I'm sorry but your comment cracked me up. lol Hope you're feeling better.


Ha, Halloween best memory...you get as old as me and well.... Have to be when me and my gal pals dressed up as KISS and went to a haunted house. We were a lil high and the only ones dressed up to go in. I'm just remember the place we used to go to for munchies was KFC. Ohh nooo, no thank you...Rob Dyke was no friend of mine. (what a scary thot)


I fucking love Halloween 💀🎃😀


My favorite Halloween story! Thank you Deadbug. Monday got a little better!


Well everytime my sister and I went trick or treating we would wear our snow suits under our costumes, as would every other kid. And we all had pillow cases. And on Halloween the school would let us come to school in our costumes and each class would take turns going to every other class and show off our costumes. The funniest time wasn't on Halloween but close. I got a ghost costume and was so excited for Halloween I wanted to wear it everywhere. My mom said I could only wear the top part which looked very similar to a KKK hood. I remember going to my grandmother's house and she made some comment about how she loved my costume but didn't mean as a ghost; she was pretty racist. I remember my mom telling every one I'm a ghost for Halloween, and I thought she just thought I was cute but now I realize as we went from shop to shop she was making sure every one knew I wasn't some KKK recruit. lol I never got the devastation of being told I was too old to trick or treat because when I was about 11 we ended up living in a camp ground and not being able to go anywhere. And then after that stuff like Halloween and Christmas just sucked so I tried to ignore the holidays. And then by the time we had a home and everything was ok again I didn't want to go trick or treating. And by then I was like 14 and too old.


"looks like an extra from the of Planet of The Apes" oh shit I'm howling too funny


I got some fucked up Halloween stories, will share in respect of your fine work Sir :)


no Halloween memories for me cos there is no such thing in Switzerland but years ago in London, on Halloween my kid bro liked to dress up as a monster ( i think he is a fairy and all people who like dressing up are gay 😜 ) that's my Halloween story


Outstanding post Deadbug!! Ah yes the spooky season. Last year was hilarious, when two friends of mine decided to be " cliché ghosts" simple sheet witu eye holes. We planned it so when we got to the club each person would go in 5 minutes after each other and confuse the fuck out of everyone. It went well until one of my ghost friends standing next to me ripped ass. Everyone knew it was us after they heard our voices and my flatulent friend ripped off his sheet to get away from the smell haha. Then my band got on stage and did a cover of misfits Halloween ( Which I dont remember since everyone kept buying me drinks). I proceeded by getting into a sound war with the sound guy because my bass was to loud, he would turn me down, I would turn it up, until a electrical smell was noticed and a very angry sound guy shutting us off. A few fuck yous here and there which ended with with my guitarist ( who was dressed as prince) decking angry sound guy in a frilly purple and lace costume. What a site that was! And from the floor holding his jaw he wimply said " your not getting payed". Best Halloween from what I remember ever. I had to be carried out of there i was so drunk. I played my best show that night from what I'm told lol.


Can we just watch DB watch movies and shows and commentate on them. Thank you.


But first my Holloween story: I have a feeling you and I are around the same age bracket. Are used to dress like Paul Stanley from kiss,And we too would go around the neighborhood with huge pillowcases. Then we will go home change our costumes and empty our pilo


I’m late to this party butMy favorite thing to do after Halloween with my friends was dump all our candy on the table and trade it like we were in a casino…. That’s the lighthearted storyAs an adult my favorite Halloween memory would be when I dressed up like Jason Voorhees and me in a couple of friends when I was senior in high school so I was a little too old for most peoples standards but hey I like candy so I would go to houses say trick-or-treat and when they would say I’m too old I would smash their pumpkins One time one of my friends took a shit in one and he threw it at their garage and to end the night off we broke into an abandoned old Peoples home and just started breaking everything and I mean everything one of my friends fell into a hole in a construction site and I went out there to help him and I saw the rest of our friends were breaking all the lights on each of the levels and it looked like a black snake coming down that was probably my best Halloween memory I don’t share with my kids because I made bad decisions when I was younger but I share it with anybody who has the same kind of sense of humor I do