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He's gone full retard.... you should never go full retard, even when he is doing his sponsor stuff, I dare you to listen to a full 5 minutes.... come on.... I DARE YOU!



It seems, that you are a glutton for (mental) punishment. You read the fucked up crap trolls send your way, you listen to criminally fisted's slop. If you like to be punished just let me bring my collection of whip's over. I'll promise to leave my cane out. I guarantee that you would enjoy it alot more than fisting your brain to sludge. He "cl" has gone full school tard, listening to a book then doing a book report his finale is taking some photos he found online and doing a copy and paste with em. I looked on his main page of picture book report's. That's the only way I can discribe his "work" and he said we are trying to fix the problem with the sound. We. He needs help to sound as a monotone as possible the only change in his voice is at the end of each sentence where he seems to be asking himself a question, like are you still listening? And should I keep talking? He is most people, stupid as hell. Living off the mediocre stupidness of society's lack luster applause. The followers they are the kind of people that support the glue sniffing brain dead homeless transexual Muslim refugees. Did you know that most of the middle eastern population is inbred. Check it out it's for real, family's living far away from other family's creating thousands of years of inbreeding. Just look how they have lived for those thousands of years, they're barely out of the stone age. And only out of it because of their oil which the rest of the world needs or I should say wants. Bringing in the intelligence of the rest of the world. Hell if the state's government choose to be the police of the world which is wrong and Guantanamo bay created dash aka is by imprisoning many of Innocents. Who the rest of the world has to deal with now. If the good old USA's government never fucked with that country dash wouldn't be and they would still be fighting themselves. I'm not sure how I started this novel but I'm on my phone so I'm not about to go back and find out. Oh that's right cl has many he is from the middle east. I am not against muslim's but I sure don't want to wake up to their call to prayer. If it ever came to that I do not believe I would be able to stop myself from doing some terrible thing I've often wished I could dose all the adults in the world at the same time but I don't think I could ever do anything like that. It's an interesting fantisy, just wondering what would happen to all of the world's city's this ramble has been needing to end for quite some time now and I am slightly tipsy as I drank a good bottle of Pinot noir to myself it's late in the am n I'm gonna fall asleep on the couch by the fire now. Sometimes it's nice to be alone. 🕸️🖤💀🕷️ goodnight


nah hes a fat sweaty white guy who looks like a pedophile, pretty unfortunate looking fellow. Looks like a fat bitch




That's his problem he is an incell!


It sounds like a human voice version of copy & paste.


Never been fucked right so many peoples problems start and stop with sex. He's a sis gendered male transexual. But in 10 min he will be something else. Hey if you can be a guy one min n a wish chick the next. With all of the SJW crap could I be a jap tomorrow because I identify with raw fish eaters J.K maby it's just a funny fucked up sounding good thing to the nicely buzzed me. Fisted brains will quit I have a drunken feeling.


AHHHH! There you go again why Dead Bug Why? Fisted brains is a dangerous incell.


Cormic McCarthy is a Damm good author for real read Blood Meridian it's poetry bloody poetry. I'm still very wary of the sweaty people 🤪I don't trust em. I refuse to get too close.💀🕷️ Bugsey stay away from It. It could be dangerous. Stay away from the sweaty people. 😝


I listened for a few mins, I will never get that time back. His work pretty much sucks. I won't do it again.


I gotta confess guys...first time I clicked a Deadbug video, I was "what the fuck is this shit?" and closed the vid. I thought the accent was too much, I thought it was forced, like TOP15 or Criminally Fisted. Then many months later, someone commented on a video that we should follow Deadbug, and I replied "it's hard to take him seriously with that retarded accent of his" lool 😂 But I still looked up the channel, and clicked one vid, it was the Twitter Killer episode. And I was hooked, and pretty much binge watched the channel + joined Patreon. So I stand corrected


I need to see a fucking Birth Certificate!


Dude, producing in a dark basement? Will be making a video of you soon;)


I stopped watching that channel over a year ago